《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 35


Alexander POV

I had just completed some paper work and was feeling tired from sitting down , even my muscles hurt , so I decided to go out for a run to clear my thoughts

When I got out of my office I Took off through the back and transformed into my wolf running at a fast pace into the forest, as I leaped over logs and dodged trees the adrenaline inside me was over flowing and I felt as though I couldn't stop

What felt like hours of running I came across a river and on the other side there were deers standing around with there heads down as they ate at the grass

Feeling the need to capture one of them, my afternoon run just became an afternoon hunt

I went into the river moving quietly as the water masked my scent and any noise that I may have made

When I reached over to the other side I slowly made my way to a tree then lowered myself from out of my prey's view, waiting for my chance to make a move

As I saw the opening that I needed I leaped out from behind the tree and pranced onto the dear , tearing into its neck with my canines, as it struggles to be freed

When it had finally stopped moving I placed it onto the ground then took a seat as i tear the animal a part eating its flesh

I don't usual go about eating raw meat even though it's in my nature but today I felt stressed, so I guess this is the only way I'll get to let out my anger without hurting anyone

When my meal was finished I headed back to the pack, changing back into a human I found some clothes before I went into the pack house


I felt exhausted after the hunt so I went up to my room and headed straight to the shower, when I was finished I came back to my out only to find someone on my bed

"What are you doing here Theresa" I asked remembering that I forgot to lock the door, but it's not like I expected someone to bravely walk inside my room but here she is, 'great just my luck' I mentally slapped myself

"I'm here to see you baby" she purred

"Well if you'll excuse me I'm a bit tired so can you leave"

"What do you mean leave, I know you want some of this, you always do " , she stood from the bed and opened up her robe as it dropped to the ground giving me a clear view of her red lingerie that she had on

"I'm just not in the mood Theresa so please just leave "

"Like I said I'm not leaving, you've been ignoring me for a while now and I just don't get it"

I sighed and just walked into my closet to get some clothes to sleep in, when I came out back she was still in my room sprawled off on my bed, trying hard to get me to join her

"Look Theresa I know your not a bad person so this will be your last warning, if you don't leave now I will hurt you" I growled a bit irritated by her playful behavior

"Oh you silly alpha," she giggled "don't you always do" she tilted her head and looked at me

"That's it c'mon, leave now" , I grabbed her arms ready to pull her up but she pulled me down instead, something that I found suprising, but I guess I really was tired if I allowed her to do that


When I was flushed against her she flipped us over straddling me while grinding her hips on my groin, at this point every part of my body hurt so lifting a finger felt impossible. I guess that's what you get for depriving yourself sleep for a few days

Just as I thought I might gave in, a rap sounded on the door before it was pushed open

"Hey alex I forgot to tell you something, sorry but it just couldn't wait-" john cut himself off as he finally saw the position I was in " I'm sorry for disturbing you alpha but may I ask what's going on here "

"Nothing's going on Theresa was just leaving",

"Well it doesn't look so, besides you have a mate now or did you forget that "

"Wait what!, mate, when, how" Theresa babbled

"Can you just shut up and get off of me already, jeez all I wanted was to get some shut eye right now,

"But our fun was just beginning" she pouted

"If you don't leave now I will kill you," i spoke in a murderous tone that sent chills up her spine by the way she shivered on top of me. She came off of me, picked up her robe and speeded through the door trying not to anger me further

"Why are you here john" I rubbed my temples even more irritated

"Right, well I got a message and it said that the alpha king requires to see your presence this weekend"

"What could it be now, haven't the man saw me enough throughout my life " I huffed but knew I had no choice but to attend

"I have no clue, he didn't state what was the problem, just that he wanted to see you" John said

"Yeah yeah I guess I have no choice, now if you'll excuse me I'm tired, so you may see yourself out"

"Really! so were you tired when that she wolf was straddling you " he said in a accusing tone then lifted his eyebrows as he stared at me

" Look I was telling her to leave the entire time so don't go jumping down my throat"

"Just please don't do anything stupid, besides I bet Elizabeth would be really heart broken "

"I know okay, I did made her a promise that I'd wait for her just as she made one to come back to me "

He didn't answered me but just smiled and left my room, giving me the opportunity to finally get some shut eye








A/N : sorry for the late update guys, but please bare with me, my awesome readers

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