《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 34


John POV

It had been a week since alpha Alexander had came back home, but everyone saw how much stress he was under, he buried himself in work and alcohol to ease the pain that his mate had caused but it truly wasn't helping

I knocked on his door as I heard him say come, then entered with some files in my hands that he's suppose check

"Alex you need to take a break or you might work yourself to death " I said a bit concerned about his health , but he only responded with a humorless chuckle

I placed the files on his desk and stood in front of it examining his features. His eyes had bags underneath them like if he hadn't slept for days, his face looked a bit thin than usual I bet he hardly eats too

"Is there something else I can help you with" he looked up at me from his papers

"No, I just wanted to make sure that your ok"

"Well stop worrying cause I'm fine "

"Are you sure, do you want me to call Elizabeth for you "

"NO, like I said before I'm trying to get her off my mind so stop bringing her up"

"If you say so alex, but you dont look too good, are you sure your eating properly"

"Just leave please" he pointed to the door

"But I was just- "

"LEAVE" he roared

"Ok ok I'm going, jeez I was just trying to make sure your ok"

I left his office and headed to my own, when I got there I picked up the phone and made a call to the person he needed the most

"Hello" she answered

"Hi Elizabeth it's me John"

"Oh hi john is everything ok "

"Well you see it's kinda complicated, alex told he's fine but he doesn't look ok, and i think the only person that can help him is you"


"Look john I really wish I could be there with him right now but all I need is a little bit more time"

"How much longer do you think he going to wait , he's kinda slipping away liz"

"What do mean slipping away"

"Well he's been working non stop and drinking too, he hardly eats and bearly gets enough rest as well"

"Oh my that's terrible, what is he thinking" she sighed on her end of the line " but Like I said, just a little more time, I swear I'll make everything right then"

"If you say so but remember the pack needs their Luna and the alpha needs his mate "

"I've been trying to call him but he's never answered any of my calls"

"He's been upset especially after the pain he felt when you marked someone else" I blurted out, "oops I forgot you didn't know " I slapped myself in the head forgetting that I shouldn't have told her that

"It's ok I found out anyways" , she said then paused "well then you've known him way longer than I did, tell me something that he'd like

"What do you mean "

"Well I want to suprise him by doing something special, so he can know how much I care for him, so any ideas on what he would like "

" Well I think a dinner would be nice, oh and he loves to watch the stars from the roof top as well"

"So, I'm thinking a moon lit dinner would do the trick or maybe a picnic under the stars "

"If that's what you wanna do then I'm all in for it"

"Ok then, for now I'll have to go, but I'll call you later "

"Yea sure ,goodbye" I said as she hang up the phone


I relaxed in my chair for a bit preparing to finish off some papers, when someone barged into my office unannounced

When I looked at who it was, there standing by the door was Theresa one of the alpha's little flings

"What do you want Theresa" I asked irritated by her presence

"Well for starters what is up with Alexander he's not showing me any attention, if anyone knew him better it will be you, so what's wrong"

"I don't think that's any of your business " I folded my arm

"Um yea it is, beside the man needs a woman in his life, the pack also needs another Luna"

"And what is your point " I looked at her skeptically

"Well I'm saying since there's no one else and we've been with each other for a while, he should've know by now who that person should be"

"And what makes you think that your qualified for that"

"Well I do know everyone in the pack so that'll make it easy for the Luna position and also we've been together for a while but now he's been ignoring me "

"Look Theresa let me make this clear for you, the alpha does not want you and you know what he never will"

"Haha, say what you want john but Alexander is gonna chose me, you know why because I've been there through thick and thin"

"Well if your so sure, why dont you go and ask him if that's true then "

"Dont worry I will, and you'll see I'll become the Luna of this pack" she said then flipped her hair behind her shoulders

"Good grief woman would you just get out already, your starting to give me a migraine"

"Hey bae" , I heard an angelic voice that I've come to love

"Oh hello Grace, my darling come in" my mate walked in

"What is she doing here" she said then pointed to Theresa

"She was just leaving, now if you dont mind, get out of my office" I glared at her but she just rolled her eyes in response and left

"What was that all about" grace asked

"Well Alexander isn't paying her mind anymore, so she's throwing a fit "

"Haha serves her right, that bitch" she came around the desk and sat on my lap

"So what have you and the little man down here been up too" I cooed and rub her baby bump

"How do you know it's a boy" she chuckled

"I just have a feeling" I rapped my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder

"What's going on with alpha Alexander by the way"

"Oh he's just been having some mate issues "

"MATE, what are you talking about his mate died remember"

"Yea she did, but he has a second chance mate now"

"Is that really possible" she asked so I nodded my head " wow I had no idea, so what is she like "

"Well she's a nice person but deadly too, they meet at alpha Blake's pack, she was actually there training them to fight "

"She sounds amazing, just what Alexander and the pack needs from their Luna"

"Yea I guess so, I bet you and her will hit it off "

"You think so" , she smile with that twinkle in her eyes

" Yea love I bet " I smiled back and held her in my arms wishing we could spend eternity like this








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