《Mute - Zelink Modern AU》Walking Awkwardly (13)


'Don't pick me up x' Zelda texted her mother.

They decided to walk home, as it was quite a long wait to the bus that it wouldn't be worth it.

Zelda held on to Link's jacket tightly, embracing the warmth. She wasn't sure if it was from the jacket or if it was from her nerves. Link didn't look cold in the slightest, but Zelda couldn't help but feel guilty for accepting his jacket.

"Are you cold?" She asked him, looking at the smoke her breath emitted.

"No" he answered, making sure to exaggerate it as he knew why she was asking.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Zelda, I am 1000% sure" He brushed his hand against hers accidentally, sending a chill down both of their spines. Link looked away in embarrassment as he wasn't sure how Zelda would react. Of course, she didn't mind.

Zelda took several deep breaths and closed her eyes each time she inhaled. She wondered why she was so nervous, but she just wouldn't admit to herself, although she knew the answer.

Link's cheeks started to turn slightly pink as the cold had started to get to him. Little did he know that Zelda was even more nervous than he was.

Zelda's face quickly turned paler as they continued walking. Link continued onwards not wanting to mention it in case he was over thinking everything, but he eventually brought it up.

"You're really pale... Are you feeling okay?" He asked, slowing down.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel a little nauseous" She replied, exhaling heavily.

Link reached his hand out and placed it on Zelda's forehead, making them both stop in their tracks.

"You're really warm" He started to get nervous as he hated seeing her in a position where she wasn't feeling great.


He felt like he had to protect her.

"I'll walk you home" Link added, walking at a fast pace.

"Don't be silly" She replied, looking down at the ground and smiling. She didn't know how to react to someone being so kind without any reason.

"I'm not being silly. You do so much for me, I want to return at least some of the kindness you've shown me" He smiled at her, her smile warming up his cold body, and his heart.

"Trust me, you've done enough" She nudged him with her shoulder as she caught up to him.

"Are you getting sick?" He asked, stopping suddenly again.

"No! I'm fine, Link!" She giggled as she knew that he was worrying over nothing.

She put her hand on his shoulder as his face shot to the left to face her. She laughed again, but it was more of a happy exhale.

"I'm fine" She said, a little more seriously this time.

"Okay. Okay, if you're sure" He smiled at her reassuringly.

"I am"

Zelda stood there for a few seconds, then removed her arm from his shoulder.

She continued walking, with Link following along behind her. They had finally reached his house. Zelda knew that Link would refuse to leave her, but she was confident that she could persuade him.

Zelda slowly took off the jacket, letting her body get slightly used to the cold sting of the air. They were coming up to Link's front gate. He noticed her try to take the jacket off, but he stopped her in her tracks.

"If you're going to continue walking home, at least take the jacket" He told her.

"I couldn't possibly do that" Zelda replied.

"Take it as an early Christmas present!" He started running up the path to his front door backwards, without taking the jacket.


He ran a little too far though, as he eventually bashed his back against the door. This made Zelda audibly chuckle, as Link did too, before entering his house.

Accepting her defeat, Zelda put the jacket back on as she picked up her pace to a jog. Her heart was fluttering as it started to get a little bit painful, but not really. She covered her face with her hands and let out a tiny squeal. Although she knew it was stupid, it really seemed to help with the overflow of emotions.

She made it home in just under 10 minutes, she didn't stop jogging (or smiling) all the way there.

She opened the door and smiled again, her eyes drifting off to the ceiling.

"What's got you in a daze?" Her mother came down the stairs as she laughed slightly at Zelda's expression.

"Link and I went to the library today, and-" She was cut off by her mother.

"Link went outside, willingly?" She asked, gripping a mug that was in her hand.

"Yeah" Zelda replied, slightly confused.

"You're practically doing my job for me!" She continued walking past Zelda into the kitchen as she took a sip out of the mug.

"What do you mean?" Zelda spoke up and followed her mother.

"Ever since you and Link have been meeting, he's getting a lot better. He's done things he never could've imagined a few months ago" She placed the empty mug into the empty kitchen sink.

"Is he really? So... Am I- Am I helping him!?" Zelda said louder than she intended to.

"Yes. Its obvious to see, and not just to me. I'm sure his parents are noticing changes as well" She noticed how Zelda's eyes had started to well up.

"Good. I'll continue doing whatever it takes" She smiled as she looked at the floor, pulling her knuckles into a fist.

"So it seems you took a jacket after all" Her mother commented, noticing that Zelda had a jacket on.

"Actually, this is Link's. He insisted that I take it" She gripped onto the jacket as she took it off.

"Just be careful, Zelda. Feelings can easily get out of control"

"What do you mean?"

"I guess you could call me protective, but its only natural of a parent. Zelda, you'll know what I mean soon enough. Its so obvious"

"What's so obvious?!"

"Again, you'll get it soon. I'm surprised you don't already. Is this the first time?"

"I think you're going a little crazy"

"Oh, you're so naive!"

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