《Kageyama x multiple》Everyone x Kageyama (I MEAN IT😹✨❤️)


"Let's play Never have I ever!!" Suga says, everyone nods, (hinata,tsukki, Yamaguchi, kuroo, oikawa, atsume, Iwa-chan) kageyama comes walking down stairs with a over sized hoodie no one knows who's it is, "looks like the sleepy king took his nap" tsukki says, "shut up y'all dinosaur" kageyama says as he walk to the kitchen and makes himself some milk and walks over once he is finished he starts walking over sitting next to kuroo, "Hey~ my hoodie looks nice on you" kuroo says

Everyone look over at him, "huh?...oh it was warm and comfortable so I slept with it...want it back?" Kageyama says as he starts to take it off not wearing anything underneath, "N-No no it's fine leave it on!!" Kuroo yells as he hugs kageyama from behind pulling down his hoodie, "wanna play never have I ever kageyama?!" Hinata yells, kageyama backs away a bit "I-I well...-" "what's wrong king something happen you don't want anyone else to know?~" Tsukkishima says teasing kageyama, He turns a slight red on his cheeks,

"Awwww~ look how cute he is!~" everyone says except for tsukki, "I-nvm" tsukki says, as he pushes up his glasses,"Alright let's start!" Kuroo says as he raps a hand around kageyama and puts his hand up with a big glass bottle of vodka!? "Everytime we did something we will take a sip k?" Kuroo says as he hands everyone a cup with vodka in it

Everyone nods, "I really wanna know what you have done tobio-chan someone as cute as you shouldn't be acting like a hoe-AK!~" iwazumi slaps oikawa in the back of the head "shut shittykawa stop being mean to tobio" iwazumi says as he smiles at kageyama, kageyama blinks and give him a small smile


"Alright lets start!" Suga says, "N have I E, kissed someone in this room?" Suga, tsukki and kageyama take a sip, "JWHSHSJDHSHSHSHHSSHSHHS OH!??~" Tanaka says everyone look over at kageyama suga and tsukki, "H-" "don't even ask" tsukki says, "Y-" "No" suga says, "have-" "Mhm!" Kageyama tells them, they all gasp "HAHHSHSHSJSSHSHSHSV"

"HEY! HEY! HEY! Let's continue!" Bokuto yells, never have I ever fell asleep in a strangers bed" Bokuto and kageyama take a sip, everyone looks at kageyama, "is your asking or thinking no we did not, I was sleepy I didn't wanna be there"kageyama says, "tsk~" tsukki chuckled

"S-Shut up tsukki!! You also fell asleep somewhere!! OH Remember when Me and You sleeped in m-" tsukki pulls kageyama by the hand to him and covers his mouth, "shhhhhhhh shut UP!" Tsukki says as he sits kageyama in his lap and covers his mouth "what did he sa-" "nothing" Tsukkishima said to suga

"Okay! Never have I ever had a threesome!-" Tanaka said suga glares at him, kuroo and Bokuto took a sip kageyama taking Tsukkishima's cup and drinking it, everyone looked at kageyama "👁👄👁" "did-" "mhm" kageyama said to suga

"Suga:👁💧👄💧👁" "let's play truth or dare!!!!" Tamaka yelled everyone nodded "Alright I dare someone to dance" Hinata noya and Tanaka took a sip, "TANAKA DANCE!" Kageyama yelled "aight bet"Tanaka begins to dance everyone starts to laugh but kageyama sits there like "👁👄👁"

"Alright I dare someone to wear a maid outfit" kageyama takes a sip of his drink "more" kageyama says to kuroo, everyone just stares at him, "I-" "Do the Dare!!" Kuroo and Bokuto scream!!! Kageyama gets up "sure what is it?" He asked "wear a maid outfit~" Hinata says as he touched kageyama's waist and hands him a maid dress


Kageyama blushes a bit and takes it going to the restroom to change, he comes out with a maid dress that is short over his thighs leg highs, "Woooooooooo!!~" "suddenly I'm bi" nishinoya and Tanaka say

(Smexy as mf🧐🥵)

"I dare kageyama to kiss someone"Â everyone looks at him "me! me! Me!" Is all u hear, "Kageyama spin around and who ever it lands on you have to give them a kiss and stay on there lap for the rest of the game, kageyama blushes "f-fine!" "Ah is the kind scared?" "No!" Kageyama says as he spins and stops "I'm sure he I-" tsukkishima freezes,

"I-" kageyama opens his eyes and looks at tsukkishima, "what the fuuuuuuck~" kageyama shrugging and walks over to tsukishima, "hold I-MPHF"

Kageyama getting on top of tsukkishima lap and kisses him tsukki holding him by the thighs," come on let us have some tobio-chan time to" oikawa says as he pulls kageyama off of tsukki

"THATS IT WE ALL WILL HAVE THREESOMES WITH KAGEYAMA" someone yells "👁👄👁 Chile I-" Tanaka and noya say, "I'm sorry but not me" noya daichi suga and Tanaka say, "Ayyyy more for us huh~"Kuroo says as he taps Bokuto "oya?" "Oya oya?" "Wait what?" Kageyama says

"You heard king" tsukkishima says

➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ALright so comment some ships like threesomes that involves kageyama as a bottom okay kageyama will stay a bottom in my book😃 help I really need to know some someone x kageyama or someone x someone x kageyama 😃

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