《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 24: The Encounter of the Villain


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

= Finisher and Weapon sound



Shigaraki had just met Toga and Dabi

"Kurogiri gets rid of these two, I can already tell they're exactly the kind of trash I hate, a brat, and a guy with no manners." Shigaraki demanded his partner.

"Now now, Tomura Shigaraki, they came all this way, the least we can do is hear them out, give them a chance, besides this broker is respected in the underworld, their bound to be valuable assets." Kurogiri suggested.

"Like them or not you still owe me a finders fee, in cash." Giran reminded

"I suppose I should introduce the two of them before I go." He points to Toga "This one looks like an adorable high school girl right, she's actually the suspect in a series of deaths where the victims all bled out, so far her name and face have been kept out of the media." Giran introduced

"Toga here, Himiko Toga, life is too hard I just wanna make it easier to live in this dumb world, I wanna be Mr. Stainy, I wanna kill Mr. Stainy, come on handyman please let me join your League of Villains!" Toga pleaded.

"You gotta be kidding me, is she crazy?" Shigaraki asked.

"Well, she can hold a conversation for the most part at least, c'mon she could be useful." Giran pleaded

"And this guy is hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he's taken Stain's Ideology to heart." Giran explained

"I don't like this, is your group really dedicated to the Hero Killer's mission, I can't imagine you are if your letting this little psycho join you." Dabi accused

"Grow up, she may be a psycho but at least she knows how to introduce herself to people, doesn't just stare, what's your name." Shigaraki demanded

"Right now I'm going by Dabi." he introduced

"No, I want to know your real name?" Shigaraki requested

"I'll tell you when you need to know it." Dabi refused and continues "In any case, my new purpose is to carry out the Hero Killers will." Dabi informed.

"That wasn't what I asked you patchwork, Jee why is everyone so hung up on Stain, he's all I ever hear about." Shigaraki said as he stands up.

"No don't do it." Kurogiri told him to stop but he didn't listen.

"Everyday damn day, it's really pissing me off." Shigaraki said aggravated while Kurogiri asked him to stop

Toga and Dabi became triggered

"You two are done." Shigaraki yelled as three attacked each other with hands and a knife, only to be interfered with by Kurogiri.

"Please calm yourself Tomura Shigaraki, if your desire is to be realized then we must increase our numbers, now that we're in the spotlight our chance is at hand, I advise you to be more accepting, you must use them, and the Ideology Stain has left behind." Kurogiri advised and let's go of him and the other two.

"I'm out of here." Shigaraki said as he walked out the door

"Where are you off too?" Giran asked

"Shut up!" Shigaraki replied rudely as he slammed the door

"I try to make it a point not to complain about the client, but he's too young and far more immature." Giran stated.

"Really thought he was gonna kill us for a sec." Toga believed

"That guy makes me wanna vomit." Dabi said in disgust.


"Shall we get back to you about recruitment at a later date, I believe our leader knows what he has to do, that's why he las he did, he understands his circumstances, All Might, then the Hero Killer, he's been humble twice very recently, I'm sure he will bring you an answer, one that will satisfy the both of you as well as his own desire" Kurogiri explained as Shigaraki walked down the hallway.

Izuku and Parad are sleeping peacefully in the room while they're sleeping Izuku keeps moving his head from side to side and begins to dreaming about something.

He opens his eye and stood up and a few seconds later he was shocked by the places everything was dark and full of fog.

"Where the heck am I, and why is everything is so foggy?" Izuku asked himself until suddenly he heard voices in every corner.

"Danger is coming for you." The mysterious voice told him causing Izuku to turn around.

'That voice...' Izuku thought and remembers the voice back at the USJ 'That's the same voice that told me to use Dragon Knight Hunter Z.'

"Danger is coming for you Midoriya Izuku." The mysterious voice repeats.

"Who are you show yourself what do you mean by danger is coming for me?" Izuku asked him until suddenly a dragon-like person went right behind him he then turned and was shocked again.

"Who are you?" Izuku asked again.

