《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 2: Level Up


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

= Finisher and Weapon sound



The next day in a beach called Dagoba Municipal Beach it was once a beautiful beach full of peace and beauty

However, as time goes on people begin to throw their trash on the beach ruining its beauty and wonder, and here is where we find Izuku pulling a refrigerator toward the beach entrance with no problem at all, and All Might and Parad was sitting on top of the fridge

All Might asked from the top of the fridge Parad who was sitting next to him on the fridge answer

"Well the power I give him requires him to be physically strong so I have taken above myself to train his body we always train after school and on the weekends and we have been doing it since he was 8 years old." Parad said

All Might asked Parad wandering about the two

"Oh, Izuku and I have had a brother relationship ever since he found me." Parad answers but the lost part confuse All Might

All Might asked and Parad answers

"Well a friend and I were trapped inside a game console but Izuku found us and that how we met, by the way, All Might what are we doing here?" Parad asked as Izuku just finish moving the fridge and two laundry machines

All Might explain which confuses Parad

All Might said as he punches the fridge down until it was flathe finishes explaining

"Is that why we here are Izuku going to build up his body by clear up the beach?" Parad ask

he said and shout to Izuku who is pushing a car with some fridge and laundry machines on it

"Yes sir!" Izuku shout back

All Might asked Parad

"Yes Izuku currently can only use games up to level 5 so with this training and more he'll be able to fight in level 20 so shall we begin the training then." Parad said as he and All Might walk to Izuku and prepare him for U.A


Only 3 months remained until the U.A entrance and Izuku have improved immensely so now his body can handle up to level 20 and is ready to receive one for all

All Might said


"Yes, I'm ready." Izuku said

All Might pull a strand from hair

All Might said as he holds his hair in front of Izuku

"Wait, what why does he need to eat your hair?" Parad asked

All Might explain

"Oh okay, a little weird but okay." Izuku said as Parad enter Izuku body then Izuku take the hair and eat the hair

"I don't feel anything." said Izuku

All Might explain

A few minutes later Izuku started to feel the power surging through his body

"All Might I can feel power overflowing is this one for all power amazing I feel like I can take on an army of Hero." Izuku said exciting

All Might said

"Okay, but how do I use it." Izuku ask

All Might told Izuku as he shouts the last part-out

"Alright then." Izuku said as he turns to look at the crystal blue ocean and shout "SMAAAAASH!" he said

As soon as he punches the ocean was split as the force was powerful after that he feels a bit of pain in his arm

"Ow All Might why does my arm hurt?" said Izuku

All Might said

Izuku smile

"Yes sir!" Izuku said and with that, they continue their training

During his training to control one for all Izuku found a new way of control it he called it with it he can use one for all without hurting himself and thanks to his training his body bulk up a bit and he is a little taller too

(A/N he a bit taller than Momo so his height is about 5'9)

Right Izuku is seen laying down on the sand of the beach thanks to his training the beach has returned to its former beauty and Wander Parad decided to head home leaving Izuku along while he was laying down on the sand he thinks back on how his life was before he met Parad and Poppy how he was bully for being Quirkless and his childhood friend become his enemies

"Wow I didn't think anyone would pay so much attention to other people quirk." a voice came interrupted his thought

He sits up and turn around and was surprised by what he sees in front of him was a teenage girl his age with his hero journal numbers 13 in her hand as she read with awe however the fact that a girl was reading his journal wasn't what surprised him but it was the girl herself


Standing at a height of about 5'8 she has black hair with a long spiky ponytail and gray eyes her face is nothing short of beautiful she has a mature physique for her age and a curvaceous figure that most women would kill for she has banged on the right side of her face and she also has a large bust Izuku had to admit she is one of the most gorgeous females he has ever seen

"Oh hi, there I didn't notice you I thought I was alone so what a beautiful girl like you doing here?" Izuku said

Which makes the girl blush at that compliment from a boy who she will admit is handsome

"I was just out for a walk to clear my mind and it so what there was a beautiful and peaceful beach that can help me." she said

she turned a paper in Izuku journal "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu and what is a handsome hunk like you doing here alone."

This it was Izuku to blush "My name is Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you Yaoyorozu-chan as for what I'm doing here I'm just training for the U.A entrance exam which will take place in 3 days." Izuku answer

'Cute smile.' Momo thought "Oh really then I guess I will be seeing you soon because I got accepted into U.A through recommendation." she said

"Woah SERIOUSLY!? You were able to get into the number one hero course and you got in on recommendations your quirk must be really amazing, what is your quirk anyway?" said and ask Izuku

Momo was surprised usually people would say how lucky she was getting in on recommendation but this person is the opposite she smiles "Thank you very much Midoriya that really means a lot to me." Momo said as her cheek became a little red

"No problem and you don't have to be formal you can just call me Izuku." said Izuku as he rubbed the back of his head

"Okay then if I can call you Izuku then you should be able to call me Momo it's only fair right?" said Momo "Anyway my quirk is called creation I can create anything as long as I understand the atomic makeup of said object and as long as it inorganic." she said as she holds out her hand and creates a baseball appearance out of her skin

"Wow, no wonder you got in on recommendation with your quirk you can do a lot of things." Izuku said suddenly he heard his stomach growling he holds his stomach and said "I guess I haven't eaten anything yet." he suddenly heard another stomach growling and this time it wasn't his stomach he looks up and saw that Momo was blushing with embarrassment that her stomach was growling "I guess we both could get something to eat I know a good fast food restaurant that is near here and it good would you like to come?" he said

"Sure why not, let go." she said as the two walks out of the beach and to the fast-food restaurant

After eating it was 6:30 so they need to get home

"Where's your house Momo?" Izuku asked

"It's a bit far from here it takes 30 minutes to get there." Momo answers

"Wow, that far it is dangerous for you to walk home all alone how about I give you a ride ok." Izuku offers

"Okay, but what are we riding?" Momo asked

"With this" Izuku said holding a yellow gashat

And press the button

And a yellow motorbike appears

Izuku get on the bike and put on the helmet and pass one to Momo

"Put the helmet on and get on." Izuku said Momo look for a second then take the helmet and put it on and get on the bike and they head to Momo house

Later they stop in front of a really big gate

"Wow this is your house you must be rich anyway see you in U.A." Izuku said as he was about to ride off when Momo stop him

"Wait before you go how about we exchange our phone numbers so we can keep in touch." Momo said as she pulls out her phone

"Okay sure." Izuku said as he pulls out his phone after they exchange phone numbers Momo walks into her house and Izuku rides off in his mind however his thought was 'I talked to a girl I even got her number and she smokes hot too.'



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