《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 23: Rider Vs All Might


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound


"Henshin!" = Transforming


"Team Midoriya and Bakugo, Practical exam, Ready go!" The speaker announced as Bakugo walked away from Izuku.

"Hey wait up Kacchan!" Izuku said and walked up to him.

"Stop following me!" Bakugo shouted at him.

"Kacchan listens, for this exam the teacher's the villain and we're the heroes so we need a solid plan, normally I suggest we analyze the villain's combat ability and choose to fight them based on that, but in this case the villain is All Might so we don't need to think about it because his combat is out of the question so it would be impossible to beat him in a fight." Izuku explained causing Bakugo to stop before turned his head to him

"Impossible huh, may I remind you that one time you beat All Might back at the USJ when you used that Dragon armor of yours." Bakugo reminded him as he remembers how he beats him using the 'Dragon Knight Hunter Z' and continues "So if you can beat him I can beat him as well." He said as he continues walking.

"That may be true that I beat All Might using that but still he is probably waiting for us on this main road, Maybe we should take another route." Izuku suggested.

"I'm not gonna back down from this fight, It would look better if we blast that smile off his face." Bakugo stated.

"Exactly how are we supposed to do that?" Parad asked before he came out of Izuku's body.

"Simple I'm gonna toy with him until the time is almost up and knock him unconscious for real!" Bakugo answered with an evil smirk.

"Well that's a stupid plan, but if you wanna toy with him we'll join you as well but I'm taking the first punch." Izuku said causing Bakugo to get angry.

"What did you say!? Don't even try I should hit him first!" Bakugo yelled at him.

"No, I go first considering how slow you I bet you can't land a punch on him!" Izuku mocked him.

"Hah!? Why you nerd, I'm punching him first!" Bakugo said.

"No, I am!"

"No me!"

"Not you me!"

'This will take a while...' Parad thought while watching the two boys argued about who's punching All Might first.


Recovery Girl and the other four students watched the screen in concern

"Oh dear, there absolutely no teamwork between those two, don't they see the trail ahead of them." Recovery Girl claimed

'Izuku hope you pass this.' Momo thought while looking at the screen.

All Might stood in front of the escape gate smiling

All Might said as he jerks back his arm he said

Parad said as he breaks those two boys apart He said and takes out a 100 yen coin.

"If one of you both bet which sides of this coin are going to land, one of you can punch him deal!?" Parad asked them.

"I bet Heads!" Bakugo said.

"Tails for me!" Izuku said.

"Good!" Parad said as he flipped the coin to the air the coin was about to land until suddenly... All Might then released a Texas Smash which traveled all the way down the street, the shockwave forced the three boys back as it destroyed the street and properties Izuku, Parad, and Bakugo were sitting in a dust cloud.

"No my 100 yen coin!!!" Parad yelled until suddenly they heard All Might Approaching

All Might stated

"What, when did he get..." Bakugo thought with a shocked

'So intimidating?' Izuku and Parad thought in unison

All Might warned the three boys.

"You know what, screw it I'm going first!" Bakugo said as he and All Might rushed forward.

"Hey wait sec!?" Izuku yelled at him but he didn't listen.

"How about a stun grenade!" Bakugo yelled and released a blinding white light "You want everything I got All Might!?, like that wasn't my plan, I never-" he then got cut off because All Might grabbed his face "Hold back damn it!!!" Bakugo yelled under palm he then began blasting All Might in the face, the Symbol of Peace just laughed as he protected his face with his other hand.

All Might assumed as he slammed Bakugo into the street.

All Might said before he turns to Izuku and Parad. All Might reminded the boys before he went right behind him.

All Might asked the boys.

"Here's an answer no I never leave my teammate!" Izuku said as he then took out his Gamer Driver.

