《Mute - Zelink Modern AU》Watch Your Words (25)


As soon as her eyes opened the next morning, Zelda was making sure everything around the house was perfect for when Link arrived. Although she didn't consider herself a messy person and liked to keep everywhere clean and organized, as soon as she knew Link was coming over, every slight thing that was out of place really bothered her.

All the plans she really had were to play video games, watch movies and order takeout. She just wanted Link to have a good time before the exam, so that was her sole intention. Hopefully, she'd just help them both out with the stress, to relax a bit. They deserved it, after all.

She hadn't thought much about sleeping arrangements yet, but that was something she felt she could decide a little bit later. It couldn't be that hard after all, her mother was out that night from Zelda's request, so she could sleep in her bed if needs be. That's if they didn't just fall asleep while doing whatever else they were doing, which was possible.

The time quickly came when Link was about to arrive, before Zelda had time to gather her thoughts, although she had plenty. Just five minutes left, the clock was ticking.

In all honesty, Link had arrived at the house 10 minutes early, but waited outside the gate until it was time. Similarly, when there was a few minutes remaining, Zelda stood staring at the door. She wanted to be prepared for him arriving at any second from there on.

Once there was a minute remaining, Link took slow and small steps up the driveway, holding his phone out in his hand as he waited for the time to be exact.

So when the clock hit the time, after taking a deep breath, Link immediately knocked and wasn't waiting long at all for an answer.


Although Zelda was anticipating his arrival every second, it still made her jump as she clambered to the handle, opening the door widely and smiling.

"Hi! Come in" She stepped aside, letting Link walk in, as he greeted her with a head nod, taking his shoes off immediately after he stepped foot into the door.

"So first order of business, would you say that you've finished your project?" She asked, making sure that was all out of the way before they began goofing off.

"Yeah" He smiled, clearly proud of himself for being able to say he'd finished it.

"Oh, awesome! I guess we shouldn't focus on it then. This is the final night of our freedom" Zelda exaggerated, closing the door as they both trailed into the living room.

"It's the due date of a project, not our wedding" Link chuckled in reply, not being very aware of his word choices, which he noticed a mere few seconds later.

He didn't bother correcting himself though, as bringing attention to it would've pushed the situation into an awkward position. The most he could do was laugh it off and hope that she didn't quite hear it, which of course, she did. She just silently blushed, noticing how Link didn't turn back on what he said.

Grabbing the remote and turning the television on, she also turned on the console that was sat on the shelf underneath the TV.

"You've got a Switch?" Link asked in surprise, gawking at the console he'd never seen in person.

"Yeah. I don't play on it often enough" Zelda replied, handing one of the grey joycon sides to Link.

As she did so, their hands slightly brushed together as the size of the controller wasn't enough to cover all of Link's hand. Link lifted his head as their eyes met, noticing how the pink hue on Zelda's cheeks was persistent. His jaw almost dropped at how her expression looked, how her cute and wholesome smile lit up the room to a whole new level.


"So this game is pretty much just a bunch of smaller party games" She began to explain, opening the game from the menu and explaining other certain things.

And thus, although Zelda insisted that she wasn't competitive, the two continued to play these party games over and over, until there was clear result. The two were surprisingly drawing a lot of the matches, or the scores were really close.

However, there came a time when they were on the last game, the scores tied. The stakes were high, both Link and Zelda on their feet as the competitive air flowed between them.

Link managed to win by a narrow margin, leaving Zelda mildly frustrated yet completely satisfied at the same time.

"I still think that you rigged it, but good game" She laughed, shaking Link's hand gently as he laughed along, his face clearly showing his pride. "You hungry?" She asked, placing the joycon down on the table.

Link replied with a nod, smugly smiling at his victory.

Later, the two were sat on Zelda's bed eating takeout in their pajamas, watching terrible horror movies that were more funny than scary.

"Oh come on! There was obviously something behind that door!" Link cracked up, almost choking on the bite of pizza that he'd just taken.

Zelda could barely even talk, she was in histeric fits of laughter from Link's tone of voice and the content of the movie itself. The two would turn to face eachother every now and then, just giggling slightly before focusing their attention back onto the screen, awaiting the next obvious jump scare.

Once Zelda had yawned a few times and was very clearly tied, she got up from the bed and stretched, not seeing how Link was admiring every single movement her body made.

"I'm gonna hit the hay" She drowsily said as she started heading towards the door, wishing that she was just as awake as she were in the morning. It was getting late, and she didn't want Link to feel obliged to stay awake because she was.

But just before she could open the door to leave, Link unexpectedly spoke up, his voice shaking.

"H-hey! Would you mind if we slept together?" He asked, again not at all thinking about how he worded his sentences.

Zelda raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth in shock, not really knowing what to reply or what Link was actually trying to say.

"Crap, I mean like- you know, just sleeping in the same bed. I wasn't trying to be weird" He rushed out, hiding his face in the duvet from pure embarrassment, wishing that he could press an undo button.

Zelda just relaxed after that, smiling to herself at how hard Link was clearly trying to be as normal as possible, although he did accidently end up saying things without really thinking about them first. Non of it really bothered Zelda, it actively made her chuckle, falling for Link a little more every time the realisation hit his face.

She didn't say anything more, just gently lifted the covers next to Link, climbing into bed beside him, laughing once he looked up in surprise.

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