《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 12: Trial 2: Perfect Cavalry


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

= Finisher and Weapon sound



"Now, you have fifteen minutes to build up your teams. START!" Midnight said

'It probably won't matter how many points my teammate have cause I have the highest point I just need to make sure I pick the right people and keep my point with me right I know who I want' Izuku though

"The Sports Festival isn't about seeing how to prepare they are at being Hero, it's more about simulating the competition they face when they go Pro." Death Arm said smoking a cigarette

"What are you talking about?" Mt Lady asked

"We both know this country is overflowing with hero agency right now, if you want to put food on the table you got to be ready to step on top of other Heroes, that was the whole point of the first game." Death Arm said

"That such a sad way to look at our jobs." Mt Lady said

"Seriously you never have a problem stealing the spotlight." Kamui Wood said talking about the giant villain she steals from him

"But on the other hand even if you're battling each other for popularity there is a lot of time you need to work together." Death Arm said

"You're right it's just like the Cavalry Battle, every point you score is not just for you but for your teammate as well, plus you need to think about how Quirk works together and who you're compatible with." Mt Lady said

"It's kind of like coordinating with your sidekick or doing Quirk training with other agencies." Kamui Wood said

"I'm sure at least some of the kids are thinking about all of this if they become pro it will be their way of life." Death Arm said

"They still got a long road ahead of them." Mt Lady said

Some of class 1A students surround Bakugo

"You such team up with me." Sato said

"No, you definitely want me by your side." Mina said

"I don't want to beg but please." Yuga said while trying to hold his stomach

"Wait remind me what your Quirk is again and your name." Bakugo said which shock them

"Are you kidding we're your classmate." Mina said

"Can you really be that self-center?" Sato said

"He's a hothead but he came in third and he has 200 points and considering how versatile his Quirk is I'm not surprised people are trying to join up with him." All Might said watching from the teacher room

"Hey Bakugo, I was gonna try Todoroki but he already picks his teammate, so hey we should team up." Eijiro said

"Hey, dumb hair." Bakugo said

"My name is Kirishima and my hair is not that different from yours, come on you want to be the rider right, so you need a strong front horse who won't be hurt by your blast, that me." Eijiro said activated his Quirk to prove his point Bakugo stare at him

"I need someone with guts." Bakugo said

"My Quirk was made for this I got you cover man let go charging into battle together, Ten Million bring it." Eijiro said

"Alright, you're in." Bakugo said

"Shoji, SHOJI" Mineta call out to his six arm classmate

"What?" Shoji asked

"None of the girls want to team up with me please be my partner." Mineta said crying "I'm super tiny to be a horse and nobody wants me to climb on top of them so I can't be the rider." he said while shoji walk away "With your big body and those tentacles you can cover me completely so no one can take my headband." he said which catch Shoji attention


"Good Idea let go." Shoji said

'Just like I thought everyone is sticking to the people is their homeroom class, it too much of a risk if you don't know what their Quirk can do I need to find my team and fast.' Izuku though

"Hey Deku." Ochaco called out


"Let team up." Ochaco said

"Hey, Ochaco I was actually gonna come get you it will be great to team up with you." Izuku said smiling

"Yeah everyone is coming to get us but it will be okay if we run away the whole time and besides it's better to team up with people you like." Ochaco said

"Oh, Ochaco you are a ball of sunshine. now then let find us, another teammate." Izuku said and they run off to find their next teammate which was Tenya

"Hey, Iida feel like teaming up?" Izuku asked

"Of course I was planning to come to you anyway so what's our game plan." Tenya said

"We need one more person but who?" Izuku asked then they heard an unfamiliar voice coming behind them

"Hehehe! oh perfect you still have a spot left." the voice said

They turn a turn and saw the pink hair student from the support course

"Team up with me, Midoriya! the one with the Ten million point!" the pink hair girl with goggles said as she moves closer to Izuku

"Oh, too close! who are you?" Izuku asked

The pink-haired girl giggled as she back off and adjusted her goggles,

"I am Mei Hatsume from the Support Course!" she said introduced herself as Mei Hatsume

"Oh, you're that weird girl from the obstacle course." Ochaco said

"We haven't met but I like to use your current fame to my personal advantage." Mei said

'That straightforward.' Izuku though

'Yeah, I know.' Parad though

"If I team up with you then I'll be in the spotlight part of the team that all eyes are on." Mei said speaking rapidly and getting closer to Izuku and his two friends making them step back a bit "That means my cute babies will be seen by the big company CEOs who are tuning in to the Sports Festival." she said getting even closer "And by that logic, this is the best way for me and my marvelous gadget to get recruited." she said

