《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 3: I'll Clear The U.A Entrance Exam With No Continues


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound


"Henshin!" = Transforming


It was the day of the entrance exam and Izuku was all and all ready for the exam

Now right we find Izuku standing in front of the entrance of U.A high his is full of determination to make this school his dream school he was about to walk in until

"Out of my way you useless Deku." once again Katsuki was still angry at Izuku for saving his life

"I see you still the same person why I am not surprised you really need to change that attitude of yours." Izuku said

"Shut up Deku I don't need advice from you of all people." Katsuki said walking off

"He will never change." said Parad within Izuku mind Izuku was about to walk into the building but he saw a girl with brown hair about to fall on her face so Izuku catches her by her backpack

"Are you ok you know it's bad luck to fell on your face before the exam, right." Izuku said as he stands her back up

"Oh I guess I wasn't looking where I was going thank you for catching me." the girl said thanking him

"No problem now let go or we will be late for the exam." Izuku said as he and the girl walk into the school

Inside the school, many students from different schools were sitting down listening to another pro hero his name is Present Mic

"What up U.A candidate think you for tuning in to me your school DJ come on and let me hear you!" Present Mic said but there was silence and he continues "Keeping it mellow Huh that's fine I'll skip straight to the main show let talk about all this practical exam gonna go down okay ARE YOU READY! yeah as it says in the application requirements you listener will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this you can bring whatever you want with you after the presentation you'll lead to the specified battle center, okay." he said

"In other words, they won't let you work with your friends, Huh?" Katsuki said

"Huh, you're right. Even though our examinee numbers are consecutive we assigned to different battle centers." said Izuku as he looks at Katsuki card

"Don't look. I'll kill you." Katsuki said in a surprisingly calm tone" damn, now I can't crush you."

And then a screen appears showing a miniature city and Presents Mic continues "Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center you earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty your goal, dear listener, is to use your quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villain, of course, attacking other examinee and any other unheroic actions are prohibited."

"May I ask a question?" said a guy wearing glasses

"Okay!" said Present Mic as a light approach above the guy with glasses

"On the printout, there are four types of villains if that is a misprint, then U.A the most prominent school in Japan should be ashamed of that foolish mistake we examinee are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes." the guy with glasses said then point to Izuku "In addition, you over there with the curly hair."

"What do you have a problem with me?" Izuku asked with a laid back attitude


"You been talking this whole time if you're not taking this seriously I suggest you leave." he said still pointing at Izuku

"Excuse me? I'm not taking this seriously, you're the one who interrupted Presents Mic he hasn't even finished explaining, and besides, right now he probably explaining to us which one to attack the fourth one is probably meant for us to avoid." Izuku explains "I am right Present Mic?"

"Yes, that correct young listener you're pretty perceptive, what is your name?" Mic ask

"Izuku Midoriya sir and thank you for the compliment." Izuku said

"Well, Midoriya you're right the fourth one is a zero pointer you won't get any point so avoid it, and kid with glasses next time wait for when I'm finished." Mic said to Izuku then to the other guy

"Thank you for explaining and sorry for interrupting." the guy said and sit back down

"That is all from me and finally, I'll give you listener a present our school motto the hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes go beyond PLUS ULTRA!" Mic said and shout out the last part

After changing his clothes and riding the bus to the exam area he can see a very big wall inside are building making it look like on city fake of course but look real after looking around he spotted the girl he helped he saw that she was nervous so he decided to help calm her down but before he could walk to her he feels a hand on his shoulder he turns and saw the guy who interrupted Presents Mic

"What are you doing can you see she is trying to focus are you here to distract us." the guy said to Izuku

"Oh jeez, what the problem man you're getting thing way too seriously relax why don't you and for your information I was just going to try and calm she down can you tell she nervous geez you're annoying." Izuku said as he walks to the girl "Hey nice to see you again." he said to the girl who recognized him

"Oh nice to see you again too thank you again for catching me." she said bowing to think him

"No problem oh yeah I forgot to tell you my name, my name is..." but before he introduces himself the gate open and he behind walks to the fake city he then put on the gamer driver

And pull out a dark blue gashat that said "

And press the button

And said "" put the gashat into the slot and open the panel

Izuku become Kamen Rider Snipe

And Pull out his gun


"Mission start." Izuku said and begin to run at the robot and shooting them down

"Hey what is that guy doing the teacher haven't-" Examine 1 asked

"What are you waiting for there is no waiting in a real battle follow that listener is doing and go go go!" Mic shout

"Oh, what we're behind let's go."

"Oh, man."

And the other behind to run-in

The teachers are judging the examinee

"In this practice exam, the examinee has not been informed of the number of villains or their location. They have a limited amount of time in a vast area. They have to draw the villain out from there." it was a dark room with many monitors showing each of the examinees and how they are conducting the practical exam. U.A staff member was sitting in chairs as they assess the performance of the examinees and how they decide to adapt to the conditions that were just previously stated


"Information gathering ability to understand the situation before anyone else." Principal Nezu said

A monitor showed a big bulky examinee with what seemed to be tentacles on a rooftop using his arm to scan or look for something

"Mobility that can be used in many different circumstances."

Another monitor showed the serious guy with glasses using his speed to pick off the enemies one by one

"Discernment to be able to stay calm in any situation."

A blonde french kid is shown shooting a laser from a device on his wrist and dominating the faux villain with complete and utter confidence

"And pure combat ability."

A monitor screen shows Katsuki in a path of utter destruction as all around him are fallen robots with smoke all around them. He looks like he was constipating as he was maniacally laughing like a crazed psychopath who has been let out of his cage. Everything that came in his way, he destroyed using his explosion quirk which is an ability very suitable for this practice exam. He just wished Deku were there. If he saw him, he would've destroyed him too and anyone else who dared to try and stand in his way. Honestly, his actions and attitude kind of freaked some of the judges out. But they couldn't ignore the pure combat prowess and potential that the kid was showing as he seemed to be one who had a unique card.

