《Handcuffs and stripper heels》Gym


No fat,just muscle!

No fat, just muscle!

No fat, just muscle i chant as i pull the par down and slowly release it back up.

I dont know what the machine is called but it helps with upper body strength wich you need to work a pole.

My hair was up in a messy bun with strands comming out and my matching sports bra and yoga pants was sticking to me like a second skin. My headphones were in and blairing drake's fine ass.

Moving to the treadmil to finish up my gym day i noticed someone got on the one next to me. Turning up the speed on mine i heard them do the same. Competition you want competition youll get. turning it up higher until i was sprinting i turned to see my competition expecting it to be a girl but it was HIM.

I screamed as i fell off and glared when he was hovering over me. He was shirtless with a nice 8 pack, sweat driping down to his v-line that was so sharp it could cut through a rock.

"I-im sorry" he gasped pulling me up and i stumbled into his chest before pushing him away and clutching my head.

"What the hell is your problem" i grumbled pulling the bun out my hair to release tension.

"Are you ok?" He asked and i groaned backing up but he gently grabbed my face.

"Stop fighting me sweetheart youre bleeding" he said softly pulling me towards the locker room where a first aid kit was pinned to the wall.

He gently cleaned my cut and placed a bandaid over it. "There. All better now i recommend you take it easy and no vigorous activity" he joked making me laugh.

"Was that a-thats a laugh?" He asked his eyes lighting up. "Maybe i hit my head hard enough to find you funny and be nice" i smile all of nicoles words rushing to my head.


"You should go home and rest" he says seriously. "It was just a bump on the head, nothing big" i wave off walking towards a machine.

"Are you crazy? No we are leaving and im driving you home" he scolded grabing my gym bag and his. What a gentleman.

"Thanks for driving me against my will" i joked and he sent me a fake glare. "And dont say sorry again im tired of hearing it" i scolded and he nodded going into thought.

"How about i take you out, show my apology like that?" He asked and i gave him a look. "If this is your twisted way of getting me to go out on a date the-" i was cut off with his laugh.

"Just let your gaurd down some sweetheart its just an apology date umm dinner" he smirked. "As friends" he finishes off. "Ok" i mumbled what harm could be done?

"How about tomorrow evening before you go to work?" He ask but i laugh.

"If youre trying to be curtious of what i do dont for starters i only work thursdays fridays saturdays and every other wednesday" i tell him and he nods.

"I would take you tonight but y'know your head" he cringes. "Because i have a band aid on my hairline?!" I ask angrily.

"What? No! Because you hit it i just want to make sure youre ok and rested sweetheart, its called being nice to your friends" he scoffs.

"How do you know nicole?" I ask curiously. "We grew up together" he said gruffly and his whole posture and playful demeanor changed.

"Turn right at the end of this street" i direct and nearly jump out when he parks infront of my house.

"Monèt wait" he shouts jumping out his car and running to me. "Gimme your number" he says. "Whats the magic word?" I tease and he smiles.


"Was that lucas?" Nicole ask when i walk in. "And why are you so giddy? Is that a band aid on your head?" She rushed.

"Good night" i laughed heading to my room. "Its only 6pm" she yelled.


I was making way to big a deal of this, clothes had been sprawled all across my room, shoes every where and my room smelled like a hair salon.

Here i was sitting infront of my closet hair and makeup done fresh out the shower with a silk blue robe wrapped around me. My room was pretty big with a king sized bed covered in a purple fur comforter a plasma screen mounted to the wall a vanity mirror/desk which my hair and makeup supplies had currently been cluttered over.

"What the hell happened in here?" Nicole asked walking in eating ice cream out the tub with a PINK sweatsuit on. "You got a date or something?" She asked.

"I thought you left, what are you doing here?" I asked dropping the jeans i had in my hand onto the white fluffy carpet.

"I did but then i got on the hot mess express train and it dropped me off in your room soo..." She joked before eating another scoop of ice cream. I couldnt help but groan and fall back into more clothes.

"So whos the lucky guy that has you so flustered" she asked.

"Its not an actual date, its just as friends"i stall knowing she would flip.

"Who is it?" She asked again dropping her spoon in the tub.

"Its just a apology dinner and i only agreed beca-"

"Just spit it out youre acting like its lucas or some shit" she huffed with a eyeroll.

I didnt say anything except turn back to my clothes when my eyes spotted a nude dress. "Ooh this looks perfect" i smiled.

"You hoe! It is lucas!" She screamed making me smile shyly.

"Damn now im a hoe?" I joke.

Before she could ask anymore questions the doorbell rang. "Shit, damn im not even ready stall him" i begged.

"Or i can send him up here he sees you in that robe and you two confess your love and have sweaty hot sex" she jokes and i chuck a pillow at her goofy ass before she closes my door and i rush to get dressed.

Lord please help me tonight.

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