"Could you slow down a minute, did you bring babies here? I mean." Ochaco said but Mei ignored her 'Oh she doesn't care about me,' Ochaco I though

"Alright, you're in." Izuku said

"Great." Mei said

"Now then listen up here the plan." Izuku said

The teams have been formed and the buzzer went off to signal that it was time to form up

"Oh, goodly it's time to get this party started." Midnight said

"Hey, hey! come on, wake up, Eraser! the second round is about to start!" Present Mic said waking Aizawa from his nap which he did

"After fifteen minutes to pick teammate and talk strategy 12 Cavalry team are prepared to go head to head." Present Mic said while Aizawa at the team

"I see some unexpected student combination." Aizawa said

"Everybody raise your hand in the air it's time for a UA battle royale let me hear you scream!!" Present Mic said

"You guy ready?" Izuku said putting his headband around his neck

"Yeah!" they said

"Good." Izuku said pulling out the Gashat Gear Dual


"It looks like Izuku Midoriya gonna use a new power." Mic said getting everyone attention

"You all think that everything is straightforward but you are wrong sometimes things are a puzzle." Izuku said then turn the dial to the left and energy item come out

"Henshin!" Izuku said then press the button

Izuku become Kamen Rider Para-DX Level 50 Puzzle Gamer

"Kamen Rider Para-DX Level 50, Now then let the game begin." Izuku said

"You heard people let count down to the brutal bloody showdown!" Mic said

"You're Dragging it." Aizawa said


Bakugo cracked his knuckles, "We are aiming for..."


"... one thing." Shoto stared at Izuku's team like how a predator stalks his prey


Izuku saw his two classmates stare at him and he motioned his hand toward the both of them "Come and get me." he said

"START!" Midnight shout as she waves her whip beginning the cavalry battle

Numerous teams all began rushing toward Izuku's team

"It basically a battle for the ten million points!" Tetsutetsu said

"I'll be taking that headband Midoriya." Toru said

"Coming for us from the get-go how predictable." Izuku said "Here how Perfect Puzzle I can control all the energy in the area and combine them too." he said raising both his hand "How about I give you all more than one target." he said picking Separation and Speeding up the two energy item become big and pass through him and his teammate

And seven more copies of Izuku's team appear

"What the?"

"No Fair."

"WHOA, there eight-team Midoriya now." Mic said

"Find the real..." clone 1 said

"...If you can that is." clone 2 said

"All clone scatter." clone 3 said and all of the clones of Izuku's team start zipping around in different directions thank the speed-up energy item

"Damn it which one is the real?" Testutesu said as he and his teammate and other team go after the one close to them

"Iida speed us through the middle." the real Izuku said

"Got it." Tenya said as he uses his Quirk to speed to an empty spot

"I'm the real." Izuku said as the clone disappear

"That move was just a distraction." Shoto said realizing what happens

"It's a good thing we have these hover shoes and anti-gravity boots else I couldn't pull us across." Tenya said

"Yeah now let fly Mei, Ochcao watch your face." Izuku said pressing a button that activates a jet pack which sent them upward avoiding the teams that were coming at them

"Jiro now." Toru said

"On it." Jiro said extending her earphone jack to grab Izuku Headband

"I don't think so." Izuku said calling a pale red energy item

He then extends his arm and blocks the jack

"Damn it." Jiro said

"Sorry, Kyoka but I'm not giving up this point." Izuku said

"Nice save Midoriya." Tenya said

"Thank now let land, Ochaco." Izuku said

"Right." Ochaco said using the hover shoe to land

"What do you think of my babies? Aren't they just wonderful" Mei asked

"Yeah they are, but we couldn't have flown if it wasn't thank Ochaco Quirk, good job Ochaco." Izuku said

"They not that far away after them." Toru said

"Hey wait Hagakure your headband is gone." Sato said

"What where did it go?" Toru asked

"Sorry Hagakure but I need your headband." Izuku said revealing that he has the headband he put it on and turn the headband inward and shuffle them

"Wow barely two minutes in and it already turning into a free for all." Mic said "Yeah watch those headbands you can even ignore the ten million point and go after the other point." he said as teams start ignoring Izuku's team and go after other

"HAHAHAHA! this isn't a game is a massacre." Mineta said as he is cover by Shoji's arm

"So Mineta and Shoji team up, smart." Izuku said

"Midoriya we need to move we are losing space." Tenya said as he sees Class 1B Tetsutetsu team coming in

"So a Piner attack." Izuku said then he dodges a tongue which came from Mineta's team "And I see Tsuyu is in the same team as Mineta, Ochcao watch your feet." he said Ochcao raise her foot and almost get hit by a sticky from Mineta

