《Unexpected Voyage》•CHAPTER 9•


Knocking the glass, the 'Mother of the year' draws the attention of all guests with a big fat fake smile, "Good Evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy then to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening."

A waiter came up to me with a drink. I kept my glass of orange juice on the tray and grabbed a red-tinged champagne glass from it. Thinking the blood of doppelganger in it makes the human inside me to vomit. Disgusting

"Cheers!" she said, raising her red-tinged champagne to her lips.

But if you want to know the movement of your enemies, you have to be in their scheme. Now you can only be enemy's bosom friend or enemy's favorite victim.

"Cheers!" Everybody chorused with her cheerfully. Stupids

Well, I guess I go for the latter. So much, for calling them stupid.

With that, I took a sip, completing .5 of the first step of getting me killed.

I watched my all fictional brothers and sister taking a sip of the drink with Esther eyes watching us. I caught the worried eyes of Finn as his eyes kept on darting between me and the drink in my hand. All I did was raise my glass and take one more sip, giving a bright smile which only intensified the worry in his eyes.

I hope we all get out of it. Alive.


While passing through the drawing room of Klaus, I heard voices. Moving closer, I identified the voices as Klaus and Caroline. I guess it's one of the scene where Caroline insults Klaus, making him upset.

"...A little servant army to take you places and bring you things."

"You're making assumptions." One can hear sadness in Klaus's voice.

"Then why do you need Tyler? Stop controlling him. Give him his life back."

"You know, this has been a fun evening, but I think it's time for you to leave."

"I get it. Your father didn't love you, so you assume that no one else will either. And that's why you compel people or you sire them or you try to buy them off." She knows where it hurts the most and she jabbed him right there.

"But that's not how it works. You don't connect with people, because you don't even try to understand them." Caroline finished, throwing the bracelet, leaving Klaus upset which one can perceive from his defeated sigh.

Looking inside, I saw him standing in the middle of room, holding the bracelet like a kicked puppy. I know it's a bad reference for my supposed brother but he do look like that.



"Caroline Forbes, right?" I asked with a bright smile on my face, stopping her in the middle of hallway.

Seeing her nod, I stretched my hand, "Hello, I am Anastasia." I introduced myself, "We didn't meet so I thought to introduce myself."

"Yes, I know you." My smile turned into frown.

'Did she meet me or the real one?' I thought warily. But my confusion cleared when she continued, "I saw you on the staircase and knew you are one of the Mikaelson who was daggered," she finished, showing no intention to shake my hand.

"Yes Nikky, I mean Klaus, daggered us. For our own protection from our so-called father." I shrugged, taking my hand back not taking any offence at her rejecting behavior.

"Our father hunted us down for thousand years. If he had gotten his hands on any of our siblings, he would have used us to get Klaus. His hatred for Klaus is so blinding that he wouldn't mind to kill one of us as collateral damage," I ranted about Mikael not giving a second thought how odd it looks to stop a person in the middle of hallway and rant about my 'father' on our first meeting.

"So if you are thinking that why Klaus didn't sit and have a talk with his father about their relationship over a cup of blood then let me tell you, first thing he would do was to drive the stake through his heart without any remorse" stepping closer, I whispered in her ear, "every father is not same and in worst father list he would be acting as role model. So when you try to act all self-righteous, try to find the back-story against whom you are acting even if the said person is villain in your eyes."

I am sure she didn't think the conversation would take such turn seeing her shocked expression. There's more to come with extra chili sauce, darling.

"Let me give you some tips to broaden your thinking." I drawled slowly, walking away from her but I am certain she can hear me as clearly as the fact that dragon do suppose to exist, "Hero Villain, all this, keeps on changing. It depends on who is telling the story. So far, we, the Mikaelsons, are the villain in your story. But if you guys act against my family in my presence then you guys will be of mine,"

"One more thing, we, the siblings, love Klaus and he didn't need to compel us or sire us or buy us off for that. Goodbye, Caroline Forbes. And Congratulation, you officially pissed me off." I finished, giving her a backward wave.

Now, I have a Hybrid brother to console.



