《Handcuffs and stripper heels》Yacht


The sun beaming in my face, the sand in my toes and a mint green one piece bathing suit with a plunge neckline stopping right above my belly button clinging tightly to my skin.

"Mo you look fine i just wish youd get out the damn mirror" nicole sighed using her phones camera and checking her lipstick, the nerve of her.

"Yeah before you break it" the twig bitch jessie from the strip club chirped in. Who the hell invited her?!

"I know i dont look bad i look bomb as fuck" i smirked ignoring the strands of hair that fell out my bun. I adjusted my kimono style cover up when i heard a deep voice behind me.

"I agree" a deep guy said from behind me. I turned around seeing a brownskin extremely muscular guy with a few tattoos on his shirtless chest and a gorgeous pearly white smile.

"Thanks..." I trailed off ready to go towards the yacht for this party.

"Im having a yacht party you and your friend are more then welcome to come" he smiled uncrossing his arm.

"You dont even know us" i snarked crossing my arms and glairing.

"Mo, its actually his party we are going to" nicole chirped in smiling.

"Mhmm see look at you ms.attitude you trying to come up in my party with all that attitude towards me" he questioned jokingly earning a smile.

"You never told me your name" he said pulling two drinks he made from behind the bar.

"Didnt tell me yours either bambi" he shrugged taking a sip of whatever alcohol he was drinking.

"My name isnt no damn bambi" i replied scrunching up my face.

"You look real innocent like baby face big light brown doe eyes-bambi" he said softly twirling a piece of my hair around on his finger.


"Looks are deceiving" i smirk overlooking the party taking a long swallow from my cup.

"Oh shit, let me find out bambi not innocent" he laughed teasingly. "My names bryson by the way" he added.

"Like bryson tiller?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Aint no bryson tiller over here bambi, he a little singing nigga" he huffed out making me laugh.

"Bry tilly" i teased pinching his cheeks but he pushed my hands off and glared.

"Cut that shit out bambi" he grumbled taking another drink.

"You call me bambi i call you bry tilly" i laughed and he smiled over at me before i changed the topic.

"So why'd you have this party, player?" I asked and he scoffed.

"Im not a player and who doesnt enjoy a little beginning of the summer kick back?" He asked rhetorically running a hand through curly hair.

"Thats bullshit cause its always summer here basically you just wanted a reason to get all the girls out here in a bikini" i acknowledged scooting back onto the bar stool and looking at my view.

The yacht was big it had a nice modern theme with a few beach balls scattered across the floor a bar where only 6 other people had been sitting because everyone else was on the dance floor or on the lower level doing who knows what.

"Like you said its basically summer all the time so its girls wearing just bikinis walking around with just bikinis so theres no need to have a party to see." He shrugged.

"I dont understand why girls walk around like that, must be the something here in the california water" i complied before taking a sip of my drink watching as a girl walked by with a thong bikini.


"Where you from?" He asked and i basically groaned this was one question i hated.

".. My dads from the islands and my mom is dominican i was raised in new york and recently moved here 2 years ago" i explained.

"Oh a little island girl? Can you dance though?" He asked and i scoffed. How ironic!

"Pfft can i dance? Put on some reggae and ill show you how this little island girl moves, but can you keep up cali boy?" I asked teasingly and he smirked at my challenge.

After plugging up my phone to the speakers and putting on my reggae playlist i heard some cheers when the beat dropped.

I went over to the dance floor and started swaying to the beat when i felt someone come up behind me and match my rythym. I bent over and started wining my hips as the song changed and beat got faster.

Bryson held his own as we danced and laughed pulling me towards the bar when he noticed we caught alot of attention.

"The little island girl can dance" he teased his arm around my waist.

"The cali boy can keep up" i grinned with sarcasm before pulling my hair out the bun and sighed in contempt at how good it felt to have it down.

"This was fun" i smiled looking over the ledge and watching the sun set and how it looked like it was going into the water.

"Dont tell me youre leaving already bambi" he groaned.

"In a hour or two" i admitted and he nodded.

"I had fun with you tonight and dont take it as mushy or cheesy but you not like these other girls" he told me seriously and i just rolled my eyes.

"Duhh i know" i flipped my hair.

"Seriously bambi youre cool and not once did you say anything about sex or money" he admired.

"Thats material things at the end of the day its about how much knowledge and ambition you have, thats what really makes you rich" i told him.

"See only a dope ass person could say something like that im not going to lie at first i did want to fuck you but now you cool" he stated bluntly and i laughed.

Laying down in bed after i turned on the air conditioner i pulled my comforter up to my neck ready to sleep when my phone buzzed.

Message from:

Bry tilly😜💕

Good night my little island girl, sleep tight dont let the bed bugs bite.

I smiled and sent him the laughing emojis and the moon.

Boss man nic☕️

The club will be closed until friday night for renovations, any personal renovations text me and they will be handled.

I told him the electricity in my dressing room surged the other night before i got a facetime call from a unknown caller. I rejected it turned my phone of prayed and went to sleep making a mental note to thank nicole for that yacht party.

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