《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 5: What's Your Name


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound


"Henshin!" = Transforming


"900 KILOMETERS!?" Multiple members of Class 1-A cried out in shock as they were once again had their jaws dropped thanks to witnessing the absolute raw power of none other than Izuku Midoriya.

"Yay! That's amazing, I knew he could do it!" Ochaco cheered as she was happy that Izuku isn't going to be expelled thanks to exceeding everyone's expectations once again.

"Nice job as always Izuku-Kun." Momo said as she crossed her arms.

However, the one that was the most surprised out of the group was Katsuki as he had his mouth open gaping at Izuku's magnificent softball throw.

"Deku, you bastard!" Katsuki said as he ignited an explosion in his right hand. He then ran towards Izuku head-on as he yelled in pure rage,

"Oh crap!" Izuku said to prepare to fight Katsuki even with a broken finger which the other can't see the cause of the suit he wears

But right before Katsuki could even lay a finger on Izuku, Aizawa detained him using his grey scarf which completely immobilized Katsuki as for some reason the grey cloth just wouldn't budge.

"What the-? Why is your scarf so damn hard...!" Katsuki said as he grit his teeth as he tried to break free but to no avail. It also didn't help that Quirk was deactivated as well.

"Because it is a weapon for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy. Jeez, you kids keep making me use my Quirk over and over again. I have dry eyes!" Aizawa said as his hair was elevated and his eyes were now glowing red signaling that he was using his Erasure Quirk to immobilize Katsuki.

"It's such a waste since his Quirk is so amazing!" All of the students from Class 1-A said simultaneously as they sweatdropped at their teacher's Quirk's lame drawback.

Name: Shota Aizawa

Quirk: Erasure- He can erase the Quirks of those he looks at. The effect goes away when he blinks! Mutant type Quirk is Immune to Erasure and the Quirk won't work if his line of sight is obstructed from the intended target.

Aizawa deactivated his Quirk and let go of Katsuki. "We're wasting time. Midoriya you don't have to redo the remaining three tests since the results will be the same anyway. So to not waste any more of our time, let me redo my calculations and I'll reveal the results in a moment."

Izuku looked at Katsuki for a second and went toward the rest of the class as untransformed and he left Katsuki in the middle of the field sulking.

After about 2 to 3 minutes, Aizawa was finally ready with the test results. He walked over to the group of students and said, "Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It is a waste of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once." Aizawa clicked a button on his phone as a blue hologram projection appeared showing a list that ranked all of the student's scores from highest to lowest. The results were as follows-

. Izuku Midoriya

Momo Yaoyorozu

3. Shoto Todoroki

Katsuki Bakugo

Tenya Iida






. Ochaco Uraraka

. Koji Koda


. Asui

. Aoyama

. Sero

. Kaminari

. Jiro

. Hagakure

. Mineta

Mineta's eyes began to tear up as he saw that he got the last place in the Quirk Assessment Test. "N-No way! I'm getting expelled on the first day!" But right before he started to sob fully, Aizawa cut him off.


"By the way, I was lying about the expulsion. No one is going home.

"..." All of Class 1-A besides Izuku and Momo were speechless as their eyes were wide as saucers.

Aizawa smirked as he made his trademark freaky face, "It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirk."

"WHAT?!" Class 1-A yelled beside Izuku and Momo as the rest of the class did not take kindly to being deceived so easily.

"Of course that was a lie. It should've been obvious if you just thought it through. It's the first day of school for crying out loud. I'm sorry, I guess I should've said something." Momo said

'Yeah, you should have!' Thought Jiro, Kaminari, and Mineta simultaneously.

"Yeah, sorry guys, but it was probably the only way to keep you from holding back. So I also didn't say anything!" Izuku said as he smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head like he always does.


"That was a little nerve-wracking, huh?" Sero said as he turned to talk to Kirishima.

"I'll take up the challenge anytime!" Kirishima replied as he showed his cocky persona.

Bakugo just scoffed in annoyance, probably because he got 4th overall in the Quirk Assessment Test and Izuku was Number One. Something that he had never even considered being possible again.

