《Kageyama x multiple》Kuroo x Kageyama



I look around and my eyes lay and stay on the setter. On his beautiful blue eyes. The way his hair swayed from side to side while me sets and spikes. His body and his hips show curves. Curves you'll most likely see a girl have instead of a boy. His thighs also how much I would live to trail my hands up and up all the way to his lips. I wonder if he would enj- "Kuroo?? HELLO?!?" Someone says

"A-Ah! Hinata, bokuto!" I say a bit surprised. "Your staring at kageyama a little to much don't you think?" Hinata says with a fake smile. I can tell he annoyed. "Ah? Really?" I say "is it obvious?"

I ask them. They both shake there heads and I sigh "make your move bro!!" Bokuto says as he pulls me up. "I-I" he smiles "go on kuroo you scary cat" he says as he pushes me onto the court. Kageyama turns his attention to me I smile and wave my hand.

He starts to walk over to me as I start to back away a bit bokuto pushes me forward agian "go!" He says and he walks back to hinata

"I-" "hey kuroo can you block my spikes for me as a practice for my hand strength?" Kageyama says as he look up at me. I look down at him as his blue eyes land onto mine. I gulp and nod my head. "Sure why not."

I say as I grab the ball from his hands making our hands touch a bit. We get into position "you ready?" I yell. He looks the other way and I ignore it "hello!?" I yell. He still looks around. I start to get annoyed and just spike the ball to him. He looks at the ball heading to him at a high speed


His eyes widened and so do mine . I didn't mean to spike it that hard!! I say in my mind. "KAGEYAMA WATCH OU-" "TSUKKI!!" Kageyama yells. "Wha?-" the ball heads straight to tsukishima and hits him him causing him to slam into kageyama.

Both of them fall down. I run towards them "kageyama!?! Hey? KAGEYAMA!?!" I yell again "o-ow..." he says "here grab my han-" "wait!" He says "Tsukki? Hey? Tsukki?!?" He says as he lays tsukki on his lap his head resting softly. I look around to see everyone has already taken there leave.

"A-ow..." tsukki says. "Are you okay?!" Kageyama asked "yeah yeah I'm fine" he says. "Sorr-" "wait-what's this." Tsukishima asked as red liquid comes out from both of there noses. "You two are bleeding from your nose" I say that's fine with me" kageyama says as he helps tsukki up.

"I'll put paper in my nose I'm fine" kageyama look at Tsukishima with worried eyes "I'm fine king" he says as he pats kageyama on the head. I start to get jealous and take kageyamas hands hold them against my chest and pull his face close.

"Well I'll leave. Don't be to

Loud." Tsukishima says as he walks out putting pap in his nose. I look at kageyama and he starts to blush a bit. "Hey." I say as kageyama looks up quickly. I see his nose still bleeding. "K-kuro-" I kiss his lips gently and lick off the blood from his nose. "N-ngh~"

"A-Ah I'm sorry I didn't mea-" I get cut off as kageyama kisses my lips and raps his hands around my neck. I rap my hands around his waist and pull him closer. I smirk "this will be fun" I say as I pull apart from him

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨part 2 will come tomorrow😭✨❤️😔

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