《Freshman》Courtney, Angela



Its been almost two weeks, and no one has heard from Alex. I heard rumors that he was arrested, he moved, and a whole bunch of other unrealistic assumptions.

I did hear that he was sent to the mental hospital again, which could possibly be true. I wouldn't be surprised if he was. Whoever started that rumor, actually has some common sense.

It snowed today, but school wasn't cancelled. Even though there was a lot of snow, I guess the superintendent was too lazy to cancel school.

A lot of kids from homeroom were absent today, but everyone should've saw that coming. Even Principal Agosto was out. He lives in Rhode Island, so the commute would probably be bad in the snow, anyways.

I asked Mackenzie if she knew where Alex was. She didn't. Of course. Nobody knew.

Some of us considered asking his Senior Sister where he was, but most seniors would never talk to fresh meat like us. We didn't want to end up making fools out of ourselves.

My Spanish teacher asked where he's been, she loves him. I guess Spanish is his first language or something. That's weird because I'm getting a better grade than him right now. Everyone looked confused except for Alicia.

She tried to pretend she didn't know what was going on, but I didn't buy it.

"where's Alex?" I whispered to Alicia.

"I can't tell you." she said stubbornly.

"Oh, come on. I won't tell anyone!"

She nodded and got out a notebook and pencil. She opened to the last page and wrote really small. I had to squint my eyes to read it.


"Shhh!" Alicia cut me off.

I knew it! How did Alicia know he was at the mental hospital again? Well, she does text him everyday... Whatever, at least I know now!



Mike's still not back. Its been almost a month. What did they do to him? Is he in prison or something? Can they do that to a sixteen year old? I wonder where his parents are in all of this.

I decided to text him just in case. No response. I called him. No answer.

Well, there was no use trying again, so I stopped.

I miss him so much.

Courtney and Kasey tried to get my mind off of him, but it didn't work. My mom didn't even ask me what was wrong when I was in my room all day listening to sad songs.

It seems like everybody's missing these days.


I decided to go over to Mike's house and ask his parents what was going on. Just to warn you, they're not very good parents. They're never home (and when they are, they're drunk), they let him get away with stealing thing, and plenty more.

I knocked on the door, but no one came. I knocked again. Still nothing.

Then his dad came, wearing boxers and a stained shirt. I almost walked away.

"Damn! Can't you ever stop knocking?" He yelled.

"Good to see you too, Mr. Baxter. Umm, where's Mike been lately?" I asked.

"I dunno. Brought him home from that police place, everything was fine. Next morning, he was gone. His phone was still plugged into the charger, though."

"WHAT? And you haven't called the police? What is wrong with you! He could be kidnapped or... dead!" I felt tears coming out of my eyes. I whipped out my phone and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" said some lady.

"Hello? My... friend, Mike Baxter is missing. He's been gone for almost a month now." I could barely get the words out.

"And no one thought to call sooner? Where are his parents?" she talked to me like it was my fault.

"They're deadbeat drunks." I stated, looking at his dad, who happened to be still standing in the doorway.

"Ok, we're sending someone over. What is the address?" I told her, and minutes later, a police car showed up.

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