《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 21: Teachers vs Students Part 1


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound


"Henshin!" = Transforming


"We're fighting the teachers!?" Ochaco asked in shock.

"Additionally your partners and your opponents have already been chosen, they were determined at my discretion based on various factors including fighting styles, grades, and personal relationships." Aizawa explained.

"First, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team against me." Aizawa said with a smirk and continues "Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugo." He said shocking the two boys

"Wow, I wasn't expecting this." Parad said in Izuku's mind with a sweatdrop.

"And their opponent is..." Aizawa added until suddenly All Might jump down laughing.

All Might declared.

"We're up against All Might!?!?" Izuku and Bakugo said in shock.

"Ok... I wasn't expecting this either!?" Parad said in shock too.

"You're going to have to work together boys If you want to win." All Might informed.

"Fear of the villains becoming active due to the connection between Hero Killer: Stain and the League of Villains, huh?" Nezu said

"Of course, it's best to stop it beforehand, but we went to be completely prepared." Snipe said "If in the future, there will be more combat against villains than what we see now, then combat against robots is not practical." he said "First of all, the robots were used to avoid the complaints about whether 'anyone will be harmed during the Entrance Exam'." he said

"We should just ignore those. They just want to complain." Aizawa said

"That's not how it works." Midnight said

"We understand the change in the Entrance Exam, but pairing up the students to fight against us teachers is..." Cementoss said

"Yes, I think it's a bit difficult." Thirteen said

"If we win too easily we won't be able to grade them." Present Mic said

"We're taking that into consideration, and we're going to give a handicap to the students." Snipe said

"What do you say, principal?" Aizawa asked

"Whatever it is, I agree with changing the content of the Practical Exam. To prevent the students from facing any more danger, what do we need to do? The answer is sample. The students need to become stronger." Nezu said

"Yes." Midnight said

"I agree." Thirteen said

"Now, about the pairings... first is Todoroki. Overall, he's doing well, but he tends to use brute force. And Yaoyorozu is versatile, but she lacks in sudden decision-making and application. So, I'll erase their Quirk and close in on their weakness with close combat." Aizawa said

"No objection!" the Teachers said

"Next is Midoriya and Bakugo... I'm counting on you, All Might." Aizawa said

"Huh?" All Might look surprised

"In this case, I didn't pair the two of them up based on ability or classwork, I went with relationship, I know you got a soft spot for Midoriya, please make sure they learn." Aizawa ordered

All Might thought

"Now, we will announce all the team and their opponents at once." Nezu said

"The time limit for the exam is 30 minutes. Your goal is to either put these handcuffs on your teacher, or one of you must escape the stage." Nezu said

"Either capture the teacher or escape... It's similar to combat training." Denki said

"Can we really run away?" Mina asked

"Yes." Nezu said

"But... this isn't just any combat training. Your opponent is of a very high rank." Present Mic said


"High rank? I don't know anyone." Jiro said with Koda trying to stop her

"Dummy! Hey, girl, watch your mouth, huh?" Present Mic said

"This exam is similar to real combat. please think of us as actual villains." Thirteen said

"Assume that you came across a villain, and if you can fight them and win, that's great. But..." Snipe said

"If the difference in abilities is too big, it's wiser to run away and get help." Aizawa said "Lida. You should know this very well." he said

"I won't make the same mistake. I'll clear this exam, to prove that." Tenya said

"Fight and win, or run away and win." Izuku said

All Might said he asked he said then reach for something

"Super Compressed Weights." Power Loader said

All Might said then his arm nearly drop off from his knee he said he said

"Hatsume!" Izuku said

"Oh, that girl we team we with back at the Sports Festival." Parad said

"So that we would be able to fight you?" Bakugo said "You underestimate us." he said

All Might said

"Okay, the Practical Exam will begin on the stage prepared for each team." Aizawa said "Sato and Kirishima, get ready." he said

"Yes!" Eijiro and Sato said

"Those who are waiting can watch the exam, think of a strategy with your team, or do whatever you want. That's it." Aizawa said then he and the teacher enter the building

"Ojiro, I want to confirm what we can do with our Quirks." Tenya said

"Of course." Ojiro said

"Tokoyami, let's think of a strategy." Tsuyu said

"Roger." Fumikage said

"The problem is how we are going to take off Midnight's clothes." Mineta said

"No, it's not, you scum." Sero said

"I think it's going to be a busy day today." Recovery Girl said

"Yeah." Izuku said then Ochaco enter the room

"Deku, Parad, you're here to observe?" Ochaco asked

"Yeah." Izuku said "It's rare to be able to see everyone fight against a teacher." he said

"And beside Bakugo don't feel like planning." Parad said

"Oh yeah." Ochaco said "As for me..." she said then point at Yuga looking at his own reflection "We can't communicate so well." she said

'That idiot.' Izuku and Parad thought

"That's why I want to use everyone's fight as a reference." Ochaco said

Then a view of a city is shown on the screen

"Team Sato and Kirishima. Practical Exam. Ready, go." an announcer said

The two start running toward the exit

"For this Exam, we'll get higher points for capturing instead of running away, huh?" Eijiro said

