《Freshman》Courtney, Angela- March



Well, March is here and we sadly don’t have anymore vacations for a month and a half. That’s all I have to look forward to.

Today we had early dismissal from school, which was great.

Freshmen ate last lunch today, so we got to leave right from the cafeteria. Everybody loved when that happened, because we didn’t have to go back to class after we ate.

But anyways, I’m pretty pissed off right now. No, it doesn’t have to do with Andrew.

Yesterday, Mackenzie and I were talking for the first time in a while. It was pretty awkward at first, but then we both broke and started to talk like friends.

She brought up that time I stole earrings from the mall. How did she even know about that? Emma? Probably. But I specifically told her never to speak of it.

I got mad at her for talking about it, and then I started screaming about Emma. Mackenzie tried to defend Emma and say it wasn’t her fault, but I didn’t buy it.

Out of anger, I told Mackenzie that this was why our friendship never worked out. She just starred at me then left. I felt pretty bad afterwards.


My life sucks right now. With Mike not talking to me anymore since he moved to Canada, I’ve been feeling pretty lonely.

Sure, a few of my friends tried to cheer me up and take my mind off things, but nothing worked.

I didn’t even bother trying to contact him. He probably can’t get texts from America, so why try? Even if he could, I wouldn’t want to talk to him either way.

Thank God we had a half day today, so I had more time to go into my room and mourn all day and all night.

I just really hope that Mike knows I miss him. And if he misses me too (which I doubt), that would be amazing.

Nothing good really happened at school since he left. Nothing good enough for me to care about.

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