《The Multiple Hero Deku》Bouns Level: The Visit


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

= Finisher and Weapon sound



After the Sports Festival, students were given three days off to rest and recover, which is what Izuku and his friend are doing in his house.

"What are you guys doing here?" Izuku asked standing at the door staring at his classmate who is standing outside of his House, everyone here but Tenya, Bakugo, and Shoto

"We decided to pay you a visit since school is close for a few days, I hope you don't mind." Momo said

"Oh OK but how do you know where I live?" Izuku asked

"Momo asked me and I told her." Parad said

"I see." Izuku said

"Izuku who is at the door?" Inko asked Izuku

"It my classmates they came to visit, mind if they come in?" Izuku asked

"Your classmates Okay let them in, I'll make some snack." Inko said

"OK thank you. Alright, guys come in." Izuku said as he and his walking to his house and is amazed at his house

"Wow, nice House Midoriya." Eijiro said looking around

"Yeah, an amazing house." Mina said

"Yeah, my Mom has a friend who works as a House designer, so she calls in a favor and here we are, come on let get to my room." Izuku said as he and his friend into his room

"Wow, I didn't know you can play a musical instrument." Jiro said

"Hey everyone has a hobby or two." Izuku said as he and his friend sit down some sit on the bed and other sit on the floor

Then Inko walks in holding a tray of Two plates of cookies and 18 glasses of orange juice. "Here you everyone enjoys." she said as he places the tray on the table which is in the middle of the room


"Thank you, mom." Izuku said

"No problem, Izuku." Inko said as she walks out

"Dude that your mom? you didn't say she was so pretty-" Denki said but Izuku back-hand him

"Shut it Kaminari." Izuku said as he and the other eat the cookies and drink the orange juice

"Look like we out of cookies." Izuku said

"What now?" Mina asked

"I'll go to the convenience store and buy some snacks, be back soon." Izuku said as he walks out of the room and heads out to the convenience store

"Hey, guys wants to see something." Parad said as he walks to Izuku game table and pulls out a box from under the desk

"What in the box Parad?" Toru asked

"CDs they full of song Izuku sung." Parad said

"Really?" Ochaco asked

"Want to listen to some?" Parad said holding out one CD

"Yes." All the girls said

"Yeah, let hear what he sound like when he is singing." Sero said

"Yeah, let." Mashirao said

"I'm a bit curious myself." Momo said

"Yeah, let hear it." Sato said

"Alright, let hear it." Parad said as he put one CD into the CD player and press start

"So is this a slow song or what?" Denki asked

"Shhhh." The Girl said

"Whoa, that was fast." Jiro said

"Yeah, I like it." Sero said

"Wow, that was amazing." Jiro said

"Yeah, I didn't think he was that good." Mina said

"I know right." Toru said

"He has a great voice." Tsuyu said

"Man, that was a manly song." Eijiro said

"May I pick the next song?" Tokoyami asked

"Sure go ahead." Parad said

"Thank." Tokoyami said searching the box then pick one "This song looks good it call ." he said


"Let's hear it." Mina said

Tokoyami put the CD into the CD player and press start

"A song about Darkness starts pretty fast." Mina said

"This is a song of darkness indeed." Tokoyami said

"So this song is basically about walking blindly in the dark." Denki said

"Scary." Toru said

"A thundering silence." Ochaco said

"That song is very dark but at the same time it shows that you can always fight your darkness and come up top." Tokoyami said

"I like the fast pace of the music." Jiro said

"Thank you." Izuku said appearing at the door

"Hey Izuku, you're back." Momo said

"Maybe you guys should ask me first before you listen to my song." Izuku said

"Sorry Deku." Ochaco said

"It fine." Izuku said

"So Midoriya mind if you sing one of your songs?" Jiro asked

"Why?" Izuku asked

"Just do it." The girls said

"Okay, okay Jeez. Parad finds JUSTICE please." Izuku said

"Sure." Parad said searching through the CD while Izuku grabs a microphone "Found it." Parad said

"Then let go." Izuku said

Parad put the CD into the CD player and press start music play and Izuku Sing

"A song about hero cool." Ojiro said

"Yeah." the Guys said

"Restarting in a new world? so basically the new beginning." Shoji said

"I think so." Sato said

"That was awesome man." Eijiro said

"Thank." Izuku said

"You should sing again for use again sometime." Mina said and the Girls nodded

"Sure, now come on let eat the snack I brought." Izuku said

"Okay." everyone said and they start eating

"Thank you for having us." Momo said

"Yeah it was fun." Mina said

"Can we come again sometime?" Eijiro asked

"No problem." Izuku said

"Come back again anytime." Inko said

"See back at school." Ojiro said

When they were gone and Inko close the door

"So Izuku." Inko said

"Yes." Izuku said

"Which one of the girls is your girlfriend?" Inko asked causing Izuku to fall

"None of them are." Izuku said

"Are you sure all of the girls really enjoy your song, you may have a Harem." Parad said

"Not you too Parad." Izuku said

"Oh come now Izuku you don't have to hide it." Inko said

"I'm not." Izuku said blushing

"You say that but your face is as red as tomato." Parad said

"I'm going to my room." Izuku said

Inko and Parad just laugh at Izuku


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