《Freshman》Angela- April Vacation



Surprisingly, my April vacation wasn't as bad as I though. It was worse.

I spent the whole week locked in my room. My mom had grounded me for talking back, so there wasn't much to do.

But I was used to her punishing me. It happened at least a few times a month.

Ugh, sometimes I just want to wrap her in bubble wrap and send her to Timbuktu. Is that legal?

My mom doesn't understand me. She never knew I cut myself all throughout middle school. Well, I think she knew, she just didn't care.

My friends at school were the only ones who cared. But only my friends. No one else. That's why I was excited to see them at school today, our first day back from vacation.

I'm sure everyone else was dreading coming back, but not me. I was more than excited to get away from my evil mother.

Author's Note...

Sorry this is short and bad. Next few will be action-packed. Stay tuned.

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