"These basic abilities needed to keep the peace in the streets are turned into points in this test."

"Doesn't this year's group look promising?" Midnight asked

One monitor show Izuku Shooting down faux villain easily and move on to the next location he is like a modern-day Billy the kid he shoots with pinpoint accuracy and ricochet

"Well Snipe it look like you might have a challenge this one skill in using a gun is very interesting." Midnight said

"Hmm, maybe I test him out myself when he gets in." Snipe said

"That is if he passes the test let see what they will react to this." one of the teachers said as he pressed a big red button

"And bang." Izuku said as he shoots down a three-pointer square in the face. It fell and short-circuited completely, making its red eyes turn off and it could no longer function "Alright, I think that's like 150 points. I should try to find some more faux villains and see if I can boost my score up to 170." Izuku said as he began to walk down a street to look for a more faux villain.

Throughout the practical exam, Izuku has only shot down Faux's villain with his gun with a 5% boost from. He saw no reason to change how much power he was using since the faux villain wasn't much of a challenge and it was provided him with a large amount of quickness which is one of the main reasons why he was able to rack up so many points. It also didn't spend much stamina as the higher the percentage of One for all he uses, the more stamina and energy is required. So Izuku deems it best to just remain at the level he was at for now. It's best to save his energy.

"Okay, so where are the little critters at." Izuku said, but before he could start moving, the ground began to rumble as buildings around him collapsed. The other examinee looked up to see what was going on and what they saw, scared the living daylights out of them.

Standing taller than all of the buildings was a humongous green faux villain with eight red eyes. It had hands the size of trucks that effectively crashed the top of tall buildings. It had a base the size of a tank with about 12 to 16 wheels and along its body, it had missiles that can be fired simultaneously in all possible directions. It looks like all three types of faux villains combined into one but then multiplies the size by like 100, and there you go.

"HOLY CRAP, IT'S HUGE! That must be the zero-pointers. Isn't it a little too big?" Izuku said as the zero pointers proceed to throw a punch toward the ground which caused a giant dust wave that momentarily blinded all of the examinees as they were forced to cover their eyes. When the dust wave settled, all other examinees began to run for their lives as they didn't want to be in the Zero-Pointer's path of chaos and destruction. Izuku looked up at the monster killer faux villain and started to shake. It wasn't the nervous kind of shaking, but the strange exciting kind of shaking that Izuku got right before the exam began.

the young man with the glasses called out Izuku before ran by Izuku who was still frozen there. He shook his head and kept on running away from the zero-pointers along with everyone else.

"LESS THAN TWO MINUTES LEFT" Present Mic shouted as he remained the examinee how much time they had left. Not that it Mattered. It seemed everyone besides Izuku wasn't going to try to gain any more points as their main priority was to get away from the giant's killer zero pointers as soon as humanly possible.

"Less than two minutes!?" Izuku said in shock. "Dammit, it looks like you can't get to 170 cause there's no way since there's a God damn freaking metal Godzilla in the way." Parad said within Izuku mind "Yeah I might as well just go and-"


Izuku stopped and turned back around. Under a pile of debris and pieces of buildings was the same brown-haired girl he talks to and it looks like her leg seemed to be stuck and she couldn't get out.

"It looks like you have to save her again Izuku." Parad said

"Yeah, you're right to let go." Izuku said as he started shooting the Zero-Pointer but with no effort "Man it armor is tough I don't think I can destroy with just a normal shot what should I do now."

"You need to use the finishers charged it up with 100% of one for all that will do the trick it might be dangerous but it the only way to save the girl." said Parad

"You're right, let's do this." Izuku said as he removes the gashat from the gamer driver and put it in the gun

Izuku aim at the faux villain and pull the trigger


The bullet hit the faux villain and went right through its face destroying it however because he wasn't ready for 100% of he was push back a bit and his arm is broken so he fell to the ground

"Time up!" Presents Mic said as a buzzer went off signaling the end of the practical exam

"What was that guy? He suddenly shot at the Zero-Pointer and just makes a hole right through it."

"Yeah, do you think he gets in?"

"I heard he got like 170 points."

"170 points seriously wow he's good what do you think his quirk is"

"I don't know maybe a transformation quirk I saw he transformed."

"Okay, good work. Good work, good work. Here you go. Here are some gummies." a short elderly woman said as she gave out candy to the examinee

she walks to Izuku and asked "And are you injured?"

"I fine, just give me a moment," Izuku said as he reached into his pocket and pull out a gray color looking coins

Flip it in the air and it enlarges and enters Izuku

And his broken hand was healed and he jumps back up and walks to the brown-haired girl like nothing happened which surprised everyone, he then walks the brown-haired girl pick her bride style which makes her blush and carries her to the elderly woman

"But her leg is broken," he said to the elderly woman

"Okay then." she said as she kissed the brown-haired girl leg and it was completely recovered the elderly woman then walk to see if others examinee was injured

"Now then I believe I was just going to introduce myself I'm Izuku Midoriya and what's your name?" Izuku ask

The girl stops blushing and introduces herself "My name is Ochaco Uraraka nice to meet you."

"Likewise now then can you walk." Izuku said

"I don't know maybe." Ochaco said

"Come on I'll help you up." Izuku said as he helps Ochaco stand up and they begin walking to the exit and head home

Izuku, Inko, and Parad are enjoying their dinner

"So how was the exam?" Inko asked

"It was a good experience and I believe I have enough points to pass the test." Izuku said smiling

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