《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 19: The Secret Origin of One For All And All For One


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

= Finisher and Weapon sound



Izuku and Parad stood outside at Gran Torino's house

"I know we weren't here long but, thanks for everything." Izuku told Gran Torino

"(Yawn) I don't think there was any reason for you to thank me, I wasn't around when the really big stuff happened." Gran Torino claimed.

"Yeah that's true, but the only reason you were able to stand up to Stain because of your sparing with him and his wise teachings." Parad told him and he then got hit on the leg with a cane.


"He survived yes, but only because the Hero Killer let you live, well at least I got see that you manage to control your power and I'm sure you know if your really aiming to become the Greatest Hero like All Might then you two still have a lot to learn so keep up the good work." Gran Torino explained as the two then nodded

"Yes sir." The two obeyed and Gran Torino just nod and turned around

"See you around." Gran Torino said as he was about to enter the house.

"Wait." Izuku called him as he turns at him.

"I've got a question, just one more, I've been wondering for a while but never found a good time to ask, I mean now is not the best time either but I am." Izuku rambled as Gran Torino and Parad got Irritated.

"Dude speak up!" Parad yelled at him.

"He's right you know out with it now, I've got pastries to eat!" Gran Torino yelled too.

"It's just even though you're really strong, and you trained the Number 1 Hero in the world yourself, no one knows you, you should be famous but your not is there a specific reason for that?" Izuku asked.

"Oh that's an easy one, I was just never that interested in working as a Pro Hero." Gran Torino answered his Question as Izuku and Parad's eyes widen in shock at his answer.

"What?" Izuku replied with a confused tone.

"Why?" Parad added.

"There was a point in my past where I needed to use my Quirk freely without limits, that's the only reason I got my license, It might be better if you hear this from Toshi, All Might I mean he can explain everything better than me." Gran Torino told the two of them

"I see well ok then." Izuku obeyed.

"That's it, kid, keep working hard and Parad tell me more about All Might's progression of teaching later." Gran Torino requested with a smirk on his face.

"No problem hehehehehe." Parad said and laughed and Izuku just sweatdropped and looked at the two

'Since when did those two get along?' Izuku thought to himself and tilted his head he then sighs and said

"Yes sir, thank you very much again well it's time for us to go, goodbye for now." Izuku and Parad bowed before leaving.

"So he's the future huh, he may not look or act like him, but he still just like Toshinori, the man chosen by my friend, the man who inherited One For All, who became the very best." Gran Torino thought.

"Hey, you two." Gran Torino called them as they turn.

"Who are-" Gran Torino was about to go dumb mode but Izuku interrupted him.

"I'm Muteki and this is Para-DX and nice try we know you will do that." Izuku said to him with a smirk Gran Torino smiled and replied.


"You whippersnappers are no fun at all well see ya." Gran Torino then waved them goodbye and went back inside his house

"Let's watch over him together Toshinori until the day you pass on his history, until the day the Hero Muteki and Para-DX is celebrated around the world, as the new Symbol of Peace of should I say peace.' Gran Torino finished

Sero and Eijiro were laughing hysterically at Bakugo's hairstyle.

"Hahahaha Holy crap what the heck Bakugo!" Sero and Eijiro laughed in unison.

"Stop laughing, my hair has gotten used to this and I can t get it back the right way, did you not hear me, I'll kill you both." Bakugo said irritated.


"I like to see you try pretty boy." Sero teased him.

"What did you call me!!!" Bakugo yelled angrily, which caused his hair to return to normal again.

"It's Back!" Eijiro and Sero said and point at his hair while laughing.

"Awesome, you got to face actual villains, I'm super jealous.'' Mina said to Jiro.

"Well I didn't fight, all I did was help people escape and provide logistical support." Jiro claimed.

"But it still sounded like so much fun." Mina added.

"I spent the whole time training and cleaning the ship deck, but there was this one time we caught a bunch of drug smugglers." Tsuyu informed.

"Ok, that's cool." Jirou and Mina said in unison with a shocking face.

'Not to mention I also...' Tsuyu thought and remembered that she kissed Izuku on the lips which caused her to blush really hard as she then shook her head fast and turns to Ochaco.

"What about you Ochaco, how was your week?" Asui asked as Ochaco was seen with an intense purple aura again.

"It was very enlightening." Ochaco replied

"I think she found her fighting spirit." Tsuyu stated.

"Yeah, that Battle Hero must have been something else." Jiro agreed.

"After one week she's like a totally different person." Denki said as he looked at Ochaco.

"Different, don't be fooled Kaminari, all women are demons at heart, they just hide their true personalities behind their pretty faces." Mineta explained while being terrified.

"What the heck did Mt. Lady do to you?" Denki asked and grabs his arm as he then continues "Everyone at my internship loved me it was actually kind of great, now if you wanna talk about the one who really changed, it was those three." he said looking at Izuku, Iida, and Shoto.

