《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 17: Hosu Incident and Rider Hero VS Hero Killer


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

= Finisher and Weapon sound



Izuku check his phone on Hosu and the Hero Killer when Gran Torino came

"What are you doing kid?" Gran Torino asked

"Check the News on Hosu and The Hero Killer." Izuku said

"Why?" Gran Torino asked

"Our friend Tenya Iida is in Hosu looking for the Hero Killer because his Brother was attacked by the Hero Killer." Parad said

"And we're worried he might do something stupid and get himself kill." Izuku said

"I see, well I'm planning for us to go to Hosu, if your friend is in trouble, you have my permission to go help him." Gran Torino said

"Thank you." Izuku said

Ochaco is in GunHead dojo doing punching exercise

"Don't do it aimlessly, but concentrate on each move. The more important thing is physical strength." GunHead said doing a cute pose


'Even his gestures are cute.' Ochaco thought

Fourth Kind slam the teacup on the table after testing it

"It's lukewarm! You guy can't even make a cup of tea? We have clients that visit our agency!" Fourth Kind said and hit both Eijiro and Tetsutetsu who have their Quirk on "You can't even give them good service?" he said

"Sorry, Mr. Fourth Kind!" Eijiro and Tetsutetsu said

"Whatever." Fourth Kind said turning away from the two "Your Quirks are good punching bags." he said while his hand are red and swelling

"Yes!" Eijiro said

"Thank you." Tetsutetsu said

"A Hero must bring relief to the people who required rescuing. Not only abilities but grooming, speech, manners, and elegance are necessities for a Hero. Do you understand?" Best Jeanist said finishing styles Bakugo Hair "In other words... this is it." he said

"Sure, Best Jeanist!" Sidekicks said

'I chose the wrong internship.' Bakugo thought as his hair return to normal

Uwabami is posing for the photographer take pictures for the Magazine

"After this photoshoot, is the radio program and the interview for the Magazine." Momo said reading Uwabami schedule

"It seems like we're just her assistants." Kendo said

"This is also a part of the Hero activity. I think it's necessary. There must be something we can learn from this." Momo said and look at Uwabami

'I think...' Momo thought

'Maybe... She doesn't want to admit it.' Kendo thought

All Might is in the Teacher Resting Lounge meeting with Tsukauchi

"I'm sorry for intruding all of a sudden, All Might." Tsukauchi said

"I don't mind at all, Tsukauchi. Did you find out anything new?" All Might asked

"We found something new about the one called Nomu during the attacked on the USJ?" Tsukauchi asked

"The one Young Midoriya and Parad beat, what about it?" All Might asked

"We did a DNA analysis on him." Tsukauchi said

"DNA analysis?" All Might asked

"Yeah. We're not requesting your help with this case so this information will be leaked, but I felt that I had to tell you. It's a clue that'll lead us to the Mastermind." Tsukauchi said

All Might feel anxious

"After investigating Nomu at a special facility, we learned that it's not that he can't speak, It's that he just doesn't give any response. His brain has literally stopped working." Tsukauchi said then show All Might a picture "As for his identity, he's just a thug with a criminal record for assault and extortion." he said

"And this is a clue that would lead us to the Mastermind?" All Might asked


"Listen closely. According to the reports, there was DNA from at least four different people intermingled inside his body." Tsukauchi said

"Over four DNA intermingled? Is he a human?" All Might asked

"His body seems to be full of all kinds of drugs. In other words, he's an artificial human-made to measure up to multiple Quirks. That is most likely the cause of the massive drop in his brain activity. But the primary concern in the multiple Quirks he has." Tsukauchi said "Even if a different DNA is taken in unless it has a permeating property, it would not result in multiple Quirks. You would know, since you handle , right?" he asked "Most likely, there is someone with a Quirk that can grant Quirks." he said

"That means..." All Might said realizing who it could be

"Considering this situation it's reasonable to think this way. This is why I felt the need to tell you." Tsukauchi said

