《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 14: Trial 4: Ochaco Determination and The Quarter-Final


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound


"Henshin!" = Transforming


The crowd cheer as the fight is about to start

"You're the one who messes around with gravity right pink cheek." Bakugo said

"Pink Cheek?" Ochaco said

"Well if you are gonna give up do it now because I'm not gonna hold anything back." Bakugo said but Ochcao stood her ground

"Midoriya." Tenya said

"Huh." Izuku turn to Tenya

"Do you think there is a way for Uraraka to win?" Tenya asked

"The way I see it there is only one way." Izuku said, "Kacchan is good with his explosion but if Uraraka can touch him she can use her Quirk to make Kacchan float she can send him off balance however Kacchan isn't the type to underestimate people who make it this far in the tournament so his guard will be up." Izuku said

"Let the 8th match Begin." Mic said

Ochaco immediately run toward Bakugo while keeping her head down

"Giving up isn't an option for me." Ochaco said

"Look at her go that a good start and all she has to do is touch him one time." Mina said

"But it won't be easy." Izuku said

"Yeah, Bakugo is not gonna let Ochaco close to him." Parad said

"Which is why he won't dodge he will focus his energy on counter-attacking." Izuku said

"And now you did." Bakugo said raising his right palm

'Here it comes.' Ochaco Thought as she moves closer 'I can dodge this move.' she thought

Bakugo swing an explosion toward Ochaco blasting her back

"Uraraka." Mina and Tenya said

"He blasted her." Mineta said

"No like Bakugo is not planning to show her any mercy." Tsuyu said

"She's fine." Izuku said

"Stupid saw it coming and I still cause get out of the way." Ochaco said

"You should have dropped out of the match." Bakugo said then he see Ochaco's jacket "There no way you will beat me." Bakugo said blasting at the Jacket when the dust clears it was just the jacket and Ochaco isn't there

Ochaco come out from the smoke behind Bakugo

"Whoa, she throws her jacket over as a decoy what incredible quick thinking." Mic said

'This is my chance I can make him float.' Ochaco Thought but Bakugo blast her back

"Look at that reaction time." Sero said

"Seriously the dude is insane, You can't get the drop on him and since Uraraka can't use her Quirk unless she touches him, his lighting fast reflex put her at a huge disadvantage" Denki said

Bakugo clear away the smoke in front of him and Ochaco run to him again

"Too slow." Bakugo said blasting Ochaco again

"I got you." Ochaco said coming from behind Bakugo but she gets blasted again

"Is she okay?" Tsuyu asked

"I can watch this"Kyoka said covering her eye

"Parad is Ochaco trying to." Izuku said

"Yeah." Parad said

Ochaco keep trying to get closer to Bakugo only for him to blast her again

"This isn't over yet." Ochaco said moving close again but Bakugo blast her

"Look like she is not resting between attacks despite being exploded, the poor girl." Mic said

Ochaco move close but Bakugo blast her again

"Her attack earlier didn't work so now she is getting desperate." Pro Hero 1 said

"Hey, should one of the Teachers step in?" Pro Hero 2 asked


"Yeah, this is too rough." Pro Hero 3 said

Ochaco move in close but Bakugo blast her again

"This is shameful listen, kid, you really want to be a Hero then stop acting like a bully if you're so good then just send her out on." Pro Hero 4 said

But Bakugo ignore him and blast the closing Ochaco again

"Stop toying with the girl and end this match." Pro Hero 4 said

"Yeah, you heard the guy." Pro Hero 5 said

and the crowd start booing

"The Crowd is now Booing Bakugo." Mic said "Honestly I kind of agree with what they are saying." he said then Aizawa elbow

Aizawa was about to grab the microphone when Izuku grab it first

"Wow, the ones who are booing must be brainless people if they think Bakugo is bullying her if you so-called Pro Hero can't see the big picture then go home put your cape away and find a new job." Izuku said

"Huh." everyone stops booing and turn to the commentator box

"Bakugo fierceness is an acknowledgment of his opponent's strengths he knows she deserve it to have made it this far so he's making sure he does whatever it takes to keep her at bay and come out on top." Izuku said

'We're not done she's not dead yet.' Bakugo said

"I think it's time." Ochaco said "Thank you Bakugo for keeping your focus on me." she said

"What." Bakugo said

Izuku pass the mic to Parad

"And besides you, Pro Hero should be ashamed I don't blame Bakugo for not noticing but it embarrassing for a pro to Boo and not realize what's going on from the stand after all it doesn't take a genius to look up." Parad said point up

"What." Mic said and everyone looks up to see a lot of debris floating "What in the world." Mic said

"Now you notice them." Izuku said

"Uraraka kept low to the as she moves which means Bakugo blast tore up the floor of the ring creating weapons for her." Parad said

"And then she kept his focus on her by attack without rest rendering him oblivious." Izuku said

