《Tiny Hylian (Sidon x Link)》Six


757 words

"This room feels different," he says, stepping into my chambers and out of the cold night air. "It's warm." I stay silent. He walks around, touching the various things here — my dresser, my bed, the armchair.

I watch intently. He disappears into the bathroom, to come out five seconds later with a nod. He doesn't look at me or in my direction once.

All of a sudden, he stops and tenses. "Sidon?"

"Yeah? I'm still here."

"Am I in your room?"


He pauses, finding the bed and sitting, then talks to himself. Or tries to, the whole mute thing doesn't help.

I find he's actually a bit creepy when there's silence. His eyes will look around and his ears will tilt in different directions, trying to find something to locate him by. His hands will delicately brush everything, and he actually sometimes mistakes me for an inanimate object.

It feels weird, having a blind person try to figure out who you are by touch — trust me.

"...Link? What are you thinking about?" I sit beside him.

"I don't know. I'm tired of... of being."

"Of being?"

"Of being blind, and mute, and helpless and I hate my life so much right now."

I remember once he told me he liked the silence. He liked to just sit and enjoy the scenery, alone, him and his thoughts. Recently, he told me he hates the silence. Without sound, he doesn't know where he is.

"That's not how you move on."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm... I'm just tired." He puts his head on my arm. "It takes so much energy to listen to everything at once, you know. And I have shitty emotions too."


"I imagine so."

He doesn't reply, instead just yawning, then breathing evenly.

Creepiness x 100, activate. He just fell asleep, nothing new. But his eyes are open, staring at the opposite wall blankly.

I swallow hard.

I hear nothing except the rumbling of a waterfall, but something feels very wrong. I told Sidon — no, I yelled at him, or at least would've if I could — that I would be fine on my own, just for a couple hours at least, while he went to a royal advisory.

I don't hear any footsteps, I don't hear any breathing, I hear nothing. Just the waterfall in the distance.

It freaks me out. The silence is heavy on my shoulders, and I feel myself start to panic. Where am I again? I don't remember which way I came from. I sit down, touching the grass. There's lots of grass around the Domain, I could be anywhere!

Oh Hylia, why me?

I'm hyperventilating, and I can't stop it. This is stupid, why did I do this? I'm lost until I get help. Something warm and wet drips down my cheek — I'm crying. Oh fuck me.

I sit here for who know how long, looking pathetic I bet, letting out a frustrated sigh.

I jump when a hand touches my shoulder, raising my arms defensively.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just me." Sidon's voice whispers. "It's dark outside, you know that?" I sigh.

"I'm sorry you were right I do need help—''

"Save your apologies, I understand, okay?"

He helps me stand and we head off. Where? He'll tell me.

"Here's a game — let's play truth or dare."

"Isn't that a game for... girls?"

"Well, I can't get any more... childish and vulnerable to you, anyway."


"I never said that."

"I know it's true." We pause. He stands and walks over to the bed, flopping on it, beside me. I swallow.

"...what are you doing?" I mumble as he scoots closer, putting his head on my chest.

"Cold," he signs nonchalantly.

"There are, y'know, blankets," I'm totally fine with what's happening, despite what I say.

"Yeah, but I prefer this. Besides, I've been in more awkward situations for my survival." He scoots even closer.

"More awkward situations, huh?"

"Let me guess. You want me to regale you?"

"Of course."

"Well, a few times I've had to betray the pride rainbow and flirt with women. Outrageous. Or... oh, there was this once, this Yiga was totally kinky and I went along with it until she took out her sword. Then I kicked her butt to the next Tuesday." He smiles. "Sometimes, it was fun. Others, it really went against my morals."

Another pause. Not an awkward one.

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