"I think so." Sato said

Then suddenly a wall appears in front of them over the other side of the wall and far back we see Cementoss

"Cementoss is not agile." Eijiro said and activate his Quirk "Let's aim for the high score with a frontal attack!" he said

"Alright." Sato said swallowing an entire cup of sugar then he bulks up, then two-run toward Cementoss

"A direct attack, just as I expected..." Cementoss said and start making walls

"Let's go, Sato." Eijiro

"Okay." Sato said

The two start punching through the wall heading toward Cementoss

"Sato and Kirishima, you can do it." Ochaco said

"No, they already lost." Izuku said

"Agree." Parad said

"What are you guys talking about?" Ochaco asked

"It's true that Cementoss isn't very agile, but unlike Kirishima and Sato...." Izuku said


"Cementoss Quirk has no limit." Parad said


"Sato and Kirishima's Quirk are amazing, but they come with limits." Izuku said

"In contrast to that Cementoss doesn't have that." Parad said

"The More time passes, Kirishima is at a disadvantage." Izuku said

"No way..." Ochaco said

"This Practical Exam Purposely teamed the students with teachers who would put them at a disadvantage." Parad said

"I think how they overcome that problem, is the key." Izuku said

"You two are right." Recovery Girl said

"As you're waiting your turn, think hard about your compatibility with the teacher you're fighting." she said

'So that's what it was.' Izuku and Parad thought

"Man! This is never-ending. No matter how much we break them down... the wall continues to appear." Eijiro said

"I'm sleepy and tired..." Sato said

"Hey, work harder." Eijiro said

"I'm sleepy..." Sato said as wall rise and surround them

Eijiro go for one more punch but his Quirk reaches its limit

"I'm running out of breath..." Eijiro said then the wall and ground around them start to throw them around

"They're very weak against attrition warfare." Cementoss said "Listen, a combat is about how much you can assert your forte." he said as the ground return to normal and reveal Eijiro and Sato knock out

A horn went off

"Team Sato and Kirishima, both retire to losing consciousness." The Announcer said

"It's already the first match and I'm already needed." Recovery Girl said as she left to help.

"No way, It was that one-sided," Ochaco said in shock.

"Their Quirks were too ineffective against his that why." Izuku claimed.

'Crap it looks like this exam is going to be a lit harder than I thought, and on top of that we're up against the Number 1 Hero.' Izuku thought in his mind.

'You know, you could use that Dragon Knight Hunter Z again I mean last time you were able to beat him with that.' Parad told him.

'That may be true, but I'm just gonna used a different Gashat this time to fight him.' Izuku said.

'Which is?' Parad asked and was intrigued as he raised one eyebrow.

'This time I'm gonna use Dual Gashat Beta again on him.' Izuku thought

"I see, they're staring us in the middle of the stage." Tokoyami noticed.

"To escape we have to pass through the designated gate, right, which means the teachers were probably there waiting for us." Tsuyu assumed.

"(Horn) Team Asui and Tokoyami, Practical exam, ready, start!" The speaker announced as multiple Ectoplasm clones emerged in front of the students.

"Maybe you didn't understand but we teachers are trying to crush you with everything we've got, no holding back." Ectoplasm announced as more clones appeared behind them and soon they were surrounded.

"Steal your nerves and show me your resolve." The Ectoplasms concluded and begins to charge at them.

"Get her, Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami called him out as Dark Shadow grabbed Tsuyu and threw her in the air. "Asui, your turn!" he said

"Got it Tokoyami!" Tsuyu said and grabbed him with her tongue then pulled him up to the second floor.

"I'm glad we make a plan beforehand." Tsuyu stated.

"Yes." Tokoyami agreed.

"Nice." Uraraka cheered.

"An escape only the two of them can pull off!" Parad said as he came out of Izuku's body.

"That's good communication they're talking to each other, it may not seem like much but it's important, I don't just mean having a sidekick or a teammate you know you match well with, real heroes need to learn how to communicate with anyone." Recovery girl explained and comes back to the room.

"So we were talking about these finals and how each students are supposed to be facing their weaknesses?" Izuku asked.

"That's right." Recovery Girl assured.

"Okay so what did Tokoyami and Tsuyu have to work on anyway, I mean Ectoplasm Quirk is a bad matchup against theirs." Parad questioned.

"Oh well, it's not good, for Tokoyami at least." Recovery girl informed.

"Why do you say that?" Ochaco asked.

"Oh, you'll see just keep watching." Izuku told them as told they continued watching the screen.

"So you've chosen to avoid a fight, Good luck." Ectoplasm said as he waited by the escape gate and more clones appeared behind Tokoyami and one tried to kick him but Tsuyu swatted him away with her tongue.

"Thanks" Tokoyami thanked her as Dark Shadow destroyed another clone, he tried to attack the clines in front of them but missed Tsuyu then grabbed Tokoyami with her tongue again and pull them up to the third floor.

"There's no end to them!" Tsuyu claimed as they came across the Hallway.