"With that, we're done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them." Aizawa then walked toward Izuku with a slip of paper in his hand.

"Midoriya, have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself. We can't have you going home with a broken finger." Aizawa said as he gave Izuku the slip of paper and walked away.

Izuku looked at the slip of the paper then walk to find the nurse office

"Oh, good morning All Might. So you were watching? You got too much time on your hands?" Aizawa said as he passed by All Might when he was on his way back inside.

All Might bellowed as he pointed at Aizawa.

Aizawa began to have a suspicious look on his face as a knowing smirk appeared on his face,

"'Also'? You seem to be supporting him quite a bit. Is it too far-fetched to say that maybe you have been giving Young Midoriya a little favoritism?" he said

All Might widened his eyes as he realized his mistake,

' All Might thought

"Is that how a teacher should be acting?" Aizawa started to walk away but decided to say one last thing before he and All Might parted way, "It's true what you say. He does have an enormous amount of potential, probably the most potential a U.A. student has ever had. But 'potential' will only get you so far in this world. Execution is what matters. There are still many things he needs to learn for him to become a Pro Hero. For one, he needs to stop that habit of holding back.

That was the last thing he said before he walked off leaving All Might to his own devices.

All Might grimaced as heard Aizawa's harsh, but true words. All Might knew firsthand what it was like to make a costly mistake against a villain because of a stupid rookie mistake such as letting his guard down. It was exactly how received his career 6 years ago.

Classes were now over as the first day of U.A High school for Izuku Midoriya ended. A bunch of students was leaving the front gates as they conversed with one another speaking about the first day went for them, how the classes and the teacher were, and whatnot. The first day of the school year always has the most energy more than most of the days in the school year.


Just then, a strong hand grabbed Izuku's right shoulder. Out of instinct he grabbed the arm and flip the person over his shoulder and pin the person down by putting a keel on the person back while still holding the arm, soon it was revealed to be Tenya Iida

"Oh it's just you Iida sorry about that, but you scary there for a sec so I have to react." Izuku said as he gets off Tenya and helps him to stand up

"No, it's okay, I guess I should've called out to you beforehand." Tenya said as he gets up and dusts the dirt off his uniform "By the way how your finger is it healed?"

"Yeah, thanks to Recovery Girl." Izuku said as he showed Tenya his bandaged finger 'And I need to hurry and control .' he thought

"I was really taken in by Mr. Aizawa. I even thought, 'this is the best of the best and such. I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie. But it seemed to have worked out in the end. Although I think threatening you with expulsion was pushing it a little, but I guess it was necessary for the end." Tenya said as he crossed his arms.

'I thought Iida was annoying, but he's just earnest and takes his education and training really seriously. That's actually a very important trait to have when you're inspiring to become a Pro Hero!' Izuku thought as he was impressed by Tenya Iida's diligence.

"Hey! You two! You're heading to the train station right!? Wait for us!" Ochaco shouted as she and Momo walked toward Izuku and Tenya.

"Uraraka? Momo-chan?"

"Oh, you're the infinity girl and the girl who got second place in the Quirk Assessment Test right behind Midoriya," Tenya said as the two young ladies caught up with them

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Yaoyorozu said she was friends with Midoriya and I thought we could all head to the train station together!" Ochaco said in her cheery voice.

"Yeah, I was trying to catch up with you guys and I thought why not bring her along." Momo said as she smiled.

"Okay, let's see if I can get this right! Um, you're Tenya Iida, right." Ochaco said as she pointed at Iida. "Oh by the way can I called Deku." she asked Izuku

Izuku widened his eyes as he didn't expect her to ask that, "Deku?! Why?"

"Huh? Well during the fitness test, the boy named Bakugo said- 'Deku, you bastard!' Right?" Ochaco said

"Ooooooh, well my real name is Izuku, but Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me... it means 'good for nothing, 'worthless', 'trash', and that I will never amount to anything..." Izuku said as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"An insult? That's not a nice way to greet a classmate!" Tenya said

"Oh, is that right? I'm sorry, I didn't know. But 'Deku' sounds like the Japanese word for 'You can do it!' It has some sort of 'never give up' vibe, so I kinda like it!" Ochaco said

"Deku it is then if you want I don't mind." Izuku said

"What?! But Midoriya, wasn't that an insult?" Tenya said as he was perplexed by the situation.

