《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 11: Trial 1: Mighty Sport Festival Race


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

= Finisher and Weapon sound



Izuku is currently at his House putting on his shoe preparing to head out for the Sport Festival

"We're head out mom wish us luck." Izuku said

"Luck Izuku I'll be watching you on the T.V and Parad make sure he doesn't hurt himself." Inko said

"Don't worry I'll watch him." Parad said as he and Izuku

Colorful firework can be seen from a distance opening the UA Sports Festival while the media are outside the school gate waiting for the security to finish checking their equipment

"The security line is huge what the deal?" A female reporter asked

"A lot of Villains did just break-in, of course, the school is being strict about security, some people think they shouldn't holding the Festival after what happen." the cameraman said

"Perfect! bring the rating up like a little controversy plus everyone will be tuning in to see Class 1A" the Reporter said

Inside the campus, people are buying food and souvenir from stalls

"I'm always excited to see the third year they have the most experience with their Quirk plus it their last chance to show what they can do." Visitor 1 said

"No this time it's all about their powerful first year I can't wait to see them." Visitor 2 said

"Hey did you heard Endeavor is part of the first year can you imagine?" Female visitor said

"No way seriously." Visitor 1 said

"Man seat for the first year is gonna be full." Visitor 2 said

"I'll take one order to go please." Mt Lady said

"Whoa Mt Lady is it really you." a takoyaki seller said

"And hold the salt please." Mt Lady said

"Of course that gonna be ten bucks." the seller said

"Um... I don't have any money right now..." Mt Lady said in a cute voice

"So cute this one on the house." the seller said

"Aren't you a dear?" Mt Lady asked

"Do you have no sense of shame?" Kamui Wood asked as he and Death Arm stare at Mt Lady

Later the trio is walking around the campus

"I was hoping to do some scouting while I was here." Kamui Wood said

"Yeah too bad we're stuck working with security this time." Death Arm said

"Look like they call in Pro Heroes to guard this thing quite a show." Mt Lady said

Some of them are getting ready and while the others are nervous

"No, I was totally hoping to wear my costume." Mina said

"At least everyone will be in uniform that way it's fair." Mashirao said

"I wonder what they've in store for us in the first round?" Sato said

"No matter what they prepare we must persevere." Tokoyami said

"Right." Shoji simply said

Then Tenya enter the room

"Everyone gets your game faces on we'll be entering the arena soon." Tenya said

"Alright lets Parad." Izuku said as he and Parad fist bump and merge

"Midoriya." Shoto call out to Izuku

"Hmm?" Izuku turns to him "Hey Todoroki what up?" Izuku said

"From an objective standpoint, I think it very clear that you're strong than me." Shoto said

"So what?" Izuku asked

"However I'm going to beat you." Shoto said

"Whoa, what with all this declaration of war lately." Denki said as Izuku and Shoto stare at each other


Then Izuku faces turn into one that was gonna laugh then he did "HAHAHAHAHAHA."

Everyone in the room was shocked that Izuku is laughing at Shoto declaration of war as Izuku fall and continue laughing

"Man I haven't had a good laugh like that since middle school, I didn't think you have a sense of humor with that serious expression you always have." Izuku said standing back up and saw that Shoto was serious "Oh wait you're serious, well since we don't have much time I'll be blunt with you there is no version of this where you beat me especially when you're fighting with only half of your power." Izuku said then he walks past Shoto "Come on everyone go." he said

"HEYYYYYYYYYY! Pay attention audience! Swarm, mass media welcome to the UA Sports Festival First-year stage everyone ready course this come the First Year!" Present Mic said from within the commentator room

"How did you pull me into this?" Aizawa said who is also in the commentator room

"Now not the time. Anyway to start please welcome the Miraculous New star who overcome the Villain attack with hearts of steel Hero Course Class A!" Mic said as Class 1A enter the stadium

"That so many people." Ochaco said

"Man, I am getting nervous seeing all those people." Eijiro said

"Oh suck it wuss." Bakugo said

"Remember to do your best everyone and show them what we can do." Tenya said

"Next also from the Hero Course it Class B." Mic said as Class B enter "Then we've General studies Class C, D and E." he said as the General studies Student enter "Support Class F, G, and H." he said as the Support class enter "And Final Business I, J and K." he said as the business class enter "Give it up for UA First Year students." he said

"I have the feeling we're just here to make the Hero Class look better." a general studies student said