"I'll introduce my name later, now I must tell you that you are in grave danger when you go to the camp you have to prepare yourself." The dragon-like person told him.

"The camp what happened at the camp?" Izuku asked till suddenly everything on every side is beginning to fade away including the dragon-like person.

"Crap, (sigh) looks like is times up." The dragon-like person said as he then leaves.

"Hey wait a sec-" Izuku got caught off as he then woke up from his dream hearing his alarm clock noises he then began panting as he placed his hand on his face.

'What was that a dream, and what does he mean by danger is coming at the camp...' Izuku thought.

Eijiro, Sato, Denki, and Mina looked down sad

"Everyone... we look forward to... hearing your stories from the training camp." Mina said

"You never know, there might be a surprise ending." Tenya said

"Stop it, Iida. It's won't happen if you say it." Sero said

"I can't believe we fail." Denki said

"I can since you guys couldn't see your weakness." Izuku said

"What do you mean?" Mina asked

Izuku raise his hand and point at Eijiro and Sato

"Kirishima and Sato you two failed because you thought Cementoss is not agile but he could stop you from reaching him not to mention while his Cementoss have no limit you do and because you two thought capturing mean more point but it didn't, there is also the fact you two rely too much on Brute Force!" Izuku said then he points to Mina and Denki "Ashido and Kaminari, you two are basically one-half of an idiot have Zero control over your Quirk and underestimate Principe Nezu, all because he looks small, don't judge a book by its cover you knucklehead he's the Principe for a reason!" he said

"That's just brutal." Sero said

"You're one to talk Sero, you were asleep the whole time, what was thinking if this was the real thing you would be dead by now!" Izuku said


"Oh come on guy, Midnight sneaks up on me." Sero said

"Shut it. I saw that glare you make while you were sleeping you have that plan, you're here to training to become Hero not to slack off!" Izuku said "And Mineta turn your ear away before I rip it off!" he said to Mineta who was listening in

"Oh come on I passed." Mineta said

"Against Midnight, but if you were against a different Hero then you would be dead!" Izuku said

"Wow, Midoriya is really chewing them out." Kyoka said

"Just go to show that he can be very strict when he needs to." Parad said

"Yeah." Ojiro said

"I hope he calms down." Momo said

"When the bell rings take your seat." Aizawa said entering the room so everyone hurry to their seat "Good Morning. About the Final Exams... some have unfortunately failed. Therefore the forest training camp... will be attended by everyone!" he said

'It's a surprise ending!' Eijiro, Sato, Denki, and Mina thought

"Saw that coming." Izuku and Parad said

"You two knew?" Everyone asked

"Because Aizawa is all about ruse." Izuku said

"Don't you guys remember the Quirk assessment test? He did the same thing." Parad said

"We can all really go?" Eijiro said

"Really?" Mina asked

"Yeah." Aizawa said

"It's because the Practical Exam isn't the only Exam that matters." Izuku said

"Remember the written test is easy to see that no one failed." Parad said

"That is correct, you all passed the written test. But Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero failed the Practical Exam." Aizawa said

"Eh! Seriously?" Sero said

"Hey, they didn't say you both passed. And like I say all you did was sleep." Izuku said

"During the exam, we create opportunities for students to use to win while we observed how you tackled each task. If we hadn't, many of you would have felt defeated with the task at hand." Aizawa said

"When you said that you would really beat us up..." Ojiro asked

"It was to pressure you. The training camp is a strengthening camp. The ones who failed must increase their strength there. It's what you call a 'reasonable falsehood'." Aizawa said

'Reasonable falsehood?' Eijiro, Sato, Denki, and Mina thought

"They tricked us again! UA is amazing after all." Tenya said "But if you continue with this prevarication, you will be losing our trust." he said

"Lighten up why don't you." Izuku said

"That's true. We'll reflect on that, but not everything is a lie." Aizawa said "Those who failed have failed. There's a special cram class that has been prepared for you. It's actually worse than the class you'd get if you had stayed behind." he said

