《Mute - Zelink Modern AU》Last Chance (26)


They then watched another movie and a half, turning the volume down and settling down in the bed, although they were still sat up.

Zelda was incredibly tired, she had to admit. She still refused to let herself sleep though, as she knew for a fact that this wouldn't happen often. The atmosphere, the situation, the... Well, everything. It was just perfect. No matter what, she couldn't just sleep and have it be over with in the blink of an eye. Much to her disliking though, every time she did blink her eyelids had to force themselves open, until the point where she just couldn't keep it up. How she was that tired, she didn't know.

Without a warning, she fell asleep almost instantly while sat up, her head falling to the left onto the only comfortable surface near her, Link's shoulder. The immediate and unexpected contact did surprise him, but he was completely fine with it a mere few seconds later. Gently, he rested the side of his head on to hers, closing his eyes for everything around him to sink in.

It didn't take long for him to realise how uncomfortable it would've been to sleep like that, with her back propped up against the headboard, so he took it into his own hands and decided to try and gently lay her down. However, because of the position they were currently in, Link too had to lie down, being cautious as to not wake Zelda up.

This meant that they had to remain in a similar position, Zelda's head laying on Links shoulder while she layed on her side, him on his back. He'd draped his arm around her for his own comfort, but subconciously knew that it would bring the two closer. Although he wished they could stay that way forever, he was completely content with falling asleep in the bliss moment, reflecting on the perfect day he just had. He didn't have much choice at the moment, as an overwhelming urge of tiredness overcame him. Thus, he fell asleep with a smile.



Zelda woke up first, and she didn't really notice anything abnormal about the current position they were in. As soon as her brain had finally noticed it, she just sunk further into it, bringing her right hand to lay peacefully on Link's chest, feeling the steady rising and falling as he breathed. She didn't want to check the time, knowing that there was a possibility this had to end. Her alarm hadn't gone off at least, so she had at least a small bit of time to appreciate the moment.

She swore that they didn't fall asleep like that. Certain that she'd drifted off while sitting up, she tried to think of what happened which led to their current position. She didn't want to be too optimistic and think that it was a lot of Link's doing, but she didn't really want to think otherwise either. So she let optimism take over, and assume what she wanted to. She wasn't going to bring it up either way, so this thinking was really only for her own mind.

A mere five minutes later, Zelda's alarm rang from the table at the side, interrupting her train of thought. Link started opening his eyes slowly, surprisingly not startled by the alarm that definitely made Zelda jump a bit.

"Morning" Zelda greeted, yawning like she too had just woken up.

"What time is it?" Link asked, rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn't draped around Zelda. He had tried not to move too much in this moment, in fear attention would be drawn to the position they were in.

"Alarm just went off, so... 7" It took her a couple minutes to realise that Link couldn't get up or move much in their current position, so she sat up and dangled her feet over the edge of the bed, giving him room to move.


"5 more minutes" Link joked, rolling over, not realising that he nearly fell off the bed. That would've been a strange way to start the morning.

"I'm going to get a quick shower" Zelda giggled, grabbing the clothes she was going to wear that day and draping them over her left arm. "Feel free to get some practice for later" She winked, leaving the room to head to the bathroom.

Link rolled his eyes while smiling, standing up finally to look at the now brightly lit room. Today is the day.

While Zelda was in the shower he got dressed, being extra picky about the thickness of his tie, the length of his blazer sleeves, anything he could possibly be picky about. For the first time in ages he actually tried seeing what it would look like if he tried a different hairstyle, but gave up fairly quickly as he tied it back into a ponytail.

After ten minutes of all that messing about, the shower was turned off, which meant that Link knew Zelda was to be back in the room soon. He quickly packed his pajamas away and pulled out the stray piece of paper that lingered in his bag, his final speech. He'd memorised majority of the lines, but he had to have it with him, just in case.

Zelda peeked her head into the room, knocking before opening the door.

"Ready for breakfast?" She asked, seeing the hungry spark jump in Link's eye as soon as she said those words.


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