"I can't wait to get this over with." another one said

As all of the First-year students gather at the middle of the stage, a loud whipping sound was caught everyone attention

"Now the Introduction speech." Midnight said to stand on a stage

"Wow! This year Umpire is the R-rate Hero Midnight." random Hero 1 said

"Amazing." random Hero 2 said

"Seriously the other year don't know what they're missing." random 3 said

"Someone should talk to miss Midnight about what she's wearing." Eijiro said blushing

"Yeah, that costume should come with a warning." Denki said also blushing

"Is that appropriate for a high school game." Tokoyami said

Mineta just put his thumbs up which earned him a punch from Izuku

"QUIET EVERYONE." Midnight yell getting their attention "Now representing students is Izuku Midoriya, Class President of 1A!" she said point at Izuku

Izuku simply walk up to the stage take the microphone Midnight and took a deep breath

"Take your time~." Midnight said winking at him

Then Izuku begin

"All men are not born as equal, that is the trust some are born people with amazing Quirk while other are people are born with Quirk that makes them look like Villain and are see as such however the one who has it the worst are people born without power the one born Quirkless who have lost hope in their dream just because they don't have a Quirk." Izuku said as he closes his eye then open them again "And that why here and now I say this to all the people who are watching don't give up, because Quirk does not matter, what matter is your will and determination to move forward and overcome the obstacle that stands in your way because in the past before Quirk appears mankind has already breakthrough the impossible and make it possible and we can still do as long as you believe that there is always hope, as long as you believe that you can make the impossible possible and breakthrough your limit only then is when can you truly go beyond PLUS ULTRA!" he said shouting the last Part raising his fist up


"PLUS ULTRA." everyone shouts out inspired by Izuku

"That was so inspiring and manly I crying." Eijiro said as crying

"As expected of our class rep." Tenya said tears flow down his face

"Amazing." Momo said

"That was truly an amazing speech Midoriya let give another round of applause Izuku Midoriya of Class 1-A." Midnight said as the crowd clap

"Thank you everyone and to all of the students here, let's have fun and do our even best." Izuku said smiling and a blinding bright light shine

"So bright." random student 1 said as everyone covers their eyes

"Man this guy is pure." random student 2 said

"Damn Shota that student of yours is so bright my sunglasses aren't enough to protect my eyes." Mic said

"I know I'm his teacher I basically have to cover my eyes every time he smiles like that." Aizawa said as the light fade away and Izuku walks off the stage

"I guess not all of Class A are arrogant." the silver hair said

"He's right so let's do our best." an orange hair girl said to her classmate

"YEAH." they shout

"Awesome speech, Midoriya." Eijiro said

"Oh thank it wasn't anything big." Izuku said

"Don't be so modest Izuku." Momo said

"I'm gonna do my best Deku." Ochaco said

"Yeah let's do it." Mina said

"Alright without further ado it time for us to get started the first game of the festival." Midnight said getting everyone attention as a monitor appear behind her and start spinning "What will it be?" she said then it stops at 'Obstacle Race' "And there you've it." she said

"So it gonna be an Obstacle Race." Izuku said

"All 11 Classes will participate in this race they'll run 4 km outside of the stadium, I don't want to restrain at least not in this game as long as you stay in the course you're free to do as you please." Midnight said "take you places everyone." she said as the stand ready at the starting line then the light on the starting line light up




"START." Midnight shout as the student to the tunnel

"And they off how about some commentary Mummy Man what should we pay attention to first?" Mic said

"The doorway." Aizawa said since the student having a hard time going through the narrow tunnel

"It's too narrow." Student 1 said

"I see they're testing us seeing how we get through." Izuku said as he struggles through the tunnel

"This is the first obstacle." Shoto said as he begins to freeze the tunnel and make it out of the tunnel "Apology." he said freezing everyone leg

"You gonna have to try better than that Todoroki." Momo said as she and others avoid the ice

"You're not going ahead of me, icy hot." Bakugo said

"Sorry but that not gonna happen again." Mashirao said

"Starting big huh? I guess I'll go too." Izuku said just make it out then he putting on the Gamer Driver and pull out one yellow and one black Gashat

And press both buttons

Izuku said then put the two gashat into the slot and open the panel

Izuku become Kamen Rider Lazer Turbo Level 0 Sport Bike Gamer

"Now we're revving it up." Izuku said as he uses his speed to run on the step and catch up with the other

