《Freshman》Alexander - March



Well, February Vacation is over, and March is coming quickly. Actually, tomorrow is the first.

We start our MCAS testing tomorrow, which is this big standardized test that all the teachers freak over. I’m pretty sure they have that kind of test in other states, just called something different.

Anyways, our teachers told us to get a good nights’ sleep and eat a good breakfast. I never sleep a lot because I’m too worried about everything that’s been going on at school.

It actually has gotten a lot better, but still not great. Savannah’s still ignoring me for the most part, but she’ll occasionally look at me and half-smile. I thought about trying to make up with her, but then I chickened out.

My English teacher saw I was looking pretty sad today during class. She pulled me into the hallway to talk.

Of course I wasn’t going to tell anything to her after she gave me a C- last semester. And, she always called on me, even when my hand wasn’t raised.

“Alex, you’ve been looking kind of sad the past few days. Is there anything you want to talk about?” she asked, starring me down.

“No, nothing’s wrong,” I said, looking at the floor to avoid her piercing eyes.

She just shrugged and sent me back to class. I guess she knows that teenagers don’t really talk about their private problems to people they hate.

But there still is some problems at school for all of the Freshman. Its not just in Hadley, though. The upperclassmen are always pushing us around. Especially me, an easy target. I hate it.

Sometimes I just want to punch them all.

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