《fantasy Au Mha x reader》🎶vampire!Deku x reader x werewolf! Bakugou


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I remember when I was younger, Greta my best friend and I would listen to to the archdeacon and his stories of the horrible and terrible monsters that lurked into the night. I was like ever other villager girl, growing up scared and afraid of these monsters. The Ones that scared me the most were the vampire and werewolf, creatures that could hide among the people. Will I was being a shivering scard little girl, Greta started to train under the kingdoms Archdeacon. Wanted to destroy all vile creatures that lurked in the night.

The Greta I knew was a confident, kind and adventures girl when we were young. But over the years as we grew older she became cold, self centered, and extremely prideful. Especially when she burned many monsters at the stake. She became very self righteous and belittled my interests, and would start to talk about herself.

So while she grew distant, I grew to love dancing. So I joined a circus group as a dancer, that was were I meet Katsuki Bakugou. He was a stage hand for the circus, he was............ full of himself. His dream was too become a royal guard and protect the king and the kingdom. But for the most part we stayed out of each others way.

When one night in was putting the last of the boxes away, I saw something lurking in the dark. So i quickly put the boxes in their places and tried to leave, But something tackled me to the ground. As I opened my eyes, i saw him. Bakugou, but he had wolf like ears and tail, his nails were claws, and His eyes glowed a hellish red as they stared down in my E/c eyes. He was a werewolf. I wanted to scream for help but nothing came out.

As I stared into his eyes, I couldn't see any blood lust or malice. I only saw fear, sadness, and pain behind those eyes. For some reason I felt compelled to comfort him, as I reached out and stroked his cheek softly with my thumb. This seemed to calm him till he passed out on me.


After that encounter Katsuki was nicer..... In his own why. He made himself my personal body guard, by almost never leaving my side.

Today was the day of the fools day festival, and today I was going to dance in the town square. I was wearing a long sleeve less red dress costume.


"This costume is too revealing," Katsuki said as he finished helping Y/n into her costume.

"this is the only costume the ring leader gave me," Y/n said with a sigh.

" You know how many creeps that come out today," Katsuki growled.

"But I know you'll keep me safe," Y/n smiled as she gave him a small peck on the check as she left her tent.

Leaving a red faced Bakugou inside the tent. Y/n quickly made her way back stage as she peeked through the curtains. Not to far away was a stall for the Archdeacon and his apprentice to sit and watch the festival. Greta sat by her teacher as she looked over the crowd with a cocky smile. Suddenly everyones attention turned to the stage as the ringleader appeared.

"what a disgusting display, Greta," The Archdeacon sneered at Y/n's performance.

But Greta was to entranced by Y/n's Performance to answer her teacher. As y/n danced and perform she entranced someone else in the crowd. A messy green haired boy stood in awe as his heart fluttered at the sight of Y/n. His face turned cherry red as Y/n hopped of the stage as she got close to Izuku. He stared into her hypnotic E/c eyes as she gave him a tiny peck on the tip of his nose, as steamed shot out of izuku's ears.

Little did she know that she just charmed another creature of the night. Izuku would come around the circus to see Y/n once he figured out a way around Kacchan he would call Katsuki. In turn he would call him Deku. Even so Izuku found a way to be near Y/n and grew close, and eventually he revealed himself to her. A Vampire. It happened on night when Izuku came too her, tired and in pain.


"Y/n I-I need your help," Izuku slured as he fell on his side.

"IZUKU!" Y/n gasped.

"Y/n, stay away from him," Bakugou warned her.

"What's wrong Izuku?" Y/n asked as she helped him stand straight.

"Y/n stay away from that blood sucking Rat!" Bakugou growled.

Y/n turned back to see Izuku open his mouth wide as he tried to bite down on her neck. Before y/n could react Bakugou delivered a powerful punch to Izuku's face.

"Y-your a Vampire," Y/n stuttered as she hide behind Bakugou.

"Y/n please, I-I so Hungry. It hurts," He begged as he hugged his stomach in pain.

Y/n looked at the helpless vampire, her friend as he hunched over in pain. She slowly moved closer to Izuku and revealed a bit of her bare shoulder. Izuku quickly bit down and started to carefully drink just a little bit of her blood.

"T-Thank you Y/n," He said through his gasps.

"Glad to help," she said feeling light headed.

Little did they notice Greta watching from the shadows as her heart shattered into a million peices. With the flames of anger growing she had Y/n arrested and locked away. Telling the people that Y/n is a witch, and is in leagues with the monsters of the night. Who needs to be burned at the stake in two days time.

"Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti

Beatae Mariae semper Virgini

Beato Michaeli archangelo

Sanctis apostolis omnibus sanctis" The Archdeacon chanted in the church.

Greta sang as she watched her teacher from the second floor.

Et tibi Pater

She continued as sat in front of a painting of Maria.

She sneered as Images of Y/n in her costume flashed in her mind.

"Cogitatione "

Greta sang as her heart fluttered in her chest.

Greta spate as she tried to wipe the thoughts from her mind.

Izuku and Bakugou quietly snuck into the prison. taking out the guards wasn't much of a chore.

"Y/n," Izuku called into her cell.

Y/n looked up with a gasp as sees her friends coming to her rescue.

Greta sang in denial as she tries to deceive herself.

"Minister Greta, the witch has escaped," Said a solider.


"She is nowhere in the prison. She's gone," He informed.

"how? Nevermind. Get out You Idiot. I'll find her, i'll find her if i have to burn down the whole kingdom!" She shouted as she made her way up to bell tower.

Greta shouted to the night sky.

Miles away in a moving carriage on the run, inside was Izuku and Y/n as Bakugou pulled the wagon.

"Thank for rescuing me, but shouldn't you guys have made a run for it with out me?" Y/n asked.

"And leave you with that crazy bГ§¡, tch in your dreams," Bakugou said as he stopped to rest.

"We weren't going to leave without you Y/n," Izuku said as he kissed her cheek.

"And weather you like it or not. Your stuck with us," Bakugou smirked as he pulled Y/n close to him.

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