《Mute - Zelink Modern AU》Rumor (23)


Zelda could tell that throughout the lesson, there were times where Link spoke so quietly that it wasn't eligible, in fear that someone else would pipe up and call him out. It tended to be when the volume of the class lowered as a whole, which Link was clearly subconsciously keeping track of.

It was actually rather cute to see Link notice that he thought he was talking a bit too loud or drawing too much attention to himself, as he'd scan his eyes around the room as if he was a computer processing information.

Link continued enthusiastically, his hand never stopping as it wrote sentence after sentence. He believed quality over quantity, but there were so many ideas in his head that he just wanted to get down on the paper, before he inevitably forgot all of them later.

"Actually, one thing that I'm struggling with is structure. I'm not sure when and where to put certain things, it's a bit messy" Link admitted, scratching the back of his head as he read through that lessons work for the first time.

Just as Zelda was about to speak, the bell signalling the end of lesson rang. It was break next, so they could stay together until third period. They headed to the cafeteria and took a seat at one of the tables, Link keeping his piece of planning paper and a pen out, placing them on the table.

Although hesitantly, Zelda sat close to him, their shoulders bumping together as Zelda took the reigns with the planning. It was then that they heard a familiar voice from the left of them, which caught their undivided attention.

"Rumor has it that you two were getting 'cosy' in the library this morning" And to this, Zelda panicked. She was mostly worried because she didn't want her reply to negatively impact Link. She was running out of thinking time and she couldn't possibly just stay silent.


"S-so what if we were?" She spoke, instant regret flowing through every inch of her, though she didn't let it show. She couldn't bare looking to her right, from fear that Link was staring at her with annoyed confusion. If she were to die on the spot there and then, she would've welcomed it with open arms.

"Oh- well- I mean-" They didn't know what to reply, completely dumbstruck.

Zelda did do as she'd intended, as she'd completely shut them up. They were expecting her to deny it so they could tease the two, but they weren't expecting Zelda of all people to be straight to the point. After exchanging confused looks with eachother, they left.

"I am so-" Immediately, Zelda started trying to apologise, snapping her vision to the right of her, expecting to see Link look upset, or maybe even disgusted. However, she was greeted with the absolute opposite.

He was smiling rather widely actually, a little laugh escaping his lips as his sapphire eyes looked contently into hers. He could tell that she was flustered and that she had a hard time saying certain things when he was around, so he'd tried his hardest to make her know he didn't care. If anything, he was flattered and liked the fact that she didn't care if people thought that about the two. Gently, he placed a hand upon her shoulder, going that extra step to make sure the message got across clearly.

"It's okay" He cut her off "Don't apologise" Taking his hand off her shoulder, he looked away and smiled to himself in the fact that she didn't even seem embarrassed or offended in the slightest by the apparent rumor. She was bothered most about what he was too think about her response.

Zelda admitted defeat, trying her hardest to actively block out what just happened in an attempt to feel better. After clearing her throat and giving her head a little shake, she turned to Link completely and changed the topic.


"S-So what I think you should do next with the project is outline your main sub topics, the things specifically you're going to be talking about, zoom in on" She tried to focus as she pointed on the piece of paper in front of them, to which Link wasn't paying much attention to. "That will help with the structure"

Although he was indeed listening, he just stared to his left, absorbing Zelda's focused expression as she spoke, not only taking in the words, but taking in how her verdant eyes has little specks of darker green among the light, how her hair was perfectly plaited on the top and how the rest gracefully fell down her back.

"Yeah, that makes sense" Link said as he picked up a pencil, tearing his eyes off of Zelda before she looked at him and noticed how long he'd been staring.

He continued to jot down some notes that Zelda shared that would help him with his planning, already trying to think about the kinds of things he would be saying, the final script he was going to write.

All good things eventually come to an end, so naturally, the break had to as well. Zelda was still feeling awfully flustered, which Link chuckled about as there was really no reason for it.

It almost seemed like they were switching roles. Link, who was used to getting nervous and flustered, was fully aware that he was turning into the person to cause that. More so, now he's had an opportunity to really feel that way. Then on the other hand there was Zelda, who was the complete opposite. It seemed like she was turning to putty in Link's hands.

Hesitantly, the two parted ways, secretly (yet not so secretly) excited for the next lesson to be over for one reason and one reason only.

They both couldn't wait until Saturday, when they'd finally get some time to themselves. Of course it had only been a few days since they had that, but it never seemed like enough.

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