"And you all called yourself Pro hero." Parad said

"Let go." Ochaco said touching her finger together turning off the Zero Gravity which causes the debris to fell down

"She has a plan all along." Tenya said

Ochaco start running toward Bakugo

'With the much debris whether he's dodging or counter-attacking there will definitely be an opening.' Ochaco thought 'At that moment I'll finally get close to him.' she thought

Bakugo raise his hand up

'This is it my shot I'll win and be like Daku.' Ochaco thought as she closes in on Bakugo about to touch however


Bakugo a powerful explosion which destroys all the debris the shock wave blows Ochaco back and it strong enough to each the stand

"I figure you have some sort of stupid plan to beat me." Bakugo said "You are friend with Deku after all." he said

"It's taken him once shot." Ochaco said

"Bakugo shows off a huge demonstration of power, he blows a part Uraraka finishing move and remains un-touch." Mic said

"Almost un-touch that blast dislocated his hand he can't use it." Izuku said

'I bet everything I have into that but I weren't good enough.' Ochaco thought 'But.' she stands up 'I can still stand though.' she though


"Alright, then time for us to get serious Uraraka." Bakugo said running toward Ochaco

'If Deku was in the ring, he wouldn't give up yet.' Ochaco thought turning toward Bakugo but she collapses

"Uraraka is down." Mic said

'No, come on get up I want to keep going.' Ochaco thought

"Miss Midnight stop the match Uraraka has already far past her limit she's gonna pass out soon." Parad said

"Uraraka that enough there is always next." Izuku said

'He right." Ochaco thought passing out

Midnight walk to check on Ochaco

"Uraraka is K.O Bakugo advance to the Quarter-Final." Midnight said as the crowd cheer

"And that it for the first round." Mic said as the medic bot take Ochaco to Recovery Girl "Let try to forget that depressing outcome with that the first around complete and here is the match of the Quarter-Final."

"We're taking a quick break and then come back and start the Quarter-Final," he said

Izuku and Parad is walking to check on Ochaco when they run into Bakugo

"Oh hey, Kacchan." Izuku said

"Tell me something Deku." Bakugo said

"What?" Izuku asked

"Were that plan your idea?" Bakugo asked

"No, it's all Uraraka's idea she has a plan from the very begin." Izuku said "Anyway my match is next so I'll be going to the waiting room see you later." he said walking away

"Hey Bakugo playing the villain huh." Sero said

"Even if it was just because of who you were up against you did make a very good bad guy." Tsuyu said

"Shut up you Idiots or else." Bakugo said

"Man I lost too bad." Ochaco said

"Huh?" Izuku and Parad said

"I guess I got a little carry away at the end thinking I have it in the beg." Ochaco said

"You seem fine but weren't you injury." Izuku said

"Yeah Recovery Girl took care of me she was very careful not to drain too much of my stamina so I still have a few scrapes and scratches." Ochaco said

"At least you are okay." Izuku said, "We'll be going now the Quarter-Final Match is gonna start later." He said and he and Parad left

Ochaco phone ring she looks at it and sees that it her father she answer the phone

"Hi, Daddy." Ochaco said

"Sorry for calling when you are busy your mom and I just watch you on TV you almost won, you were amazing." Mr. Uraraka said

"It's wasn't that close and I wasn't very good, I rush it too much, in the end, I didn't have a backup plan for what I would do if that big move didn't work out, I fail." Ochaco said

"You lost but that doesn't mean you can't be a Pro Hero, I know I don't have the best understanding of how all of this works but like that boy say there is always next year right? This isn't the end." Mr. Uraraka said

"I know but I wish I could have gonna further in the festival so I could have more chance to show what I'm made of the scout barely saw me do anything this time around." Ochaco said

"What are you in such a hurry for huh?" Mr. Uraraka asked

"It just I want to help you guy out as soon as I can." Ochaco said as tear move down her face

"Ochaco there's no need for you to rush." Mr. Uraraka said "The very fact you feel that way show me you'll make a kind, caring Hero one day I'm so proud of you." he said Ochaco start crying

"Welcome back everyone it's time for the Special Two on Two matches." Mic said as the crowd cheer

"Ready Parad?" Izuku asked

"Yeah." Parad said

The two walk out of the tunnel

"First we have one student powerful student and one unknown student Class 1A Izuku Midoriya and Parad." Mic said as the two Rider steps up the ring "Versus Two Student with the same Quirk Class 1A Eijirou Kirishima and Class 1B Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu." he said as the two-step up the ring

"A Special Two on Two matches this is gonna be awesome." Denki said

"You think Parad can Transform too." Sero said

"Probably." Tenya said

"The match hasn't started yet." Ochaco said arriving

"Oh, Uraraka what something horrible happens to your eyes you need to go see Recovery Girl." Tenya said

"I already did this is from something else." Ochaco said

"Oh of course anyway it is gonna start so." Tenya said

"Alright everyone the first match of the Quarter-Final is about to begin." Mic said

