


It’s the last day before February Vacation, and school isn’t going too well. I’ve still been getting weird looks in the halls, and people I don’t even know are avoiding me.

Maybe they think I’m crazy because I was in the mental hospital. But I’m not insane, just a messed up teenager. Don’t blame me, blame my parents.

Erin isn’t talking to me, either. She must feel odd, because she was the one who called the police and sent me there in the first place. And she’s too busy with Brown.

Lately I’ve been feeling like Jake, Sam, and Liam are my only friends. No, not even Jake. Just Sam and Liam.

Jake is mostly on the rest of the worlds’ side. He’s always been a follower. I mean, he’ll occasionally have awkward small talk with me, but only because the other two are there.

Savannah’s been MIA for the past few days. She’s probably just sick or something. It shouldn’t matter to me, anyway. She and I act like we don’t know each other. We never talk nor look at each other. I’m sure she loves it, and is perfectly fine without me as her friend.

I act like I never tried to kiss her at the mall. I act like her ignoring me doesn’t affect me. What can I say? I’m a good actor.

I’ve always acted like I was happy, when something was really killing me inside. It works for me.

Why do I still want to talk to Savannah after she gave me a black eye? Something’s not right. Maybe those kids are right; I am crazy. But I obviously don’t care.

Even my teachers seem weirded out by me. They don’t call on me in class, even when I raise my hand.

And yes, I do feel lonely. The only reason I tried to kiss all those girls is because I wanted a girlfriend. I still do, but who would want to go out with me?

I clearly don’t have a chance with anyone at Hadley High. Even the most insecure girl has higher standards than Alexander Fernandez.

But anyways, I’m so excited to have a week away from this hellhole they call a “school”.

I won’t do anything but listen to music and update Twitter, but that’s all. I have no one to hang out with.

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