"Oh yeah, the Hero Killer." Sero said while Bakugo held him and Eijiro by the collars.

"Glad you guys made it back alive, seriously." Eijiro said.

"I worried about you too." Momo said in concern while looking at Izuku.

"You were lucky, Midoriya was able to beat the Hero killer that's awesome." Sato stated.

"So cool, just as I expected from our class rep." Hagakure said

"Thanks, guys although even though I manage to beat the Hero Killer I hate being swarmed by news reporters asking me Questions." Izuku said as he puts his head on the table grunted.

"Well, at least you survived." Parad said sarcastically.

"Did you guys hear the news about the Hero killer, everyone was saying that he was somehow connected to the League of Villains, can you just imagine how frightening it would've when they attack the USJ." Ojiro Questioned.

"He's scary yeah, but did you see him in that video, it's all over the internet." Denki asked.


"I didn't even know there was a video of him." Ojiro said.

"Yeah, Stains a pretty evil villain but like super tenacious, he's almost kind of cool don't you guys think." Denki asked them until Parad hit him with a Gashacon Breaker on the head.

"Ow, what was that for?" Denki asked him while holding his pain on the head.

"Idiot think before you speak." Parad told him and points at Tenya he then looked at him and was taken back.

"No it's ok, your right, he is indeed such a tenacious villain, and I understand why people might think he was cool, but instead of helping the world, his beliefs lead him to cold-blooded murder, no matter his movies killing cannot be condoned, to keep anyone else from suffering like me, well...." Tenya lectured and continues "I promised to strive to become the perfect Hero." He declared Izuku smiled and said

"Yeah let's do it well it's time for class everyone takes your seats." Izuku ordered them as they all obeyed and take their seats.

Everyone gather after changing into their Hero suit

All Might said he asked he said

Tenya raises his hand

"Shouldn't the rescue training be done at USJ?" Tenya asked

All Might said He asked he said he said he said he said slowly pointing at Bakugo

"Stop pointing at me." Bakugo said

All Might said

Izuku, Tenya, Ojiro, Mina and Sero stand ready

"Iida isn't fully healed yet, right? He should just watch." Denki said

"The ones with the strongest mobility in our class grouped up together." Eijiro said

"If anything, Izuku has the advantage." Momo said

"That's true. He is very athletic." Jiro said

"And he's full of surprises." Momo said

"Let's bet on who'll win. I say Sero!" Eijiro said

"But Ojiro is a possibility too." Denki said

"I say Ashido. She's really athletic too." Mineta said

"Granted, he's injured, but I think Iida will be last." Ochaco said

All Might said and press a button

Sero use his tape to swing toward the finish line, meanwhile, Mina use her acid to slide, Ojiro use his tail to jump, and Tenya run

"See, look at that! It's common sense to go above all those hurdles." Eijiro said

"Then that means Sero has the advantage because he's efficient in the air." Shoji said

"This is too perfect for me!" Sero said

"Don't be so sure." Izuku said as he flies by Sero in his new form

"What beat swing is flying." Izuku said "Later." he said speeding up

"You're kidding me, right?" Sero said

"Midoriya, hey no fair." Mina said

"Of course." Ojiro said

"See you guy at the finish line." Izuku said

All Might said he said as he put the winner sash on Izuku

"Yes!" Izuku said

"How frustrating." Mina said

"As expected of class rep." Tenya said

"Man, I didn't see that coming." Sero said

All Might said

"Yes!" Izuku, Mina, Tenya, Ojiro and Sero said

All Might said then walk to Izuku he whisper

"Thank you." Izuku whisper

All Might whisper

"Yes." Izuku whisper

All Mightwhisper

"Oh, that was some tough training today." Sero claimed.

"It was the first class in a while that had me glistening." Yuga said while wiping his sweat.

"Man, I really have to work on my mobility." Eijiro said.

"You can also confiscated by improving other skills." Tokoyami suggested.

"Still wish I could use my Quirk speed I'm jealous of guys like Midoriya and Sero." Denki said Izuku then smiled for a second and remembered what All Might told him.

"I wonder what he to talk about, he sounded so intense." Izuku thought to himself before Mineta called to him.

"Hey Midoriya, you won't believe what I just found, the jackpot, someone Shawshank a hole in this wall, a previous generation has given us a gift, you know what's next door right, the girl locker room." Mineta announced as he found a hole behind a poster.

"Don't even think about it, peeping on them like that, would be criminal." Tenya scolded and do his robot chops

"Then you'll have to throw me in solitary confinement because you can't stop me!" Mineta told him as he tries to look into the peephole Tenya was about to come to him but Izuku stops him.

"Midoriya?" Tenya said

"Just let him let Karma take care of him." Izuku told him with a grin which makes Tenya confused before looking back at Mineta peeping.