"Let go Parad." Izuku said reaching his hand out for a fist bump and Parad enter Izuku

"Where did Parad go." Mic said

"Just watch." Aizawa said

Izuku put on the Gamer Driver

And hold out a Double Gashat

"Henshin!" Izuku said then insert the Double Gashat

Izuku open the panel

Izuku transform then split into two one is Izuku and the other one Parad

"They split again." Pro Hero 1 said

"The one with the red hair must be that other kid." Pro Hero 2 said

"Let's clear it together with super co-op play!" the two Rider said

"Match start." Mic said

"Let's play." The two Rider said running to their opponent

The Hard and Steel Quirk user activates their Quirk and defend when the Riders punch the two is sent back a bit

"What the?" Eijirou said

"That a lot of Power." Tetsutetsu said

"Knock Out Fighter is a fighting game where you beat up the opponent till they're K.O." Izuku said

"This is a test of endurance." Parad said

The two Rider charge at their opponent again and start punching them with a barrage of fist

"Whoa, this really a test of endurance two powerful attackers against two unbreakable defenders!" Mic said

The two Riders punch their opponent back and Izuku right hand and Parad left hand get cover in fire and they punch flame from their fist the Riders move close and uppercuts their opponent high then punch them back down the two-rider land as Eijirou and Tetsutetsu stand back up and stood their ground

"Time to finish this match." Izuku said

"Yeah." Parad said

They close the panel

Both of their fists charge with energy and run to their opponent they open the panel again when they close to them


They punch Eijiro and Tetsutetsu sending them out of the ring

"Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are out of the ring the Winners are Izuku Midoriya and Parad which means Izuku Midoriya move on to the Semi-Final." Midnight said

"It's a double knock." Mic said the crowd cheer "The two unbreakable defenders couldn't stand up against the two powerful attackers." he said

"Those kids were powerful and being able to use different power is useful too." Pro Hero 1 said

"Yeah, I would love to have a sidekick like them." Pro Hero 2 said

Izuku and Parad Un-Transform and run to check on Eijirou and Tetsutetsu

"Hey, are you two alright?" Izuku asked

"Yeah, I'm fine." Eijirou said

"Same here." Tetsutetsu said

"I know it was one-side but it was a good match." Izuku said reaching his hand out

"Yeah." Eijirou said standing up

"You too." Parad said reaching his hand out

"Thank you." Tetsutetsu said standing up

The four walk back to their seat

"Alright everyone let move on to the next match." Mic said "First we have the wonderful flower the Hero Course Ibara Shiozaki Versus the guy who won his last fight by a landslide and literally left half of the audience frozen the Hero Course Shoto Todoroki." he said "Now let get this match start-." he said

"Excuse me." Ibara said

"Huh." Mic said

"But I would like to forfeit I'm at disadvantage in this match since my opponent uses Ice and Fire." Ibara said

"Midnight." Mic asked

"Very well Shiozaki forfeit Todoroki advance to the Semi-Final." Midnight said

"That disappointing but understandable so let move to the Third match of the Quarter-Final." Mic said as the crowd cheer "First we have the girl with Pink skin and acid blood Mina Ashido Versus The speeding student with the engine in his leg Tenya Iida." Mic said "Let the match begin." he said

Mina charge toward Tenya slide on her acid

"Here we go, Recipro Burst." Tenya said speed behind Mina and start pushing her out

"Whoa hey." Mina said

Tenya stop and Mina slide out of the ring

"Ashido is out Lida win the match." Midnight said as the crowd cheer

"Wow, that was fast." Izuku said

"Yeah." Parad said

"And now it's time for Bakugo Versus Tokoyami." Mic said "Bakugo big attack is unstoppable." he said

Tokoyami move Dark Shadow close to him

"That thing is so damn annoying." Bakugo said blasting Dark Shadow

"What Power." Tokoyami said

"Look like Tokoyami now the rope." Mic said

"What going on how is he losing." Mina said

"It's because of who he is up against." Izuku said

"What do you mean Izuku?" Momo asked

"I think of what the Quirk is called Dark Shadow and the opposites of the dark is light that what Dark Shadow weakness light." Izuku said

"That why Dark Shadow can't attack." Parad said

Bakugo use his explosion and blast himself upward and land behind Tokoyami and create a flash of light

"Stun grenade." Bakugo said the explosion create dust

"How I'm I suppose to commentate when I can see." Mic said

"Tell me Bakugo." Tokoyami said as the dust clear showing Bakugo have Tokoyami pin down "Did you know of my weakness before." he asked

"I figure it out by attacking over and over again." Bakugo said as his right hand is bursting a little explosion"It was a pretty bad matchup for you I almost feel bad." he said "But you are done." he said

"I surrender." Tokoyami said

"Tokoyami gives up Bakugo is the winner of this Match." Midnight said

"That it everyone we have our top Four competitors for the Semi-Final." Mic said

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