《Freshman》Alexander- Pants



When I said school was getting better, I jinxed it. Now, its horrible. You probably don’t want to hear about all the crap I’ve gone through repeated over and over, but I’ll vent anyways.

Today I didn’t even want to show my face in that school. I told my mom I threw up last night (even though I didn’t), so she let me stay home from school. I was so relieved that she never suspected a thing.

Yesterday, I was just casually walking to science class third period after an okay first two periods. I heard some boys talking really loud, I knew they were talking about me.

I heard someone’s footsteps getting closer. Boom. I stopped in my tracks.

I looked down, and there were my pants, dropped down under my knees. The whole world was starring at me. They were whispering and laughing. I didn’t know what to do, I froze.

A teacher finally came, and told everyone to move along. Then she noticed me, and her jaw dropped.

I quickly pulled up my pants and tried to run to class, but she stopped me. She asked who did this, and I spent the rest of the day telling everything to the guidance counselor, and not going back to class.

Hopefully this weekend will make everyone forget and move on, but I’m not counting on anything.

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