"Well, whatever the case, it's great that we can all go together." Ojiro said

"It's a week of strengthening training camp." Tenya said reading the Training camp binder

"We'd have to take a lot of things." Izuku said

"I don't have any swimwear. I have to buy a lot of things." Denki said

"Night vision goggles." Mineta said which cause Izuku to slam him into the ground

"Well, tomorrow is a day off and we just finished our exams, so why don't all of Class A go shopping together?" Toru said

"Nice! It'll be the first time we do this." Denki said and Ochaco nodded

"Hey, Bakugo, you should come too." Eijiro said

"Why would I go? What a hassle." Bakugo said

"Can you come, Todoroki?" Parad asked

"I visit my mom on my days off." Shoto said

"You guys are so boring." Mineta said "Take in the situation, you guys." he said

Class A Minus Todoroki and Bakugo arrived at the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall.

"Oh man do I love this place, it's got a ton of different stores to shop at, and they're all super cool and hip, The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall." Mina said happily.

"They carry designs for all body types and have a range of gear for everyone from teens to seniors..." Izuku muttered

"Dude you might gonna stop." Parad demanded him.

"He's right your going to scare the children, stop." Tokoyami added until suddenly a couple of guys's spotted Class A

"Woah aren't those UA students, 1A, I saw them on TV, the UA Sports Festival as so good." the crowd said

"I can't believe they still remember that." Ochaco aid nervously

"Well, what do you expect I mean the UA Sports Festival is famous." Parad said.

"I want to track down a new duffle bag to bring to summer training." Kyoka told Momo

"Oh yeah, maybe the two of us should browse together." Momo suggested

"Ok, where can I get a kit and a small drill." Mineta asked as he looked around

"Guess I should probably buy some outdoorsy shoes for this thing." Denki told Toru.

"Oh, that's great me too." Toru agreed

"The guide says your shoes should probably break in though, but wait, perhaps it's a mistake not to factor utility into the equation." Tenya said

"So why don't we split up and look around, we can meet here again when we're done." Eijiro suggested

"Great Idea." Mina agreed

"Good, say we meet back around here by 3:00." Eijiro suggested

"Sound's good." They all agreed as they split up. Izuku, Parad, and Ochaco we're all that was left

"Looks like it's just the three of us left." Izuki told Ochaco and Parad

"Yeah." Ochaco agreed

"Uh-huh." Parad agreed too

"So what are you gonna shop for today, I want to find a few heavier wrist weights, so I can up my training." Izuku explained.

"I mostly just need spray." Ochaco said until she remembers what Aoyama said.

"Is it because you like him?" Aoyama said

"Yep, gotta keep those pests away." Ochaco yelled as she ran away in embarrassment

"You mean me!?" Izuku yelled offendedly.

'Your so stupid Aoyama, that not it at all, I don't think.' Ochaco thought in embarrassment.

"What was that about?" Izuku asked.

"Pitt I don't know man well I'm just gonna follow her I'm going to buy myself bug spray too you sure you're okay being alone?" Parad asked him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Izuku reassured him.

"Ok then well see ya." Parad waved at him and left.

"(Sigh) we came together as a class but here I am by myself." Izuku realized before he remembered that dragon person 'kinda think of it who was that guy?'

"Oh, it's someone from UA nice." A mysterious man said, "I want an autograph, you were the one who won at the UA Sports Festival right?" He asked as he put his arm around Izuku.

"Uh yeah." Izuku answered 'Wow UA is so amazing, I can't believe how many people watch the matches and still remember us.' he thought smiling nervously

"Aren't you one of the students who ran into the Hero Killer during the Hosu incident too, your practically famous not only that you even beat him too?" The Man asked

"You sure do know a lot." Izuku complimented

"What can I say I'm a big fan of yours, I can't believe I'm running into you again." the Man said, shocking Izuku as he realized who this was "It makes me think that it might not be a coincidence."

