《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 7: Voting and Invasion
"Hello." = Normal talk
'Okay.' = Though
= Gashat sound
[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound
"Henshin!" = Transforming
The air was filled with silence for a second before Bakugo's brain registered All Might's words. Those three words completely left him immobilized as a sudden dark realization hit him in the core like a brick wall...
"Deku... beat me... again..."
Three words that Katsuki Bakugo never wants to say again. But reality had different plans. And the reality is that Deku- Izuku Midoriya has once again beaten Kacchan- Katsuki Bakugo in a mock battle on the second day of U.A. High School.
As the smoke cleared, Izuku could be heard panting and out of breath. That last attack took a lot out of him. But he still had enough energy left to stand and remain conscious. He looked at the destruction he caused and winced. He didn't mean to cause this much damage, since he only aimed for the ceiling and upper floors. But it seems this was the result of the full-powered combined with the power of a Kamen Rider he just hoped that All Might will not deduce too many points.
Izuku looked across from him and saw Bakugo staring blankly at him, shaking. Izuku shook his head. Knowing Katsuki Bakugo as well as he did, he should've known this was what was going to happen after the inevitable won. It was just a matter of time. In all honesty, Izuku has no choice but to humiliate Bakugo, it was necessary. He had to learn the hard way that Izuku will not let him bully and boss people around anymore. Now he means business, and he won't let anybody get in the way of achieving his dream. Not even Bakugo.
After a few seconds of silence, Bakugo finally began to speak, "Y-You... You played me right from the start. You knew that I was gonna attack you head-on first. You knew that I and my teammates were going to be separated. So you orchestrated this very plan from the very beginning! You sent that girl to go after the weapon and while you distracted me and once she was in position, you launched an attack towards the upper floor where the weapon was located and that allowed her to retrieve the weapon... you baited me."
It was hard for him to admit it, but yes, Katsuki Bakugo was played and fell right into Izuku Midoriya's plan. Contrary to what many would assume, Bakugo isn't dumb and actually has a very high IQ. His overall attitude just overshadowed his intellect. But he knows when he's beat. You just couldn't slice it any other way, he lost fair and square.
Izuku signed, "Yes, you are correct." Izuku close the panel
And remove the two gashat
He then showed his left arm to Bakugo. It was bruised and had an ugly purple and pinkish color, "Yes asked why I wasn't going all out right from the get-go. Because I recently gained a powerful Quirk, and I don't know how but I believe I'm just a late bloomer, so it isn't because I was underestimating you or perceived you as below me. This broken arm shows you why. I can't fully control my power yet. I can only access small portions. If I go all out, I'll end up destroying my own body in the process. It is not safe to use against real power at all if I perform an attack like I just did right now. There's still a lot I need to learn Kacchan. We both got a long way to go."
Izuku began to walk past Bakugo as he made his way to the exit, "I just want you to know Kacchan that even though it been a long time since I say it but I still believe that you are an amazing person and you have great talent and potential. Don't let this loss today bring you down. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. That's just the reality and nature of life. But true Heroes pick themselves back up and from every failure, they learn from their mistakes and improve themselves so that next time, they are sure to succeed." And with that last sentiment, Izuku exited the building
As Izuku exited the building, he came across All Might who handed him a slip of paper,
Izuku smiled, and give the slip back "No need Sensei I got this." Izuku then reaches into his jacket and pull some type of holder
And pull out the Heal Energy Items
And flip it and it enters his chest
After the Energy Items heal his injuries he almost lost his balance and feel very tired "whoa man I feel really tired right now, I think I'm going to head to Recovery Girl office and rest see you later" he said as head to Recovery Girl office
Izuku then went ahead and go to Recovery Girl office but right before he goes, All Might decide to say one last thing, "
Izuku responded, "I decided that he need to learn a lesson, I want him to learn something from this experience." And with that, Izuku walked away heading toward Recovery Girl Office.
Meanwhile, Bakugo was still inside the building as he had his right hand open shaking in anger.
'My right... Deku predicted it... On top of that... he found a way to win the exercise... does that mean... even if we fought all-out... Deku would completely beat...?'
But before Bakugo could finish that thought, he felt a big and strong hand grip his shoulder.
After saying that last bit, All Might, Bakugo, Iida, and Uraraka all went back to the Monitor Room as they prepared for the next mock battles.
When Izuku made it to Recovery Girl's office, he ends up collapsed to consciousness fell into a slumber, Recovery Girl called for help so Izuku can rest on the bed as she was worried for him, with the help of Cementoss Izuku is now resting in bed.
Izuku opened his eyes to find the white ceiling above him. He looked towards the clock in the room to find out that it was already late afternoon.
"Oh, so you're awake."
Izuku turned his head to see Recovery Girl on her chair looking over him.
"You collapse when you arrived, you are clear to leave but be more careful next okay." Recovery Girl asked
"Yes ma'am," Izuku replied as he got off the bed and walked back to his homeroom. As he was walking down the halls he sighed as he thought about the events that transpired today.
