《Handcuffs and stripper heels》Carnival


"Thanks bry tilly bye odelly" i waved as they dropped me off to get my car.

"Bye bambi" bryson laughed and odell sent me a kissy face making me laugh but bryson punched him.

Pulling up to my house i noticed something was weird. Nicole wasnt here. Whenever we didnt leave the club together we always linked up at my house to make sure we were both safe and ok. I went upstairs to see if she was there when my phone vibrated in my back pocket. Strange, there was no missed calls no text messages except for 2. One from bryson making sure i got home safe and one from hazel asking if i could come over. I texted both of them yes before going uptairs to take a shower do my hair and put on a pair of fresh clothes.

Knocking on hazels door shequickly swung it open and pulled me in. "Hello to you to" i chuckled and she smiled.

"Oh my goodness, the club was so much fun last night i made so much money" she cheered.

"Thats good but be careful what you do in there leave these guys with the impression you dont want them and private rooms can be very risky" i told her.

She nodded understanding why i said that. "So whered you rush off to so quickly lastnight" i sighed explaining where i was and who the beckham boys were.

"Who was the white guy who talked to you?" She asked curiously. "Irrelevant...why?" I asked, she wouldnt just ask about him for no reason.

"The way he looked at you was like he cared about you but he followed nicole around like a lost puppy and they left together."she shrugged unpacking a box.

"Hey ill call you i have some buisness to go take care of" i rushed out before quickly leaving bumping into the guy from upstairs.

"Is hazel home?" He asked stairing longingly at her door and i nodded rushing to my car.

Please let me be wrong. Please let my assumptions be mislead. Parking my car infront of his house i quickly walked up to his front door and noticed it was cracked open. Pushing the door open i walked in seeing something that made me sick to my stomach. Lucas was laying on his back wearing nothing but boxers and nicole was laying on him with his shirt on. Im not going to cry im not going to get mad im not going to do anything they were ment to be together.


Slamming my fist on the door it swung open revealing odell. I pushed passed him not in the mood for funny buisness. "Wheres bryson?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Occupied at the moment" he mumbled confused.

"It can wait"i said ready to charge upstairs to his room.

"No mo, hes with a girl" he told me holding me back.

"Why is every guy i need to talk to occupied with a girl" i screamed and odell pulled me into a hug.

"You can talk to me" he offered but i shook my head. "No offense but i dont know you like that and the only reson i was comfortable around you last night was cause i was under the influence of alcohol" i admitted.

"Well you can get to know me" he said seriously and not in his usual flirty tone and i looked up at him to see him gazing down at me.

"This is probably a innapropriate time to say this but i dont want to just get you in bed, like i see you more as a friend then anything." He told me. We spent the last 3 hours sitting in their theatre room just getting to know eachother and i told him what i saw.

"Is there something wrong with me?" I asked angrily. Like every guy that sits and talks with me loose interest am i weird.

"No no no! Youre confident, bold strongminded and dont settle you know your self worth and youre on the right track in life that intimidates fuckboys and guys who only want one thing honestly guys see a good girl like you and understand how rare it is they dont want to mess you up but the right guy whos on your level will come along"he admitted and i smiled feeling better about myself. "Just know the offer still stands" he grinned.

"What offer?"

"To spend a night with daddy" he winked making me laugh and push him away. "But seriously if you ever need to talk or just feeling lonely ill be here mo" he smiled.

"Awe thanks odelly" i yelled jumping into his lap hugging him and he chuckled.


"Yeah yeah let me get dressed so we can leave"he said getting up and going over to his closet. "Where we going?" I asked and he only smiled in response.

"This bear is so cute, thanks" i smiled hugging odell.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you make you feel special alright you seem down and i just want to see you happy" he smiled. He took me to a carnival, even though it sounds young and immature i like it, i never got to go to one growing up so it made me smile.

"Thanks odelly" i smiled goofily and he playfully pushed me away. I was wearing a olive green plungeline body suit with white jeans and white sandals and he wanted to be just like me with a olive green shirt white jeans and white airforces.

"You comming over tonight, we can get food and watch movies" he suggest looking at his phone.

"Is that your way of saying you like my presence?" I smirk and he rolls his eyes calling me cocky under his breath.

"Im not watching that odell!" I yelled throwing the pillow at him and he laughed. "Why not?"

"What do you mean why not? 'cause i dont want to!" I snapped going to hit him when he pinned me down under him looking directly in my eyes.

"I want to watch this" he said slowly and deeply pinning my arms above my head.

"Hey you want pi-" bryson started as he barges in but quickly took notice of our position and his face showed his anger. "I thought you knew better, didnt know you were easy" he gritted out slamming the door behind him. Trying to get up and follow him but odell grabbed my arm.

"Stop and let me go" i snapped.

"No monet let him calm down first he needs to apologize to you for saying that, you dont need to say anything he was out of line" he scolded and i nod stairing at the tv screen.


I watched as she staired blankly at the screen, ger eyes were to dazed to actually be watching so i know shes been thinking about my idiot brother. "Monet" i called and she slightly turned around. "Come here" i told her and she pouted as she crawled over to me laying her head on my chest. As sexy as she looked doing that i only wanted to hold her. "Hes only looking out for you, im guessing he already warned you and expected you to stay away and stay closer to him." I told her.

"Im grown i can do what i want" she pouts making me laugh and hold her face in my hands. "Thats not how he sees it he sees you as a little sister he wants to protect, hes very protective" i told her honestly and she rolls her eyes.

"You dont call your sister easy he knows how i feel about that especially since im a-nevermind" she blurts.

"No no tell me" i begged and she shook her head trying to get away from me. I grabbed her by her waist and sat her on my lap.

"Especially since youre a what?" I asked and she huffed.

"A stripper damn now get off me so i can leave" she gritted out.

"Leave why? Because you think im going to try something well im not and youre staying here with me" i yelled at her and she glared at me earning a glare back.

She was stubborn. Spoiled. A big baby. A little weird.

She made me play with her hair until she fell asleep and if i talked or stopped she'd catch an attitude and make a noise of disagreance. Her curly hair was all over her face as she was turned away from me and i took a picture of the back of her and put it on instagram with the caption 'sleeping beauty'.

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