The man then put his hand up to Izuku's neck (keeping on finger off), Midoriya began whimpering

"No no, this feels like its destiny, oh right from your point of view, we haven't met since the attack on UA." The man informed as the camera panned up to revealed Shigaraki's Ugly ass face "Why don't we spend some time catching up, Izuku Midoriya." he said

"Tomura Shigaraki!" Izuku said with a glare.

"Act natural... as if we're old friends. Don't make a scene. Calm down and take a breath. I just want to talk with you. That's all. Don't make any sudden moves. It'll be so easy. The moment all five fingers touch your neck, the skin on your neck will start to crumble and within a minute you'll be reduced to ashes." Tomura said

"If you do that in this crowded area, the Heroes will come right away and you'll get caught." Izuku said

"I'm sure." Tomura said "But look at these people... Even though anyone could attack using their Quirks at any moment, why are they laughing and mingling? In short, laws and rules are created on the assumption of people's morals. They don't think anyone will ever do it. I can disintegrate 20... no, 30 people before I get caught." Tomura said

"What do you want...to talk about?" Izuku asked

"This is great. Since we're together, let's sit down and talk in comfort." Tomura said

"Not technically, but that's what the media made it look like, and that's what my problem is, it's like suddenly everyone is obsessed with that stupid Hero Killer, the attack on UA, the Nomu's I released on Hosu, he upstaged all of it, no one's even giving me a second thought, why is that, despite what he claims to believe, all he ever did was try and get rid of things he didn't like, what do you think the difference is Midoriya." Shigaraki asked

"I can't keep running away everytime I get flustered." Ochaco told herself "I bet Deku was really confused by that, I feel bad for leaving him behind." she said mentally

'So I should go back and apologize right, just go talk to him, all alone, no big deal, yeah no problem, it's not like I want to spend the whole day shopping with him or anything weird, I mean sure I think he's amazing because he tries so hard to be a Hero, he's my friend, what Aoyama said was ridiculous." Ochaco told herself she was about to walk back but she saw Parad smirking at her causing her to flinch.

"Pa-Parad what are you doing here!?" Ochaco asked him.

"Oh, nothing just buying myself a bug spray." Parad replied with a smirk.

"I-I see well what a coincidence." Ochaco stutters.

"Come on you can hide from it forever you know?" Parad told her.

"What do you mean?" Ochaco asked again.

"Admit it you're in love with him.'' Parad said.

"How did you know?" Ochaco asked

"Simple actually when Tsuyu asked you what Aoyama said to you, you became flustered after hearing this question so I began to suspect that he asked you that you like him am I right?" Parad explained Ochaco became red again as she then replied to him with a nod.

"(Sigh) look is alright if you wanna confessed to him ok and besides you might gonna do it quickly though a lot of girls wants him you know." Parad told him.

"What really!?" Ochaco asked in shock.

"Yup, don't worry I won't tell anyone about this but still you have to catch up." Parad advised her.

"I see alright then thanks for the tip Parad." Ochaco said

"Anytime, huh what the!?" Parad said in shock.

"What's up Parad?" Ochaco asked in concerned.

"Crap I shouldn't leave him alone come on Ochaco we have to hurry." Parad said and grabs Ochaco's arm running.

"Wh-whoa wait a sec why are we in such a hurry!?" Ochaco asked

"Because Izuku is in danger and the reason is Shigaraki has hold of him!!" Parad answered.

"What that's terrible we have to get to him quick!" Ochaco said in a panic.

"I know that!" Parad replied while running back.

"What's the difference, I don't understand you, your goals, and your villains, I don't agree with anything you do, I don't agree with the Hero Killer either, but I can understand him, at least sort of, because the Hero Killer and I have something in common, we're inspired by All Might." Izuku said

"Everything is for the righteous society!" Stain said

"That night he even saved me from the Flying Nomu, he's a maniac, but he doesn't destroy things just because it's fun." Izuku said

"Its game over this time let's go home." Tomura said

"And when things were looking bad for him he didn't abandon his mission like you did, even if the way he acted was wrong, he held to his beliefs, that's the difference." Izuku answered

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