"That was close." Ochaco said

"But you guy can't catch what you can't see." Izuku said calling a light blue energy item

And the whole team turn invisible

"They Invisible now, where could they be." Tetsutetsu said

"Up here." Izuku said as he and his teammate are floating "You can't get us when we are up here." he said


"What the?" Izuku said to look for the source of the boom and see Bakugo blasting himself upward

"DEKU!" Bakugo said as he gets higher and higher until he reaches Izuku "Give me that Headband." he said going for an attack

"Nope." Izuku said dodging Bakugo's attack and punching him in the face who then fall "You was too slow." Izuku said

The crowd cheered as they were finally getting to see some hand to hand action

"Sero catch him." Eijiro said

"On it." Sero said shoot tape and catch Bakugo pulling him back to the team

"-He gotten separated from his horses!"

"-What's with that guy?!"

"-Is that even allowed?!"

"He didn't touch the ground so it okay." Midnight said

"Let land guy." Izuku said

"Right." they said as they land

"It's been 7 minutes so let take a look a the ranking so far." Mic said as the ranking are show the crowd was shocks of the ranking "Hold on here this is an unexpected turn." he said as the ranking shows that only Izuku is doing well "Other than Midoriya class 1A is not doing very hot, even Bakugo is losing." he said

Seemingly out of nowhere, Monoma of class 1B appeared behind Bakugo as he snatched his headband cleanly off. Bakugo didn't know what happen until a couple of seconds later

"Class A is too small-minded to think bigger." Monoma said

"He got us." Mina said

"What did you just say come back here!" Bakugo said

"Midnight says the Obstacle course was just the first game and we figure they would cut us out right off the bat would they." Monoma said

"What?" Bakugo said

"Assuming they keep at least 42 contestants for the next game all we have to do is stay in that group as we ran from our spot in the middle rank we can full watch the Quirk our rival have and judge their ability, only a fool would obsess over winner the preliminary round would you agree." Monoma said

"And only an idiot would leave himself open and monologue." Izuku said as he extends his arm and grabs the headband Monoma stolen from Bakugo

"What the?" Monoma said as he didn't react in time to see Izuku coming

"Here your Headband Kacchan." Izuku said giving Bakugo back his headband "I rather face you in the next round than let you lose here, it's not fun." Izuku said to leave the headband in Bakugo hand and leave

"Hey, Deku why?" Bakugo asked

"We're against each other but we are still classmates." Izuku said "And you better make it to the round." he said then turned to Bakugo "If you don't we wouldn't be able to have our rematch and that would disappoint me as your rival." he said that make Bakugo smirk

"That damn nerd really knows how to motivate people." Bakugo said putting on the headband "Alright let make sure we move to the next round I have a rival waiting for me." he said

"Yeah." Eijiro said

"Right." Sero said

"Let's do this." Mina said

"Alright, you bastard get the ready course you're going down." Bakugo said as he and his team face Monoma's team

"Are you sure that was a good idea Midoriya?" Tenya asked

"Yeah, I am now let see who else is left." Izuku said then Shoto team came in "Of course it you." he said as they stare at each other

"Less than half of the time is left now!" Mic announced "It's anyone game but the question is who will wear the ten million point headband in the end." he said

"I'll be taking that headband now." Shoto said

"As if you can at your current power you can't beat me, but I like to see you try." Izuku said

"Let move." Shoto said as they charge at Izuku team "Yaoyorozu be ready to protect us." he said as Momo create a metal rod and insulation sheet "Kaminari!" he said

"Oh, I know what to do." Denki said

'I see what you are planning.' Izuku though

"He not the only one coming after you." Toru said as her team and three more charges at them

"Here they coming brace yourself." Izuku said calling a green energy item

"Right." the team said

"I hope you make something strong Yaoyorozu." Denki said as Shoto grab the sheet Momo make and cover himself while Momo has the metal rod connected to the ground "Indiscriminate shot 1.3000000 volts." he said as he sent out a big electric shock

"Here we go." Izuku said then use the Energy item on all of them

The team become Liquid and move back to dodge the electricity but the other team still get shocked

After the shock Shoto let go of the sheet "Less than the six-minute left, its time to make a move." he said grabbing the metal rod and start freezing the ground trapping the four-team that was shocked "Sorry but that no other way." he said

"Look at that he stop those team cold." Mic said

"But only after Kaminari has immobilized the other student using his electricity, in the first game he was surprised by how many people avoid his attack his adapting his plan." Aizawa said

"Nice commentary." Mic said giving Aizawa a thumb up

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