《Handcuffs and stripper heels》But wait..theres more!


I could hear talking but not what was being said and i could feel myself being shaken. Opening my eyes i seen monèts face hovering over mine and her hair dangling over my face. I turned over and closed my eyes. "5 more minutes" i groaned pulling her down to lay with me. I could smell her baby lotion and smiled.

"You smell good" i whispered and she laughed. "Id hope so i just got out the shower" she said. "Without me?!" I joked making her laugh again.

"No i went to the gym early this morning took a shower and ate breakfast i expected you to be up by the time i came back" she huffed and i chuckled.

"Odell" she whined and i mocked her. "Get up lets go do something" she exclaimed and i ignored her.

"Odell its 1 in the afternoon"she added but i still ignored her. I was tired.

She was quiet for a good five minutes until i felt her lips on my neck softly sucking making me groan. Forgetting who she was and only focused on what she was doing i trailed my finger tips up and down her bare back slowly inching towards her butt. I was fully awake now.


I pulled away smirking knowing that he was woke..and slightly horny. "Now that youre woke you need to get up and get dressed" i smiled getting up and he groaned.

"Dont start what you cant finish, why you dressed like that?" He asked dragging his eyes up my body stopping at my hips.

I had on a white crop top white pants, which i owned alot of and my nude heels had currently been on the floor. "Because we are going shopping and then youre going to take me somewhere fun" i told him and he sighed flipping off the covers and climbing out the bed.

"Odell if you dont put that shit down its fucking ugly" i snapped and he laughed returning this maternity dressed that had the pattern of someones great grandmothers flower patterned couch. Uh no!

"Should i get it in white or tan?" I asked and he shrugged making me glare at him and turn towards the mirror.


"Why do you strip?" He asked curiously rubbing his facial hair that i wish he would cut. I met his eye contact in the mirror and could feel my face scrunch up. I hated that question, so DAMN much.

"It pays the bills" i told him bluntly and he frowned.

"Mo if we suppouse to bond & be cool you have to be more open with me let me know stuff" he told me and i could feel myself just heat up with anger. I have a hard to opening up & bonding my "bestfriend" was the last person i opened up to and i got heartbroken by a guy that i wasnt even in a relationship with.

He turned me around wich scared me cause i never knew he got up. "Hey you dont have to open up right now lets just finish your shopping trip and enjoy it get something to eat and go somewhere fun, like i promised ok?" He asked kissing my forehead and a flash of light went off that we both ignored.

Swiping his card before i could even take out my wallet he grabbed all my bags and we headed out bumping into the devil and spawn of satan.

Lucas and nicole. Who both smiled at me like everything was ok until he seen odell and kinda glared at him. "Another football player, you sure your intentions arent just to fuck her just because of what she does?" Lucas asked making my jaw drop and odell just gave him a are you serious look.

"Who i fuck is none of your concern since i walked in after you and nicole fucked but hey you guys were always perfect for eachother" i snarked before storming off with odell behind me. I felt good it felt so good letting it all out.

"You ok? Youve been kind of quiet its scaring me" odell admitted as we walked out the mall after we ate. "Just thinking of better things i couldve said" i admitted walking to his car and he chuckled opening the trunk.

"Thanks for the day out and buying me everything" i smiled hugging odell and he picked me up so i could wrap my legs around his waist.


"No problem mo" he shrugged carrying me into my house as i layed my head on his chest. Placing me and my bags on my bed he kissed my forehead and i smiled as he left.

Halfway through putting my clothes away i heard a knock on the door, dropping the shirt in my hand on the bed i jogged down the steps and swung open my front door regretting it.

"What do you want?" I asked he barged in and closed the door.

"I did not fuck nicole!" He huffed making me snort.

"So yall was just laid up in yall underwear or more specifically yours" i asked.

"She was crying and sobing about missing the time we use to have and how she misses me and we fell asleep like that"he explains but i rolled my eyes.

"You and her still have chemistry why not just date?!" I yell back.

"Because i want you not her! She isnt the last or first person i think about at night its you. When i hear a certain song or smell a certain perfume its you i think about yes me & her been spending time together but all i want is you" he rambled and i rolled my eyes walking off only to be grabbed from behind.

"And when you sass me and backtalk me it lets me know you dont take my shit and when you smile or say my name it makes me smile all day or when your falling asleep or just waking up how your lips pout and you always want to be heald makes me feel good and when you tell me your problems lets me know you trust me and when you stare at me and think im not looking but baby i notice, thats all you nobody else makes me feel like that. And when you wear these tight ass pants that makes me hard and want to bend you over...thats all you" he husked out the end proving his point by rubbing his hard on against my butt making me gasp.

"Im tired of playing this game" he whispered before turning me around and kissing me. He pulled me closer grabbing my butt and squeezing making me moan. I slowly kissed back which ended up turning the kiss into one of those freaky nasty slow kisses and he groaned picking me up and carrying me to my bedroom and laying me down.

"You promise?" I asked and pulled away looking into my eyes. "Promise you're the only girl that matters to me and i care about you, i apologize for being an ass...let me show you" he said softly going down.

Running my hands through his hair i smiled. He was definately a cuddler. He definately showed he was sorry. It wasnt sex it felt like more. He was layed ontop of me and still inside of making me smile and drift off.

I woke up again feeling lucas pulling out. "Sorry i tried not to wake you" he whispered pulling the covers more over me. "You going somewhere?" I asked.

"Yeah my job called actually they said they found nicole on the beach causing a scene" he told me and i sat up quickly.

"Whats that have to do with you?" I asked getting angry. "I just let you get to a side that hasnt been seen in who knows how long and youre going to leave just like that?" I asked furiously.

"Monét i-" i heald up my hand to cut him off.

"You know what? Get the fuck out leave me alone your just a stupid ass white boy with a black girl fetish and i cant fucking believe i fell into your trap i hope you burn in the lowest fucking circle in hell for all eternity" yelled throwing i think a blow dryer (its dark af ya girl cant see) at him making him fall, but leave.

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