"I ended up skipping my afternoon classes... Mr. Aizawa gonna try and wrap me in those bindings again... man what a pain in the butt." Izuku mumbled.
"Yeah I know, saying of which I think your classmates might want you to introduce me to them." Parad said as he exited Izuku body
"Yeah your right I should introduce you to them, but next time don't just pop out like that." Izuku said as he and Parad made it to Class 1-A's homeroom and as soon as he slid the door open he was bombarded by his classmates.
"Oh, Midoriya and his friends are here! Good work! Man, I don't know what you were saying during the match, but you were fired up!" Eijiro said as he congratulated Izuku on his victory.
"It was so cool seeing the top 2 students of the Entrance Exams fighting evenly!" Hanta said as Izuku and Bakugo battle as definitely the highlight of the day.
"You did a good job dodging!" Mina said with high levels of energy.
"You guys did that in the first match, so the rest of us had to give it our all, too." Sato said he pumped up his fists.
"You were far from elegant but-" Aoyama began to say but was cut off by mina when she yelled out that Izuku did well in dodging again as she jumped up and down excitedly.
"Haha, yeah, think you for the compliments." Izuku said
"So are you going to introduce us to your friends here?" Eijiro asked pointing to Parad
"Oh right sorry, he the reason behind my power he kind of like my older brother." Izuku said introducing Parad to his classmate
"Nice to meet you the name Paradox but you can call me Parad for short, and I'm not human I'm a bugster, and if you are wondering what a Bugster is I explain at another time," Parad said as introduced himself
"Nice man great to meet ya, I'm Eijirou Kirishima. We're all going over the training right now."
"I'm Hanta Sero"
"I'm Yuga Aoya-"
"I'm Mina Ashido nice to meet you" Mina yelled out as she cut off Aoyama again
"I'm Tsuyu Asui. Call me Tsu."
"I'm Sato!"
"Haha, nice to meet all of you." Parad said with a smile
"I'm Mineta!" Mineta said as he popped out of nowhere and jumped up high in front of Izuku.
"-I am Yuga Aoyama. I am a man who never stops shining."
"-Where the heck did you pop out from? You did terrible in the training."
"You're too loud..." Tokoyami said as he sat on top of a desk annoyed at the fact that his classmate was being rather noisy.
"Tokoyami! That desk is not a chair. Get off immediately." Tenya said with his strict attitude.
"It's not that big of a deal, is it?" Jiro said bluntly.
"What's with those hands, anyway?" Ojiro asked referring to Tenya's hand motions that move in patterns almost mechanically.
"You people... I cannot condone actions that disrespect the desks the great men and women who are our upperclassmen once used!" Tenya shouted with absolute seriousness in his voice.
'Iida never wavers, does he?' Izuku thought with a sweatdropped.
As that was going on Kaminari and Ochaco entered the classroom with stacks of books in their hands.
"Hey, Uraraka, wanna grab a bite to eat sometime? What do you like?" Kaminari asked as Ochaco was oblivious to the fact that he was basically asking her out on a date.
"Mochi-" Ochaco began to say but cut herself off as soon as she saw Izuku.
"Deku-Kun! How are you feeling? Are you alright? Where were you? Have you injured completely heal? And who's your friend?" Ochaco asked as she ran right to Izuku's side.
"Oh, this is Parado he's the reason behind my ability to transform, and yeah I'm good. I heal myself but ended up getting tired so I went to Recovery Girl office and ..." Izuku said but cut himself off as he saw that Bakugo's desk and the chair were empty. At that point, he just realized that Bakugo wasn't in the classroom.
"I guessing Kacchan that he lost to me again so he left." Izuku said obviously knowing why Bakugo isn't in class
"We all tried to stop him, but he went home just now without saying anything." Ochaco replied.
"Don't worry, I'll go find him and talk to him, Parad wait here and introduce yourself to the other" Izuku said as he left the classroom to find Bakugo.
Izuku walked down the hallway And opened the front door. He saw Bakugo walking out to the front gates ready to go home.
"So this is how to take defeat now, Bakugo." Izuku said as he walks toward Bakugo.
"What is it? What do you want Deku?" Bakugo asked as he stopped in his tracks and turned around to make direct eye contact with the green-haired Kamen Rider
"I just came here to check on you and we need to talk." Izuku said
"Remember when I say we equal now well it true your power has been raising, and so I'm here to make a declaration."
Bakugo raised his eyebrow as he was actually now interested in what Izuku was saying, "What kind of declaration?"
