《Freshman》Courtney, Angela- April



The funniest thing happened on Thursday. It was hilarious, I’m still laughing now.

I was just walking through the hallway to class like any normal day, when suddenly, everyone stops. I turned my head to see what they were looking at, and I was shocked. My eyes widened.

It was Alex, with his pants pulled halfway down his leg. A few boys who went to my elementary school were running quickly away, I guessed they were the culprits.

He was so lucky he picked today to not wear his Spongebob boxers. Instead, he just had on plain blue ones. Ha ha.

I did kind of feel bad for him, but I do hate him, so I tried not to let it affect me.

Anyways, everyone is now seriously freaking out. All of the underclassmen think the seniors are going to do a BIG prank to us tomorrow. They’ve been starting rumors since the beginning of the month. Some sophomores said they might even skip school tomorrow, April 1st.

I don’t know why they would want to, though.


I didn’t go to school yesterday, or the day before. I just didn’t feel up for it, so my mom let me stay home.

But I’m pretty sure a lot happened while I was gone. It didn’t matter to me, though.

I heard Alex got pantsed in the hallway, the seniors are planning pranks. I actually laughed when I heart Alex got pantsed.

Since Mike left, I haven’t really been up for anything.

Yesterday I started cutting again. I didn’t tell anybody yet, and I’m not planning to. It felt good to cut again, I kind of missed it.

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