All Might walk to the window and start turning into his Muscle form

"Has he started moving again... that man..." All Might said

Stain has Tomura pin down with one of his knives in Tomura Shoulder and another one near his neck, while Kurogiri is unable to move

"You want me to be part of your group? Conviction and desire are necessary to accomplish anything. Those who don't have that, the weak ones, are weeded out. That's a given. That's why this happens." Stain said

"That hurts. You're too strong. Kurogiri, take this guy back." Tomura said

"My... body doesn't move. I think it's the Hero Killer's Quirk." Kurogiri said

"This society is full of fake Heroes, where the true meaning of Heroes has been lost, and the criminals that carelessly use their powers need to be purged." Stain said moving the knife to Tomura neck only for Tomura to stop it

"Wait a second. Not this palm." Tomura said as crack "I'll kill you. You're so chatty. conviction? I don't have something so pompous." he asked as he disintegrates stain knife "If I must say... yes... it All Might." he said "I do think that I want to destroy this society that hails garbage like All Might as their Hero." he said

Stain feel a killer Instinct coming from Tomura, Tomura attack Stain but he jumps to dodge

"My last injury was just about healed..." Tomura said standing up "We don't have anyone that can heal. Are you going to take responsibility?" he said as he starts scratching his neck

"So, that's who you are?" Stain asked


"We have different objectives. But we agree on one thing, which is to destroy the present." Stain said

"Stop fooling around. Go away. Die. I'm the type you hate the most, right?" Tomura asked

"I tested your true motives. People show their true color when they're facing death. It's different, but you have the desire, a distorted sprout of conviction inside of you. It wouldn't be too late for me to wait and see how you grow before I kill you." Stain said

Kurogiri stumble a bit able to move on

"You're going to kill me anyway?" Tomura said

"I can move again." Kurogiri said

"Kurogiri, I don't want such a crazy person as one of our team members." Tomura said

"Tomura Shigaraki, if he joins us, he will be a great asset to the team. The negotiation has been completed." Kurogiri said

"My business here is done. Now, take me back to Hosu. I still have unfinished business there." Stain said


Both Manual and Tenya remove their helmet after patrolling the city

"With the entire city on high alert, the villains won't be able to come out." Manual said

"Is that right?" Tenya said as Manual walk away 'Hero Killer: Stain. I knew right away when I researched him. He has injured at least four heroes in each of the seven areas he has appeared in so far. I don't know if he has a purpose or if it's a jinx, but it will happen again. My brother is the only victim in Hosu so far. There is... a high probability of him re-appearing in this city. come. I'll kill you with my own hands.' he though

Meanwhile, a Wrap Gate open in an alleyway and out step Stain

Izuku and Gran Torino just finish another training

"Not bad kid you are getting best and best." Gran Torino said

"Thank you." Izuku said

"So what's next?" Parad asked

"Change into your costume Midoriya. We'll move onto phase two." Gran Torino said

"What is Phase two?" Izuku asked

"Parad, you stay here and watch the place." Gran Torino said

"Yes, sir." Parad said

"Midoriya and I are heading out to fight villains." Gran Torino said

"All of a sudden?" Izuku asked

"Is it because if he only fighting against you, he won't know how to fight against a different type of people." Parad said

"Correct." Gran Torino said

"Oh, okay." Izuku said

Izuku change into his Hero Costume then he and Gran Torino head out

"Have fun." Parad said

"So where are we going?" Izuku asked

"Well since you are worried about your friend I'll go to Hosu so you can check on him, then head to Shibuya." Gran Torino said

"Thank Gran Torino, I hope Iida doesn't do anything stupid." Izuku said

Both Manual and Tenya are on patrol

"Day in and Day out, we patrol. I'm sorry it's so repetitive." Manual said

"Not at all. In fact, I like it." Tenya said

"Hey! I hate to ask this, but... you're after the Hero Killer, right?" Manual asked