"That guy transform again." student 1 said as he and many avoid the ice

"Wow cool." Student 2 said

"I didn't expect so many people to dodge that, especially ones from other classes." Shoto said

"That what when you underestimate your opponent." Izuku said running next to Shoto

"You're here already how?" Shoto asked

"My speed of course, Huh?" Izuku said as he and everyone stop and saw the zero pointer Faux villain from the entrance exam

"Oh, enemies have appeared on the field it's a Robo Inferno." Mic said

"Are those the Zero-Pointer from the entrance exam." Denki said

"Where did the school get the money for these things?" Momo asked as one Zero pointer Attack

"They obviously went through a lot of trouble but I wish they prepare something a little more difficult." Shoto said as he freezes the Zero pointer "Since my dear old dad is watching." he said after taking a breath he continues running

"He stops it." Student 1 said

"Look between the leg we can get through." student 2 said

"Wait don't he frozen them while they're off balance." Izuku said

"What!" Denki said

"Lookout." Eijiro said

One Zero-Pointer fall down to the student under it

"Get down." Izuku said as he removes the black gashat

and put it in the Kimewaza slot holder and press the button


and press it again


"ORA!" Izuku shouts as he throws the wheel destroying half of the falling Zero pointer

"Whoa, Izuku Midoriya just destroy half of the falling Zero-Pointer saving his fellow students." Mic said

"No way." student 1 said

"That awesome." student 2 said

"Is everyone OK?" Izuku asked

"Some of us but Kirishima and a student from Class B ran under the Zero-Pointer." Denki said

"WHAT!" Izuku said

"I'M ALIVE." Eijiro yell burst out of the Zero Pointer

"Kirishima from 1-A is OK." Mic said

"Kirishima are you alright?" Izuku asked jumping on the Zero Pointer and help his friend out

"Yeah Thank you." Eijiro said

"I gonna smash that guy when I get my hand on him." the sliver boy said who body look like steel now

"Wow, you have the same Quirk you guys are like bro." Izuku said putting his arm over the two boy shoulder

"No way." the two said as they runoff

"Can we all just get along?" Izuku said run

"Man they are lucky to have power like that." Denki said

"We race each other but we can work together for now let's make a path." another class B student said as he turns his hand green and scaly


"Bakugo?" Denki said as he watches Bakugo launch upward over the Zero Pointer

'No way I'm letting Deku and Todoroki beat me' Bakugo thought

"Class 1-A Bakugo is blasting over the Zero-Pointer, clever!" Mic said

"I figured you just blast through those things with you Quirk I'm impressed." Sero said as he uses his tape to climb up the Zero Pointer

"I just use my Shadow." Tokoyami said

"Look like the leading pack is from Class 1-A for now." Snipe said

"It not like the other doesn't know what to do but..." All Might said

"Class A learn not to hesitate." Aizawa said as Tenya, Jiro and Denki destroy some robot to get past the obstacle "They seen what the real world is like, they felt the fear of facing Villain." he said as Ochaco and Mashriao destroy robot "Yet they fight on and try to overcome that fear, they grown all of them and they know that they have to act quickly if they want to stay alive." he said

"You're better off dodge those big ones most of the time but if you want to take them down they're slow, dumb, a hunk of metal pretty easy to hit as long you land a smart shot that is." Snipe said

"For those of you who think the first obstacle was easy let's see how you feel about the second one." Mic said as the student reach the second obstacle which was a massive hole with a bunch of stone pillars connected by ropes "The fall." he said

"When did they have time to build something like this?" Ochaco asked

"How deep is the hole?" Mina asked

"It's pretty deep I almost fell in, well might as well fly." Izuku said removing the black Gashat

And put out a different Black Gashat

And press the Button

Izuku then closed the panel

Izuku said then he put the black Gashat into the second slot and open the panel

Kamen Rider Lazer Turbo Level 0 Combat Bike Gamer

"See you at the finish." Izuku said taking off

"He's flying." Mina said

"Izuku Midoriya fly to the lead Passing Todoroki and Bakugo." Mic said

"Heh heh heh." a voice laughs getting Ochaco and Mina they turn and see a pink-haired girl with a lot of gadgets on her "Yes finally this is my chance to show off what I can do, my support item steal the spotlight from those wannabe Hero." she said "Everyone observes what my brilliant gadget." she shouts "Wire arrow and hovers shoe." she said

"You're from support." Ochaco said

"Hey how come you get to bring all that stuff." Mina said

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