《Tiny Hylian (Sidon x Link)》Nineteen


377 words

"Ah noooooooooooooo" I dramatically sign before flopping onto the bed.

"Stop being a dick," Sidon replies. "This is a serious problem."

"Boi, only the Reservoir froze, though. All of the rivers are still fine, so the economy is fine too."

"That's the problem." He sighs. "And your meager understanding of politics is... worrisome."

"Don't diss my social knowledge. I'm not a prince like you. And, look: everyone is fine. Nobody got trapped under the lake, did they?"

I get up and walk to the door. No one's been allowed to leave the Domain since about three days ago when the East Reservoir lake — and that lake only — froze over. The rivers leading to and from it are still flowing, and although the temperature has dropped slightly, I barely notice much difference.

Then again, I can't go outside. Sidon's rules. Apparently the tiled floor of the Domain is so slippery that people have a lot of trouble walking around. And they can see. He pretends that since I'm blind it's dangerous.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I sigh. As dumb as the rule might seem, I know it's in place for a reason. "I know."

I clasp my hands together in a 'please' gesture, putting on a pouty face.

He sighs loudly and I practically hear him facepalm. "Don't make that fa—and you made the face. I hate you." After a long moment of silence, he mumbles, "fine. Stay close though." He wound his arm around my waist and I squirm slightly, earning a chuckle.

"I'm not used to this, ok?"

"It's cute."

I suddenly realize that our planned journey across Hyrule is definitely cancelled — moral obligation on Sidon's part. I could leave, but something (someone) tells me that that isn't a very good idea.


The second I step outside, my brain is overwhelmed by the senses. It's so quiet out here that it feels like death itself is upon us. The tile is incredibly slippery beneath my feet and I realize that Sidon really isn't that stupid as I cling to him for support, my legs turning to jelly. I must look so stupid and helpless.

"So? Not a good idea?"

"Fuck off."

"I can leave if you want—''


He laughs again and we head back inside to stable ground.

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