"Let's keep moving!" Tokoyami ordered and more clones appeared.

"Tokoyami is quick and can attack from afar, allowing him to keep his distance, those are all strengths, but looking at that another way, means he's weak in close range." Recovery girl explained.

"Wow, I never thought about his powers like that?" Ochaco said.

"And Mr. Ectoplasms clones can appear anywhere unexpectedly." Parad realized.

"On the other hand, There's Asui, a stellar student with no clear weaknesses, she can provide support to her ally as powerful as he may be, but she's important in another way too, her level-headedness and ability to provide emotional provide support, are to the key to passing." Izuku added.

'Emotional support, oh yeah now I think about it, having her around during the USJ attack, really helped us stay focused.' Parad thought as he remembered Tsuyu saving him and Izuku during the USJ attack.

'I'm rooting for you Tokoyami, especially you Tsuyu.' Izuku said in his mind.

Tsuyu and Tokoyami had defeated the last of the clones.

"That was clone number 28." Tokoyami said as they reached the other side.

"Tokoyami look! It's the goal, that means that's probably his real body down there." Tsuyu informed and looked down at Ectoplasm guarding the gate.

"Excellent job getting past the others, but tell me, what will you do against this!?" Ectoplasm asked and released a huge amount of ectoplasm forming into a giant clone of himself. "Just try to escape, Giant Bite Detention, I can't put out more clones right now but as long as I have you captured this one is all I need." He challenged them as the clone roared at them before they looked at it in fear.

"Tsuyulook out." Tokoyami yelled as he tried to get her out of the way, but it was too late as the giant bit down at them

Parad and Ochaco watched in shock as for Izuku he is watching it calmly.

"Only I can get rid of this Behemoth, so what is your plan." Ectoplasm asked as Tsuyu and Tokoyami were trapped in the monster's skin.

"His Quirk is way too powerful." Tokoyami said struggling as Dark Shadow came out

Dark Shadow pointed out

"Dark Shadow, you just have to get through that gate." Tokoyami demanded

Dark Shadow obeyed as he flew forward unfortunately, Ectoplasm Kicked him away

Dark Shadow yelled as he tried attacking again as Ectoplasm continued to kickbox him.

"I don't think he has a chance against a real pro." Tokoyami worriedly.

"But if he can reach him, we have a chance, call Dark Shadow back I have something for you to give him." Tsuyu demanded

"Tsuyu?" Tokoyami asked in a confused tone

"Please, don't watch me, Mr. Ectoplasm will notice, and besides it's really gross to see me do this." Tsuyu added with her mouth full.

"Will you keep this up until time runs out little birdy, what I want to see is a student who can do away with an advisory no matter what." Ectoplasm demanded while beating up Dark Shadow

"Dark Shadow." Tokoyami called back as Dark Shadow returned and Grabbed something from Tsuyu.

"Calm down, we got this because Tokoyami and Dark Shadow are Heroes." Tsuyu assured as Dark Shadow rushed in again with his fist up Ectoplasm jumped up and Kicked Dark Shadow down.

"I figured this was our only way to win it he managed to capture us somehow, so I swallowed the cuffs, my Quirk lets me take things in and out of my stomach." Tsuyu informed as Ectoplasm leg was seen cuffed.

"How unexpected." Ectoplasm said as he realized he's been defeated.

"Woah they legged cuffed him." Ochaco said with a glad on her face

"They passed, they figured out a way to do it, Dark Shadow and Frog together, what a great team." Parad said happily.

"They're so smart." Ochaco said.

"Team Asui and Tokoyami have passed the Final." the speaker announced as the giant clone was gone and Tokoyami and Asui were seen free

"That was wonderfully clever, I must commend you both." Ectoplasm praised proudly

"I'm truly humble sir." Tokoyami said gratefully.

"Ribbit." Tsuyu replied

Dark Shadow gloated.

'So Tokoyami and Asui passed the exam, I'm not surprised.' Momo thought discouraged and remembered her fight against Tokoyami during the Sports Festival

The Third match was at a construction site, dust clouds began to erupt upwards from the ground.

"Were running out of place to stand, Mr. Power Loader, can do this." Tenya said as Power Loader was seen digging deep in the earth.

"What now Lida?" Ojiro asked

"This field gives our opponent the advantage, to keep injuries to a minimum and defeat him, I think 6. our best option is to go and find a hero who is best suited to take him on." Tenya suggested

"So in other words we should run, one thing." Ojiro said as he flicked a rock with his tail over to where Power-Loader was digging as dust clouds emerged

"There are traps between us and the gate, not to mention we have no idea where Mr. Power-Loader will attack next." Ojiro informed

"We can still make it, as long as we work together." Tenya stated

"Alright fusion, I can only imagine how stupid we look right now." Ojiro said embarrassed as jumped on Tenya's back.

"Here we go Ojiro, Recipro Burst." Tenya Yelled as he heated his engines and ran forward while carrying Ojiro

As they ran, the ground before them crumbled and elapsed

"We're outrunning the traps he set if we keep this up.." Ojiro thought as they got closer to the gate

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