《Tiny Hylian (Sidon x Link)》Fifteen


677 words

"Open your mouth," I say.

"Ew, mhno," Link mumbles back, holding a rag up to his mouth in anticipation of blood flow. Last night was a disaster. A huge disaster. I got barely any sleep, always making sure he was still there and breathing because despite what Link says I still feel like he's dying, slowly slipping away. I have every reason to, of course; he's lethargic and tired and has a huge fucking fever.

"Do it." My voice is more stern than I intended but got the message across just fine, because he sighed into the cloth but obliged anyway, opening his mouth just enough to peer down his throat. There's nothing wrong. I press the back of my hand to his forehead and this time he doesn't try to swat it away, instead sighing again and saying:

"Stop it... I'm not a kid,"

"You don't take care of yourself so I'll do it for you." I reply, keeping my voice flat and even. He furrows his eyebrows but backs down, letting me touch his neck. "You're so hot," At my touch, I felt his heartbeat quicken considerably, and I think his face turned redder, if only spontaneously. That raised a million unnecessary questions that I pushed away. "And Link—'' as much as I love your voice, "—please stop talking, you're lethargic from blood loss."

"I can do what I want," he said slowly, enunciating every syllable, then teetered forward to lean on me. I stroked his head like I would a cat. Link exhaled.

"Fine then. You want to stop talking — so don't."

He seemed to contemplate this for a while before signing: "Your voodoo magic is too powerful." I snort then start laughing. This is okay. Neither of us are dying. So why do I feel all weird inside?


Three quick knocks interrupt the moment. "Your Highness?"

"Yes?" I answer, getting up and opening the door just enough so I can be seen, but not my room. It's Muzu, and he looks... not Muzu-like. I think he's smiling? That grumpy old raisin might actually be happy?!

"Your presence is requested in the throneroom."

"Be there in a sec," I reply, and instead of scowling at my use of casual language, he SMILES at me and walks away. I shut the door and turn around.

"What the fuck? Muzu sounded happy," Link signs, clearly confused.

"Yeah I have no idea what that's about." I pause. "I have to go. No shenanigans."

"No shenanigans, fine," he repeats, and I walk out.

I'm worried. I'm very worried. When Muzu is happy, it's probably for some twisted reason that benefits nobody but himself. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears, an unstable ba-dump ba-dump. I step into the throneroom and Muzu closes the door behind me.

My father looks happy too. "Sidon, we have to talk to you."

"Erm... okay?"

"We would like you to take a journey around Hyrule, to get acquainted with the different races and cultures."

Wait, what? "Are you... are you serious?!"

"Did I stutter?" Yeah, dad, you're not using that right, but... "You'll leave next week. Fair?"

"Of course!!"

Muzu swallows audibly, face darkening slightly. "Yes, and you may bring an escort. I assume you'll choose that knight you're so fond of—''

My father cuts him off by yelling DISMISSED, and I run out.

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