《Tiny Hylian (Sidon x Link)》Sixteen


525 words

The blue lake reflects the mountains above serenely, calmingly. It's as if nothing in the world could disturb the beautiful azure water. This is my safe place, the place I'd come to as a child when I was stressed and needed to relax. That isn't the case today however.

I hear soft footsteps behind me and turn around. Link walks slowly towards me, his hands outstretched in front of him in a slightly derpy way -- don't get me wrong though, it's adorable. Sometimes I forget he's blind, he copes so well.

I might forget, but he certainly won't.

His hand taps my shoulder repeatedly before an 'ah' sound escaped his lips, then he walks around me and plops himself down in my lap, in the negative space created by my crossed legs. Um. Okay? I swallow and adjust myself. I can feel his heartbeat through his back, a quick and unsteady beat that keeps changing. He doesn't look like he just came back from a battle or anything. I wonder what the cause is.

"Um, hi."


In all honesty, I don't want to bring up our current position, but there wasn't much else to talk about, so we were left in silence.

"You know, about that trip you're going on..." he paused. "There's still 2 divine beasts I need to compl—''



"No! Look at yourself, Link! This has taken enough from you — your sight, your voice, your-your independence! Every time you speak, you bleed!" There's a bout of angry silence. "You have no idea what you look like, huh? I-I would hate seeing anyone like this, much less you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Goddammit, I hate the fact that the Sheikah slate has no tone in its voice.


"I—'' There's a huge, long pause. My head's full of thoughts. So full of thoughts, like a bucket full of water, filled to the brim, threatening to spill. I have no idea how I'm going to backtrack from that comment — he's not an idiot, and it's only a matter of time before I slip up again.

I open my mouth to speak, but stop when he inhales deeply, then turns around and cups both his hands softly around my face, for just a moment. It was so gentle, the way his small fingers brushed my cheeks, just a light caress.

Then — oh God — he kisses me.

It was brief, almost too short. Full of emotion for the two seconds it lasted, and those two seconds will affect me for a long time.


"No. Just—I'm tired of lying to myself. I've felt this way, all weird, for a long time and I'm tired of it. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, I'm... I'm sorry," He covers his face with his hands, shaking slightly.

"Thank you." I pause. "I don't like lying either."

"You... what?" He turns around to face me, scooting out of my lap, my legs and chest now cold.

"Let me be honest here." I place my hands on his shoulders. "I've never had much courage, or else I would've done that a long time ago."

He smiles, teeth straight and white. "Then why don't we do it again?"

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