《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 36


Alexander POV

The king had requested me, so when the weekend came I took one of my cars and drove to the airport then boarded onto my private jet

His castle was located in Canada in a large city that only werewolf resides in but there are many tourists that pass through to get a look at the palace

The flight took about seven hours to get there, though it might have taken longer if it was a normal airplane

I landed at a private airport that was owned by the royals a few kilometers away from the castle, When I came off a car was already waiting to pick me up

We entered through the castle's main gate and down the long path way before we came to the entrance of the castle

Standing in front of those enormous doors was my uncle in all his glory waiting for me to arrive , I existed the car and walked up to him

"King Lawrence" I stretched out my hands waiting for him to take it

"Oh come here boy, it's been far too long to act so formal" he pulled me into a bare hug patting my back "my look how you've grown when was the last time I saw you, about three years ago" he released me from his hold

"Yeah that sounds about right, i feel as though it's been too long" , I said as we turned and walked into the castle

"So how have you been, hope you haven't been causing any trouble for your pack and when will you get another Luna boy, the pack needs one"

"I know okay, now did you ask me to come here so that I can be lectured about my pack business"

"Haha keen as ever boy" he slapped me on the back causing me to stumble forward a bit 'I must say for an old man he sure packs some serious strength ' I thought


"Now let's go into my office to discuss your reason for being here" he continued

We headed to his office on the third floor of the palace, once inside I took a seat in front of his desk then waiting for him to explain

"As you know I'm not getting any younger and the title that I hold can not be mines forever, after Nicholas my only heir died there was no else suited for the position at the time so here I am still the king"

"What are you trying to say uncle"

"I'm saying that I want to hand the title of king onto you my nephew"

"What! Are you serious uncle this isn't something you can just pass around"

"I know that boy, now stop wining about it and accept that the Faith's have blessed you with a great opportunity, you were always like a son to me ever since you were a small boy"

"I honestly don't know what to say, i was definitely not expecting this" I looked at him astonished by what he was saying

"It's ok to say yes son we've decided it would be for the best" , a female's voice spoke from behind me so I turned to greet her

"Queen Catherine", I stood then bowed my head in her presence

"No need to bow son , just come and give your aunty a hug" I oblige then left my seat to embrace her in a warm hug that she loved to give me as a child growing up

"Now will you take the offer boy" , my uncle asked bringing me back to my senses so I turned and faced him

"I'll have to think it through first and ask my father for advice"

" I already talked to my brother long before I called you here and he said it would be a splendid idea since you are of royal blood "


"Oh really I had no idea, still can I take some time to think it through" I asked

"Go right ahead boy but I want an answer by next week "

"Ok uncle I'll make my mind up then , can I leave now "

"Sure you are dismissed" he waved his hand

"Thanks " I kissed my aunty on the cheeks then left the room, and headed to my own, to think this through








A/N :) it was kinda a short chapter , sorry guys

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