"Like I said don't mind at all now come or we'll miss the train." Izuku said as he and the other walk to the train station

"Introduce yourselves to your classmates." Aizawa told them still wrapped up in his yellow sleeping bag. "Since you'll be working with each other for the next three years, you need to get to know each other. The logical way to do that is as early as possible. You'll come up here one after another and state your name, what you Quirk is, and something else about yourself, I don't care what it is."

"Sir!" Tenya held his hand up with lightning speed. "How should we proceed with the order of students?"

"I don't care," Aizawa deadpanned. "I'm going to sleep. Handle it yourselves."

So while the Pro took a nap, the students introduced themselves to each other.

First up was the girl who was only known to be a girl by her outfit the rest of her body was totally invisible. Literally. She was completely see-through.

"Ehehe, this is kinda embarrassing with everyone looking at me... but whatever! Hi, I'm Toru Hagakure! My Quirk is called Transparency, and it's kinda obvious what it does, right? Something else about me, um...oh! I like plushies and other cute stuff!" Toru Hagakure said

Next was a huge guy with a mask over his mouth and six arms.

"I'm Mezo shoji. My Quirk is Dupli-Arms. I can create replicas of my body parts on my tentacles, like my mouth, ears, and eyes. I've never really had any worldly desires, so I guess that's it's." Mezo Shoji said

The next student, a blonde guy with a long and powerful tail.

"I'm Mashirao Ojiro. My Quirk is just my tail. It's more or less a third arm, but it helps me maintain my balance. Something about me... I practice martial art." Mashirao Ojiro said

The next guy was excessively glamorous.

"I am Yuga Aoyama," the blonde teen announced with a dramatic flourish of his hands. "My Quirk is the fabulous Naval laser I can shoot a laser from my belly button! But if I shoot it for more than a second, I get a tummy ache. Another stylish fact about me is that I speak French!" he said

Katsuki was up next, scowling after Yuga with an annoyed look.

"What's with that tool? Whatever. The name's Katsuki Bakugo. My Quirk is Explosion. All you need to know is that I can blow your asses up. I'm gonna be the number one hero, so stay out of my way, extras."

Izuku facepalm at Bakugo 'Jeez will he ever change' he thought

"No, I don't think he will." Parad said

"I don't like having to follow up after such a jerk," the next student was a girl with extended ear lobes that looked like plug-in Jack's. She scowled at Bakugo, who sneered back, but ignored him otherwise. "My name is Kyoka Jiro. My Quirk is called Earphones jack. I can insert them. I can also hear pretty well, even though really thick walls. Oh, these stretch, too." She showed them by letting one of the Jacks extend until it was several feet long before she retreated it. "I can play music with a few different instruments." she said

Next up was the blonde guy with black, lightning-shaped highlights in his hair. He grinned confidently.

"Hey! I'm Denki Kaminari, my Quirk is Electrification! I can let loose a bunch of electricity from my body and shock people by touching them! I kinda short-circuit if I go over my wattage limit, though. I like reading manga and comics!" Denki Kaminari said

"My turn~!" Exclaimed the pink-skinned girl, who bounced to the front of the class. Izuku also noticed that she had a pair of small, yellow horns atop her head. In addition, the sclera of her eyes was black, making her gold irises pop out.

"I'm Mina Ashido and My Quirk is Acid! It lets me secrete corrosive acid from my skin, which is why I got this hot purple-pink tone to me! I can control its solubility and viscosity, but I like using it to surf whatever I want! If I use it for too long, I start Losing my own resistance to it. I like to breakdance but I don't like bullies! I'm looking at you, Bakugo!" Mina Ashido said

Bakugo threw a perfect middle finger in her direction.

"Fuck off!" Bakugos aid

It was Izuku's turn next. He walked to the front and smiled brightly

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