Tenya stop at that question

"That..." Tenya said

"I couldn't think of any other reason why you chose my Agency. Of course, I'm happy that you came here. But... you shouldn't act on a personal vendetta. We heroes do not have the right to punish or arrest. The use of Quirks has been allowed through advanced regulations. That's why no matter what the reason is, a Hero cannot use his Quirk for his own benefit. If you use it for your own interest, that will be a huge offense." Manual said

Tenya look down

"That doesn't mean that the Hero Killer is not at fault. You look like the serious type, so I was worried that you might be focusing too much on one thing." Manual said

"Thank you for your warning." Tenya said bowing

"It's okay if you're aware of it. Let's go then." Manual said

'But... Then... what am I supposed to do with these feelings?' Tenya thought

Stain stood at a water tank looking at the city when a wrap gate opened behind him and out step Tomura

"Hosu City is a lot better than I thought." Tomura said "And what are you planning to do?" he asked

"I'm going to reform this city. To do that, we need a sacrifice." Stain said

"Is that the unfinished business you mentioned the other day?" Kurogiri asked

"You're quick on the uptake." Stain said

"Stop with your pointed remarks." Tomura said

"A hero is a title only for those who have achieved great things. There are too many money worshipping wannabe Heroes. Until this world realizes its own mistake, I will continue to appear." Stain said and jump off the water tank

"After all that arrogant talk, what he's doing is nothing more than a grassroots movement. It's so admirable, it makes me cry." Tomura said scratching his neck

"We can't make fun of him too much. The crime rate has gone down in the cities that Stain has appeared in so far. One critic analyzed that it's raising awareness of the Heroes and received fierce criticism for it." Kurogiri said

"That's wonderful. Heroes are working hard to lose their keep. Hero Killer is also a Hero breeder, huh?" Tomura said "What a waste of time. As expected, we just don't agree with each other. And he's annoying too. Kurogiri, bring out the Nomu." he said

Kurogiri open a wrap gate and three Nomus came out

'Did you think you'd get away with stabbing me? If you wanted to kill me, then you should have done so. It'll be a raging competition. I'll crush... your honor and pride, mister.' Tomura thought

Izuku and Gran Torino on a Bullet Train to Hosu, Gran Torino notice the worried look on Izuku face

"Are you thinking about your friend?" Gran Torino asked

"Yeah, It's night now so Stain might strike." Izuku said

"Don't worry once we stop we can go check on your friend." Gran Torino said

"Okay." Izuku said

"Hey, look at that!" Passenger 1 said getting everyone attention "That building just exploded." he said

"Where?" Passenger 2 said

"What's happening?" Gran Torino

"Gran Torino, do you think...." Izuku said

"Yeah, we'll head over there when we stop." Gran Torino said

Suddenly the train stop and a Hero crash into the train

"What the?" Izuku said

"What's wrong with him?" The Hero said then a hand grab his face and pin him down

The hand is connected to a 4 eye Nomu

"Nomu!" Izuku said

"Kid, go save your friend fight, if you have to, just come back alive." Gran Torino said launch to the Nomu, push it off the Hero and the train

"Thank you!" Izuku said and use and jump out of the train to see a part of the city on fire "That must where Iida." he said and jump toward the burning area

Tomura laughs as he watches the chaos

"This is great. Let's go wild." Tomura said

"What? A villain appeared? Got it. I'll head there right now." Manual said talking to another Hero through a communicator "Tenya, let's run." he said and he and Tenya run to the flamed area

'Could it be... no... he wouldn't do anything so flashy.' Tenya thought then stop and turn to an alleyway and see the person he was looking for then run after him

"How raucous. The fools are out and about? I'll take care of them later. For now..." Stain said turning to the Hero he has pinned to the wall Native "I will do what I must do." he said

"My body... won't move... You bastard...Die!" Native said

"If you call yourself a Hero, choose your last words wisely." Stain said raising his sword

Then Tenya arrive, so Stain swing his sword to stop Tenya and knock his helmet off

