《fantasy Au Mha x reader》💗Fairy!Deku x wingless!Reader x Fairy!Prince!Shouto


Part. 3

"Know your place, servent," She said as she got up and left.

Her handmaidens chuckled and quickly followed their mistress. With a Sigh, she cleaned up the mess and continued with her day. Things like this weren't new to Y/n, fairies and Pixies alike harassed her about being a wingless and powerless fairy. And this wasn't her first time being talked down to by other noble fairies and pixies who felt threatened by Y/n's closeness to those of high standing, like Izuku or Shouto. Yet there's nothing she could do to stop them.


Lately, The umbra has been getting bolder and bolder, so Izuku has come home later and later. Even coming home with more injuries, to rest and sleep, then back to stand by. To add on more stress The King decided to host a ball/coronation for his son to become king and to find a bride. He isn't sure when but defiantly not too far away.

"How about Lady Iris, She loves the outdoors and the arts, and has a pretty impressive power," Y/n suggested as she looked over the list of girls the king made for Shouto.

"No," Shouto sighed as he sat in his chair, not wanting to go over the list.

"Then Maybe Lady Momo, she's calm, smart, and said to be very beautiful," Y/n said moving down the long list.

"No, and that's enough for today," Shouto said as he got up from his chair.

Y/n started to file away the lists when she felt a cold hand gentle grab her arm. It was Prince Shouto.

"Where did you get these bruises?" He asked softly as he stroked it with his thumb.

"An accident prince Shouto. I fell from one of the vines," Y/n said as she turned to face him.

"Well then, be careful more Y/n. I would hate to see you badly injure yourself," Shouto said as he went back to his studies.

" I'll try prince Shouto," Y/n smiled.


"Izuku has been coming home later and later," Y/n sighed as she sat on the couch waiting for Izuku.

The door suddenly opened revealing a battered and rugged-up Izuku. Y/n quickly ran to him and helped him to his room. She quickly got to work on His wounds.


"How've your bones, not broken are they?" Y/n asked in a shocking matter.

"No, they are fine. But the Umbra has been getting closer and closer to the castle, and-... Hey what happened to your arms, it's bruised. Are you alright?" Izuku asked in a worried tone.

"I simply fell, nothing out of the ordinary Izuku," Y/n said with a small smile.

"It was Maria again wasn't it?" Izuku asked again.

"Yeah, but it's fine," Y/n sighed as she wrapped the lasts of Izuku's wounds.

Even though Izuku may be a higher rank he is still a level under Maria. So he doesn't have any power to stop her. Izuku quickly pulled Y/n into a hug.

"I wish there was more I could do to protect," He sobbed.

"Izuku, as long as you keep the kingdom safe then that's enough for me," Y/n said with her most convincing smile she could muster.

"Anyways the Umbra has been getting closer to the castle? But the Ball is crawling closer now," Y/n said change g the subject.

"Yes, one almost made it into the castle if it weren't for Iida and Kirishima. Are you sure your safe going home alone?" Izuku asked.

"I'll be fine, besides the headmistress put me in charge of decoration for the upcoming ball. She wants the whole Kingdom to shine," Y/n in a sarcastic tone.


So for the next week, I and a small group of nice fairies helped me place giant crystals I made with my magic, all over the kingdom. I wasn't going to leave any dark spots for the Umbra. Mina, Jirou, and Ochaco were a big help in placing the crystals all over the kingdom, even in the castle. Everyone was curious about all the giant crystals, but they liked having the shiny rocks sparkling all over the place. None the wiser or aware of where the rocks came from.

Soon the last night came and the other fairies fled and hide as a horde of umbra stormed their way to the castle. I have one last crystal to put in place for my plan to work. I have to bring my last crystal to the top of the palace.


The Umbra isn't dumb creatures if I were to light up only one side of the kingdom. All the Umbra will attack the darker side with full force. I have to scare all the Umbra all at once, no dark places to retreat to.

I traveled up the large vines that went up the walls of the palace, dragging the large crystal behind me, slowing me down a bit. The climb felt like an eternity as my adrenaline powered body climbed up the walls as fighting ensues all around me. Eventually, I made it to the top slowly setting the crystal in place. Right at the highest point of the castle.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?! You need to hide!" Izuku shouted as he fought an Umbra.

Just as I was about to activate the crystals an Umbra shoot out from nowhere and just barely missed me as I felt many of its teeth cut deep into the skin on my arm. I screamed out in pain as I stumbled back almost falling off the tower.

"Y/N!!" Izuku shouted as he tried to Finish off the Umbra pinning him down.

The Umbria on the tower slithered up the side and was about to pounce on Y/n when suddenly a wall of ice appeared. The person who came to her rescue was Prince Shouto.

"I don't know what you up too but you better make this count," he said as he fought off the Umbra.

Y/n pushed through the pain as she climbed back up to the crystal and placing her hand on its smooth surface. The crystal starts bursting with light leaving no place for darkness, lighting up the entire kingdom in their glow.

The Umbra screech in pain as they quickly slithered far away from the kingdom, but stayed just at the edge of the light's radius.


Fairies and pixies slowly came out of hiding to stare in awe at the glowing crystals. It was almost like the sun's light just suddenly appeared.

"Wow," Mina and Ochaco said in awe.

"Y/n this is amazing," Shouto said as he stared at the beautiful lights.

"Thanks.. p-prince Sh-Shouto," She said weakly as she collapsed. Her body falling off the edge as she free falls from the tower.

"Y/N!!"Shouto Shouts as he quickly took to the air.

He dives down towards y/n's falling form. He pushed his wings to the fastest they could go, but Y/n was just outside his reach. He tries to catch up to her but was caught by a flash of green. Izuku caught her with ease as he slowly landed on the safe ground.

"Y/N! PLEASE JUST OPEN YOUR EYES?!" Suzuki begged as he shook Y/n's unconscious form.

"Someone quickly get recovery girl or Corte," Shouto ordered the guards.


(8 days later)

Y/n's new life as a duchess, her new high rank. After the King learned it was her magic that saved the kingdom, he rewarded her with her new status. Y/n did not expect this, she thought the king would simply thank her with a medal or something small, not make her the second-highest ranked fairy, just under the royal family.

She was not used to having people serving her when she used to be a lowly servant herself. Now her coworkers wait on her, and serve her. Izuku was stationed as her personal guard, which was something she didn't mind. What she didn't like was how many of her noble bullies did a one-eighty and basically just kiss up to her.

But it was the night of Shouto's coronation ball. With the crystals shining brightly the fairies were able to party to nightfall. Every high-ranked Fairy and pixie was dressed to the nines in their fancy dresses. Y/n was also dressed in a fancy dress herself.

(Minus the wings)

She wondered about the ballroom on foot, because even though her statues changed the fact she was still flightless didn't. She could hear the snickering of the nobles high above her, thinking they were far enough that she wouldn't hear them. Some having the audacity to come and try to court her, after some things they whispered about her. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"May I have this dance?" Asked a familiar voice.


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