Izuku looked straight into his eyes as his face gained a completely serious and determined look,
"I declare that now we're officially rivals! Back when we were young you say you want to be Number One, well so do I, and if you want it you going to have to go through me. So we will be competing with each other. For you or me to achieve my dream and ambition, I will have to work 10 times harder than anybody else. That also includes you. I'll have to be better than you if I truly want to achieve that dream. And I have accepted that fact. But don't take it the wrong way. I don't want to become your enemy. But I do want to be your rival in this pursuit to surpass one another and to be the greatness. So do you accept me as your rival?" Izuku asked as he laid out his fist towards Bakugo waiting for his answer.
Bakugo looked at Izuku for a couple of seconds before he smirked and walked towards Izuku and fist-bumped with him.
"Alright, Deku I accept. But you better know this. You beat me today, but that's all you're going to get! You will never beat me ever again you hear me! I'll be the Number One Hero and I don't care who stands in my way. You better be ready to be the Number Two Hero, because that Number One spot is all mine!" Bakugo said as he and Izuku broke the fist bump.
"Yeah, we'll see about that because you're going to earn that spot, and I won't be making it easy for you and that spot is going to be mine." Izuku said with smirked
Bakugo then turn around as he prepared to head home, "Be ready because I won't be pulling any punches from tomorrow onward!"
He then left as Izuku stood there by himself as he looked up toward the sunset smiling as he couldn't wait for what the future held.
Unbeknownst to him, All Might overheard their entire conversation as he smiled in relief.
All Might thought as he ran back inside the school building.
Other people were also watching the exchange between the two students through the window. Those people being Mina, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Momo, Kyoka, Toru, and Parad.
"What were they saying? I couldn't hear a word they said?" Mina asked
"The two of them have officially become rivals, and are planning to surpass each other." Parad said
"Oh, wait how did you know that, while you are right here." Toru asked
"Do you have strong hearings or something?" Kyoka asked
"Oh, well me and Izuku are connected so I can sometimes hear what he hear." Parad answers
"The Fated Battle Between Rivals." Ochaco stated as she watched Izuku head back towards the school building.
"From the way they fist-bumped each other, I think you're right, it possible they made up or got along?" Tsu asked as she thought that could be what they were talking about.
"No, I think it is a little more complicated than that. After what happened today, they wouldn't just 'make up. That fist bump must have symbolized some kind of consensus that they came to. Just expect more from those two in the future." Momo said as she put her cents in using her observation skills.
"The Fated Battle Between Rivals!" Ochaco said again as she smiled.
'It is time for my journey to become the Greatest Hero in the World to truly begin' Izuku thought as he went back to the classroom to get back his stuff and prepare to head home with Parad.
In an abandoned bar located deep within the city, a young man sat reading a newspaper headlined 'All Might Becomes U.A. Teachers Closes Agency Temporarily."
"Did you see this? It says he's a teacher... Hey. What do you think will happen... if the Symbol of Peace... is killed by Villains?"
"Hey, you! How are All Might's classes?" A female news reporter asked Izuku as she and the rest of the media came up to him with a bunch of cameras and microphones. Izuku was really uncomfortable since they were all up in his personal space which annoys him
"He a good teacher an inspiration and motivation and he has taught me a lot, and that what I'm going to say, I need to get to class" he answers and walks into the school.
The entire news report media immediately ran towards Ochaco who just walking up to the school entrance to ask her a question, "Will you tell us about the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher?"
Ochaco was a little taken aback by the question, "Wh-What he's like? Um... He's very muscular!" Ochaco exclaimed as she flexed both her arms doing her best imitation of All Might.
They then saw Tenya walking to the school's entrance and they immediately ran up to him to ask some questions.
"What do you think of All Might as a teacher?"
"He made me recognize a new that I attend an educational institution that is the best of the best. Of course, his dignity and character go without saying, but we students are constantly able-" but before Tenya can continue he was interrupted by Izuku who put his hand on Tenya mouth to quit him and pull him by the collar's of his uniform into the school building
"Don't encourage them Iida they will just ask more questions and we'll be late" Izuku said as he continues to walk into the school building while pulling Tenya.
"Excuse me! Can you tell me about All Might- Oh? Your the one who was caught by the Sludge Villain..." the reporter said when they recognized Bakugo.
Bakugo got visibly irritated and annoyed when she brought up the Sludge Villain. He would like to forget about that whole incident and whenever someone reminded him about it, it really struck a nerve.
But Bakugo ignored the reporter and continued to the school entrance.
"Um, about All Might... Wow, you're scruffy... What's your deal?" The female news reporter asked with a grimace as Aizawa stood in front of the media.
"He's not on duty today. You are disturbing the classes. Please leave." Aizawa said as he turned around and went through the front entrance.
"Wait! I would like to speak directly with All Might!" Aizawa sighed and shook his head as he kept walking, "I can't believe All Might was able to work as a Hero with all this."
The news reporter began to get a little frustrated, "Hey! Just a little time is fine! Just let me see All Might!" She said before she began to attempt to walk past the front entrance but abruptly stopped when a buzzer went off and metal gates were activated as they came down to block the front entrance
"Wh-What the...?!"
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