"A child with a suit on." Stain said "Who is he?" he asked

Tenya stare at Stain with rage

"Go away. This isn't a place for a child." Stain said as Tenya sit up

"A blood-like red scarf, and carrying blades all over his body. You're Hero Killer: Stain, right?" Tenya said "Right? I came searching for you. I didn't think I'd find you so quickly. I..." he said but stop when Stain points his sword at him

"Those eyes are out for revenge. Watch what you say. Even a child could become my target." Stain said

"Are you saying that I'm not even a target?" Tenya said clenching fist "Then listen, you criminal. I'm... the younger brother of the Hero you attacked." he said slowly standing up "A younger brother of a wonderful brother. I came to stop you, in my brother's place." he said and remember what his brother asked of him 'Will you... carry on this name for me?' he remember "Don't forget my name for the rest of your life. Ingenium. It's the name of the Hero that will defeat you!" he said

"Is that so?" Stain asked "Die." he said

The four-eyes Nomu break from the build it was under

"It's a Villain!" citizen 1 said as he and his girlfriend run away, but his girlfriend trip "Where's the Hero?" he asked

The Nomu is about to attack when Gran Torino kick it

"How long has it been since I fought in a real battle." Gran Torino said "I got myself caught up in something crazy. You're causing us trouble!" he said

The Nomu attack but Gran Torino jump over it

'He's fast, but... it's still within my control.' Gran Torino thought

The Nomu crawl to the couple

"He's indiscriminate with this opponent. Stop that." Gran Torino said launching himself toward the Nomu but then flame that came from Endeavor hit and burn the Nomu, so Gran Torino stop

"I was aiming for the Hero Killer, but he came at a bad timing." Endeavor said "I don't know who you are, but elderly man..." he said

"Huh?" Gran Torino turn to Endeavor

"Leave the rest to me." Endeavor said

"You're..." Gran Torino said

"Really?" citizen 1 said

"Why is he here?" Citizen 2 said

"The answer is obvious. Because I'm a Hero." Endeavor said

Izuku is running toward the source of the disturbance pass by people

'The source of the crowd is the center of the disturbance. but why is that Nomu-like creature... If that also has an unbelievable power like that one at USJ... Not only Gran Torino, but this entire city is in danger.' Izuku thought 'And Iida who is here for his internship. What should I do? Think. what is the best action to take?' he thought

"Tenya!" the voice of Manual is heard over the other end of the alleyway


"Tenya!" Manual said

Izuku hurry and run through the alleyway to see a bus that has been thrown by a Nomu land on another car and exploded

"What?" Izuku said

A Hero with elongated was knocked back and land in front of Izuku by an eyeless Nomu and it knocks away two more Heroes and a winged Nomu carry a Hero up with its leg

"No way... What's... happening..." Izuku said

A Hero with a horn remove a fire hydrant

"Manual put out the fire." the Horned Hero said

"Right." Manual said

'That voice..." Izuku thought recognizing the voice 'Normal Hero? It's Iida's Internship.' he thought and run to Manual

"Where did you disappear to at a time like this, Tenya!" Manual said and use his water control Quirk to control the water to put out the fire

'He disappeared? In this situation? I was right to worry.' Izuku thought

"Hey, you're in the way. Stand back." A Female Hero said

"Sorry." Izuku said

"We're taking control here. Follow the police for evacuation."

"Where are you, Tenya?" Manual said

'I guess I can Focus on finding Iida.' Izuku thought and runoff

"Nomu's are great, after all." Tomura said

"You're not going to take part in it?" Kurogiri asked

"Are you an idiot? I'm injured. That's why I'm using them instead." Tomura said

"Master, how many Nomu's are there?" Tomura asked his Master

"They're not as strong as the ones from the USJ attack, but I have six that passed the operational check." said

"Hand them over." Tomura said

"Why?" asked

"Because I don't like the Hero Killer. I can destroy anything I don't like, right? Master!" Tomura asked

"Fine. But only up to three of them. Use this opportunity to learn a lesson." said

"Hahaha! By morning, everyone would've forgotten about you... Hero Killer." Tomura said

"I will not!" Tenya shout swing his leg toward Stain but Stain dodge

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