"I get to see Yaoyorozu's curves, Ashido's slender waist, Hagakure floating underwear, Uraraka's super fine body, Asui's super hot boobies!!!" Mineta yelled but suddenly got stabbed in the eye by one of Jiro's earphone jack as he screamed in pain.

"See." Izuku said with a grin on his face as Tenya then sweatdropped.

"Yeah, I get what you mean by that." Tenya said

"(Groan) thanks Kyoka." Toru said in disgust.

"Despicable, we'll close up this hole immediately." Momo told them as Jirou's face became upset.

'Why am I the only one he didn't say anything about.' Jiro thought in upset.

Izuku knocks at the door of the teacher's lounge.

"It's us All Might." Izuku said as he and Parad entered the room.

"Come have a seat you two." All Might offered with a serious face.

"He seems different?" Parad noticed as he tilted his head.

"You went through a lot recently, I'm sorry again that I wasn't around to help you out young Midoriya.'' All Might apologized.

"Oh no, there's no need to apologize for that actually, more importantly, you mention earlier?" Izuku remembered.

"Tell me something Midoriya did the Hero Killer swallowed your blood when you fought him?" All Might asked him as Izuku shook his head.

"No, although his Quirk made him able to paralyze someone after tasting their blood." Izuku explained.

"Is that what you wanna ask about All Might?" Parad asked.

"Do you remember how I gave you my Quirk, and what I said that day?" All Might questioned.

"Eat this!" Izuku said impersonating All Might as Parad then make an anime fall style.

"No not that part partner." Parad told him while he is on the ground All might then sweat drop and said.

"He's right I said that the key was in my DNA, that's why you had to swallow the hair." All Might informed them as both of their eyes widen.

"So if the Hero Killer swallowed my blood that means he has right!?" Izuku asked in concern.

"No actually." All Might reassured him as he then continues '', can only be given to another person if you the bearer intend to pass it along, it's not something that can be taken by force, however, it can be transferred by force, something like this." All Might example was young Nana Shimura giving All Might a box of chocolate.

"It's just a courtesy, it's just a courtesy." Young Nana said while forcing to give All Might the chocolate as Izuku and Parad then sweatdropped.

"What kind of an example is that?!" They both asked confusingly.

"The Quirk you now have is unique, and you should know its origin, use derived from another quirk a power that's very old." All Might explained.

"It used to be something different?" Midoriya asked him.

"Can you tell us the name of this old Quirk you speak of?" Parad added as All Might then nodded.

"The name of that Quirk is ." All Might informed them.

"?" The two said with a confusing tone.

"Yes, it allowed its user to take Quirks from others, then the user can keep the Quirks for himself or give them to someone else." All Might added.

'What!?, you mean he can steal powers!" Izuku asked in shock.

'This was back when Quirks were just starting to show up before society learned how to deal with the newly powered among them." All Might explained.

"When Quirks first appeared, suddenly it was impossible to say what it meant to be a normal person, laws, and human rights were hardly debated, civilization progressed stalled society decade." All Might added.

"If superpowers never appeared and humans would be taking interstellar holidays by this point, I remember hearing that from someone famous." Izuku informed.

"Right, during that chaotic period of change, there was one person who was able to rally many people together, he went by the name of his power, , he stole Quirks from others, and then with his overwhelming abilities, he spread his influence across the country, he manipulated people to serve his purposes and committed evil acts with little resistance, in a blink of an eye, he became the leader of villains and ruled over Japan." All Might explained.

"Me and Parad have seen plenty of rumors about this online sure but." Izuku said

"Isn't that all just made up, I mean it's not mentioned in our textbooks?" Parad stated and finished his partner's sentence for him.

"That's because it's the kind of shameful history people would rather ignore." All Might told him.

"I see..." Parad said

"Anyway when a person gains true power they enjoy showing it off to others." All Might said to them

"Hold on a sec how does all of this tie together though, and what about One For All?" Izuku asked.

"I said could give Quirks to others remember, he made people trust him and submit to his will by altering their abilities, but apparently, there were many poor souls who couldn't bear the burden of the Quirks they were given, they became like mindless living dolls, incapable of speaking, just like the Nomu's are." All Might explained causing both of them to shock as All Might continues

"Meanwhile, some Quirks actually evolved as they were passed on, some even combined with other power sets. This evil man had a Quirkless younger brother, he was small and sickly, but he had a strong sense of justice, they couldn't have been more different, the pain the brother to see deed so he keeps resisting him, and then transferred a Quirk to his sibling, one that allowed him to stockpile, we don't know if it was a gift he was giving his brother or if he just wanted to force him to submit." All Might explained.

'Don't tell me..." Izuku asked in disbelief.

"That the Quirk he gave to his brother is..." Parad added

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