《Tiny Hylian (Sidon x Link)》Twenty Four


270 Words

It takes all of my will to not just blurt out "LINK WILL YOU MARRY ME". That'd be stupid, obviously. Before I can say much, Link starts a conversation anyway, talking about literally anything he thinks of.

He slowly inches closer as he speaks, and I doubt it's a conscious decision, closing his eyes and smiling softly as he signs with big gestures. He speaks of Faron, how once he heard Kass and his accordion from a mile away, and of how he got a cool helmet from a dragon statue that added protection from those retched Guardians.

A lot of scars came from those things, he mentioned, sort of patting his chest. I grimace at the thought.

I wait for him to finish his thought before speaking. "Link. I've really been thinking about everything. You know, about the future... and I want you to know that I..." spit it out. Spit it out, dammit. It's a simple question. "...I want to spend it with you. Link, will you—''

The words are caught in my throat as I hear someone call me from afar. He hears it too, quickly distancing himself from me and sitting in a more conservative position.

It's Bazz who interrupted us, come to play the part of messenger. He hands me a scroll with respect, and I force a smile as he walks quickly away.

My courage is gone. I had it all mustered and now it's gone and I can't do it.

I get up and walk us back home.

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