《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 33


Cassandra POV

A couple days had passed and I was still stuck to a hospital bed, with bearly enough food as if there were doing it on purpose

A knock had came from the door bringing me from my thoughts as the person came in without me telling them too

"Hello Cassandra", a chill ran down my spine as I stared at the man that I only wanted to see dead instead of here in my hospital room

"What are you doing here Michael", I sneered shooting daggers at him with my eyes

"I'm here to see you, its been a while since we saw each other "

"And why do you think that is" I rolled my eyes and tried to relax back into my bed but it felt impossible

"Well I didn't mean to drive you away " he smirk with a creepy look on his face

"Bull shit you fucker, since your here Where is my mother" I asked a little curious although she was a bitch to me from birth

"Don't talk to me that way you slut" he slap me across the cheeks

my hands were binded together so I couldn't move them, instead I spat in his face "go to hell you prick" I yelled

"You should have died, I don't know why your mother kept you " he sneered at me

"Why are you here then, just leave me be, haven't you tortured me enough as a child " I replied with equally irritation as he felt

The door was opened again and Elizabeth walked in

"Am I interrupting something" she asked looking between the two of us

"No you may come in, Michael was just leaving" I said

She raised an eyebrow at me but still came in and stood by my bed waiting for Michael to leave


"Can you leave, I have a visitor" i turned and said to him , he huffed but walked out of the room anyways

After that we talked for a bit, then see told me what had happened to Blake, so I offered to help giving that I owe him a lot more than that

When the elders had barged in and told me my fate I thought I was done for, luckily I was saved by Elizabeth so I guess I owe her aswell

The doctors came in to let me go, so I was currently on my way to see the condition Blake was in. When I entered the room he was lying there plugged up to some machines in an unconscious state

"Can you help him" , Elizabeth asked as she came up to me from behind

"I don't know as yet but I'll try"

I went and examined him using my magic to go deep in his subconscious, when I did I felt his wolf bearly holding on to the bond that links him and Eli together

"Is it working " she asked looking at me anxiously

"Well I went into his subconscious and saw the problem the only thing is it'll take me awhile to fully heal him"

"What do you mean" she asked

"Well I'm not a full witch remember so it'll take me some time, although if my grandmother came here she would aid in helping me speed up the process "

"How long so would it take "

"A few months give or take, it's all depending on him though "

"Well ok then, we'll just have to contact her and ask her to come"

"Yeah sure but I'll do the asking, she kind of a funny woman "

"It's ok, by the way can you remove the poison, from his body "


"It'll take some time but I'm sure that I'll be able to , with the right ingredients to a potion "

"That sounds good I guess I'll let his father know, can you write the ingredients down so I can let someone go get them "

I nod my head and wrote down what I needed before she took the paper and headed out of the hospital . I release a sigh that I didn't even know I was holding when I was finally alone

Elizabeth maybe a nice person but telling her that it'll take months for him to recover was a lie, I was just trying to look out for myself cause the more time I have in pretending that I'm curing him will come in handy for me to formulate a plan to escape if push come to shove , I wasn't about to let my head get chopped off

The doctor had came in, so I borrowed his phone to call my grandmother although he was skeptically in lending me at first, but knowing my reason he had no choice

"Hello grandma" I asked through the phone

"Hello Cassandra is that you" she replied

"Yes grandma, look I don't have much time but Blake had fallen sick and his wolf is dying the only way to save him is if you can come to the pack to help me heal him"

"Oh my dear what happened"

"Like I said grandma I dont have time to explain, when your here then I will"

"Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can "

"Thank you, I'll see you soon" , I said and hang up the phone then handed it back to the doctor

"Don't think for a second that your free to do as you like just because your trying to heal the alpha, your still our prisoner for the crime you committed" he looked at me with disgust

'To think that this was the sweet doctor that did my ultrasound and was to deliver my baby', I thought but just shook my head and shrugged off the thoughts of my baby that were trying to force there way back up to the surface

He tied my hands again with wolf baine so I wouldn't be able to move them and told me to take a seat and wait before he left the room







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