"What? Are you here to laugh at me? You can add this to No. 3 of your 'Things at Klaus sucks' and entertain people." Klaus said sourly when he saw me leaning on the door frame.

Oops seems like somebody is on fire!!!

"Well, it was already at No. 3," I said cheekily, enjoying every moment of riling him up, "I just didn't mention it and let everybody know your incapability to capture a girl's heart. I love to hold spoiler, you see."

Klaus glared at me furiously while I kept on smirking. Now, I understood why Kol loved to get a raise out of his siblings.

Finally, he let out a defeated sigh and slumped in a nearby chair, muttering, "Why doesn't she like me?"

"My innocent Nikky, she won't like you unless you break the sire bond because in her love story, you are acting as a villain and heroine doesn't go for villain. Heroine goes for hero. So you need to be hero. But, you and the term 'hero'? Well, that's completely another story to laugh." I said seriously and seeing his bitter face, I added, "Truth is bitter. Can't help it."

"Wow stellina, how motivating!" Klaus drawled out sarcastically.

"On a serious note, I think you should release Tyler and before you get into your Hybrid King mode, listen it." I snapped when I saw him getting worked up.

Taking a deep breath, I took a seat beside him, grabbing his hand, "I have a feeling that Tyler will break the so-called sire bond..."

He said, cutting me off, "It's impossible. Nobody is able to break it."

"Nobody saw your green hair but that doesn't mean it does not exist, right? And if you cut me off one more time, you won't see your hair next morning. Now shush." I said successfully shutting him up, "When we will feel strong emotions towards someone, we would do anything for him/her. And here, whether you like it or not, he does feel strongly for your crush. And this can be a turning point. So before, he breaks the sire bond, call him and release him. Otherwise, once he does it, he's going to spread the solution to other hybrid as revenge and that my brother, you wouldn't want it."

"I will think about it. And thank you stellina for looking out for me." He said, kissing my forehead, making me feel warm, "Now, run along. I am sure Kol is looking for you and if he doesn't find you, he is going to look for trouble next."

'Kol is supposed to break Matt's hand and get his neck snapped. Oh no! What's going on in the party now?' I thought worriedly.

With that I run away, yelling out a 'Bye' to the laughing Hybrid. Later, I will handle his laughing for now, I have to find that Naughty Original


"You" I shouted, panting when I saw Kol leaning on the railing of balcony, "You. I was searching for you everywhere and here you are. Do you have any idea how long I searched for you?"

"Weren't you angry with me?" Kol asked raising an eyebrow at me with eyes full of laughter, "You forget again, right?"

"Yah, I forgot." I replied feeling like stupid. I know I said myself stupid before also but I guess truth gets less bitter if it's kept on repeating. I thought, I left this habit way before but I guess Habits are hard to die. Even if you change the universe.

"Like always"

And hearing Kol's muttering, it seems, the real one also had the same stupidity. Way to connect

"Well, do you have any idea where our siblings are? So I can call it a night." I asked, having done with this party.

"Awww, our little sis wants to sleep early." Kol smirked, pulling my cheeks for which I slapped away his hand. The urge to hit him is so strong but right now I want no violence at the end of the party otherwise it will keep on stretching.

"Dare you, to keep your claws to yourself." I said, giving a pointed look, "Otherwise, you can forget to go to any adventure with Finn and me."

"Adventure where? And you told me about it so late. You even told Finn before me. It's not fair." Kol said, stomping his feet.

If he could just throw his hands in the air, he would complete the image of a child in defiance successfully.

"I didn't tell Finn. You're the first one to know. Later on, I will say him and if he denies, we have got to take him by hook or by crook." I said determinedly.

"But what's adventure?" Kol asked with his ever present mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Rescuing someone." I said. Seeing the face made by Kol, I continued, "Don't worry. You won't be bored. There's some killing to do."

I am taking a very big gambling. It might cause everything to be perfect or destroyed. Finn is right at this stage where he knows it's wrong but he is not fighting to get out of this trouble. He wants some assurance that his thousand year's belief is wrong. I hope this push will help him to make right decision.


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