《Multiple x Reader》Hiccup x Reader 🐲



She wasn't born perfect, no one is. Everyone had faults, like body, face and hair. She was no exception. She had a two more toes on her right foot and missing one on her left that gave her a wonky balance, leaning and ready to run away from whoever was near. Her legs were shaky, and she would trip on her own two feet. There was some excess flaps of skin on her arm which made her look even more awkward. Her large (e/c) eyes would glow with curiosity. And her teeth would be sharp but sink within her gums. Matted hair pressed against her face and knots would be common. Her nails would be long and sharp as it would be a help but also a hassle when it came to climbing. A long and slobbery tongue would help her trip up on her own words. She hated how her body looked whenever she looked into a watery reflection. She was kicked out of her own home when they found out what had happened to her. But with a small chance of luck, she was taken in to a small hut in the middle of nowhere. A witch would care for her, and look after her, like what a mother was supposed to do. She gave her clothes that wouldn't fit her, long black robes. But this witch was no mother. She had plans of her own to sell what she so called a child. And that day, was today.

Readers PoV, 1st person~

Mother was away today. That's what she told me to call her. She was a good mother. Fed me fish, but sometimes, she would keep me tied so that I would stop messing around with the weird colorful bottles she left around. One of them tasted like rats, bleh. She was happy when I came around. She had someone to help her fix her home and someone to help care for her. When she found out I was part dragon, she nearly lost her top. Mother went out with a basket, scratched me behind my ear, tied me up and went off. I have been waiting since. When will she come back, Oh I hope it's soon!

Reader PoV, 3rd person~

After lying around the window waiting ever so patiently, you heard voices in your sharp ears. It was your Mother! But, why was there such loud and bothersome voices with her? Peeking out the window, you saw tall, dark and ugly men with her. To be honest, you were none to judge, but jeez, did they stink! They were talking back with her, back and forth.


"Do ye have what we was promised, Witch?" They said in gruff voices.

"Yes, yes. . . boys. But only if you have the money! No money, no deal." She snarled.

"Fine, here ya go." The men handed her sacks of clittering coins. She checked the bag thoroughly and then tied it shut. With a toothy smile, your Mother smiled wide and took the men inside. You got down from the window and took many steps away from the two burly men. Your mother smiled and called you by her nickname for you. "Now, now, my little Flower. Come here." Hesitantly, you took slow steps to her. "Get over here girl." She yanked you by the hair and pulled your hair. With a howl of surprised, you quickly moved closer. She has never done this before. She smiled to the men, and handed your chains over to them. With wide eyes, you began to struggle against them and howling out words that you were taught long ago by the same woman. "Maaaa! Maaaa! Wherrre?" Your long and sloppy tongue trips over the simplest of words. With a false sad smile, your Mother that was a witch spoke. "Oh, my Flower. If only you knew your value. Take her away." With struggle and many tears, the two men took you away.

Timeskip to night~

It was late at night and both men were asleep like the dead in a small camp. The fire had gone out hours ago, yet you were still awake. You looked around and paced in circles. It was dark, but the stars at night and the moon helped you see. You had tried escaping, but when they were awake. Now that they were asleep, you should be able to get out easier. With as much slobber as you could muster, you drooled blue drool all over the chains. With a few tugs, you slipped your hands out of the chains. You slowly crawled away before a large pop of a branch that cracked under your wait. You didn't hesitate to run. Slowly, your body molded together to transform into a dragon. You could hear the strained breaths behind you. Catching the robes that had torn completely in the running, you stretched the wings on your back. With strong flaps of your light colored wings, you burst off and away, the sounds of cursing far behind. You were free, but you haven't been in this form for years. Struggling to stay up, you headed towards where the sun would slowly start to rise.


Time would pass and before you knew it, the air turned cold. You have been flying in the same direction for weeks, maybe even months. Time was just nothing and everything. It made the leaves change from a greenish-yellow to pure red and then as the leaves hit the ground, a muddy brown. Your white scales at your feet would be muddy and coated with dirt. Suddenly, your heard a growl. You whip your head around to look for the sound, only for it to lead to your stomach. You mentally sighed as you look down for somewhere to land. It was oddly cloudy today, full of fog all over the horizon. Swooping down to a dive, you headed down and out of the clouds. Shaking your head, your blink at what seems to be a sea that you seem to be out of the middle of nowhere. This seem to have caused a lot of problems for you since you were still a sore flier, landing would usually end up with you flopping on the ground. You attempted to catch fish as you carefully dipped your jaw into the water. A struggle and a slap of a fish that knocked your jaw later you almost slipped into the dark water. If you fell in, there would be no way for you to get out. So you headed forward into the sun.

Timeskip, 1st person PoV~

I forgot how long it has been but when I found a patch of ice of the sea, I immediately dove down and nearly slipped off it. Carefully, I lied down and slept. Sure I was hungry, but I was exhausted and needed sleep. Slowly my mind drift off as I heard voices all around me. I slowly blink one eye open, but when I wake up, I immediately fell into the sea. There were two people on the ice patch, as they look over the ice as I struggle to swim upwards. Two people lift me up and water pushed out of my throat. After vomiting water and looking around, I saw a masked person who smelled of dragon and a man. Both just staring at me as I look back at them. The lady takes this chance to leave, the man distracted with me. I flutter my wings to shake the water off getting him and his dragon wet with salt water. He walked around me in circles, confused.

Pov Change

"Toothless. . . you seeing this?" The black dragon, Toothless- followed and flanked him. Eyes wide, you just slowly walked closer to him and sniffed his hand. He smelt like fish, so you licked him. Your long, gecko-like tongue licked his hand, weird blue salvia. "Okay, gross but. . . friendly. Wait. . . what is-" Your saliva glowed blue- healing a small cut on his hand. The man just stared at you as the saliva dissolved with a hiss and turned into mist as you sniffed it and was ready to fly away when he moved his hands down to be careful with your twisted arms with red marks from the chains, which could never heal with all your scratching. "Wait, wait wait- what are you? Do you mind staying? I mean- I want to help you. You look hurt. And you can't seem to. . . heal yourself? You can come with us- promise Toothless doesn't bite?" Toothless flashed his teeth8 real quick, out of his gums in a smile. You nod your head, carefully. Cautiously.

It would be hard to trust again, after all your 'mother' betrayed yours. . . but if you could start one step at a time- it could be perfect.

What a trip! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter- remember you can PM me a request and I'll (probably) do it! Read the Fandoms, it'll help you have some ideas about it!

1534 words

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