And put it on

"And I have an army." Izuku said and hold out the Gashat Gear Dual β


Izuku turn the dial to the right

Then the Taddle Fantasy Gamer appear

"Skill Level 50 Henshin!" Izuku said he insert the Gashat Gear Dual Beta into the slot

And open the panel

Izuku transform into Brave the Taddle Fantasy Gamer connect to him

"Commencing All Might removal operation." Izuku said then dark fog surround him and summon the Bugster Grunts in rob "Go!" Izuku said and the Grunt run toward All Might

The Grunt attack All Might who tries his best to dodge the attack they swarm the Number one Hero

All Might said he rotates his own body at such speeds that the grunt can't hold him and they're blown away he said

"How about this?" Izuku said raising his hand and dark fog cover All Might, Izuku begin tossed All Might around like a rag doll, he then throw All Might into a building Izuku float to All Might "How was that?" he asked

All Might said

All Might dash toward to punch, only for Izuku to block with his cape, All Might try to punch Izuku again from the beginning but Izuku create a forcefield, he then pushes All Might back, Izuku wraps his hand in his cape forming a drill and strike All Might, Izuku then open a portal and shot the Grunt at All Might pushing him back

All Might was about to run towards him but suddenly he got held by something and he can't move at all he then turned and saw the bugster grunts is holding him both arms and legs.

All Might asked

"What do you even think that's all the grunts I summoned hm?" Izuku said as he snapped his fingers to summoned another horde of grunts "Get em boys!" He orders them as all of the grunts begin to attack him again.

"(Groan) huh... What the hell?" Bakugo said in a confusing tone as he saw a horde of grunts beating All Might up.

"What the hell is going on here!?" Bakugo yelled until Izuku caught his attention.

"Huh? Oh, Bakugo you're awake." Izuku said.

"What are those things Deku!?" Bakugo asked.

"I'll explain to you later, but you wanna join them?" Izuku asked and point at the grunts beating All Might up

"(Sigh) even though I wanna do it alone but alright then I need some payback." Bakugo said before igniting his palms

'Crap I can't get free damn if only I didn't wear those gauntlets.' All Might thought until suddenly.

"All Might is payback time!" Bakugo said with an evil smile.

"Dieeeeeeeee!!!!!" Bakugo yelled and launched explosions at him.

All Might was on the ground with handcuffs on him

"Team Midoriya and Bakugo have passed the exam!" The speaker announced.

"I'm sorry, All Might." Izuku said

"It's fine young Midoriya." All Might said cover in bandage

"Isn't the student the one who should be beaten up not the Teacher?" Recovery Girl asked

"Yeah, sorry." Izuku said

"I have to say Young Midoriya you're getting stronger and stronger, I think even at my prime I would still not be able to beat you." All Might said "I know you will be more than ready where the time comes." he said

"Thank you." Izuku said

"You know you could just end it quick right like when the grunts get a hold of him you can just cuff him, rather than Bakugo and the grunts beat All Might up until he's unconscious?" Parad suggested.

"True but I just want him to give him some fun alright." Izuku said.

"So much happened this school year, some of us found our weaknesses and learned to move past them, Some of us learned what it really takes to be a hero, Some of us tasted failure, We struggled with our own powerlessness, then we moved forward bright new goals, and so with these bittersweet feelings, our final exams ended." Izuku narrated

Shigaraki was looking at pictures of Izuku.

"Are you curious, Tomura Shigaraki about this boy, Izuku Midoriya." Kurogiri asked when suddenly the door opened and Giran entered

"Shigaraki, your league of villains has been the talk of the town from the last several days, word on the street is that your about to start something big." Girian informed

"And, who did you bring." Shigaraki asked as he destroyed Midoriya's photo

Suddenly the two people came in

"So It's really you then I've seen you in pictures, but I gotta say your real grosser in person." Dabi insulted him.

"Wow it's the weird hand guy, your friends with my hero Stain right, cool, let me join the league, I wanna be in your group." Toga pleaded

"Our enemies are gearing up for the third round, every time we drive them back, they return stronger." Parad narrated


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