《Unexpected Voyage》•CHAPTER 7•


‘Bickering Children’ that’s the first thought I get seeing the situation in front of me. At present, I am witnessing the live show of Niklaus Mikaelson and Kol Mikaelson face-off. It might have looked intimidating to watch this scene in TV, but now I can’t share the same thought as my past-watching-TVD self.

“Oh, go back to staring at yourself.”

“And who are you, my father?”

“No, Kol, but…”

“Hellooo. I am homeee” I said in a sing-song voice making my presence known before turning to the children of the house, who are now wearing an expression of awe looking at me.

‘I know I am beautiful. No need to make it obvious’ thought my narcissistic self shamelessly.

“Hey siblings, have you seen Nikky and Kol?” but all I got confused look which I chose to ignore. With that, I launched my second attack.

“Hey children, have you seen my two brothers? One look Kingly and another one look Wildest, have you?” slowly their confused look changed to an angry look at being called children.

“Who are you calling children, stellina? Klaus, the former tomato, asked angrily. Now their glares are directed towards me. Oh, what a butterfly effect!

“What? You guys were bickering like 12 year old kids. Do you guys have any doubt? Then ask them” I said pointing to their bickering show’s audience, who are now trying to muffle their laugh. It results Kol to grumble under his breath and Klaus to look away in embarrassment.

“Niklaus, come. I need to talk to you” Esther, the fake mother of the history, walks in wearing her new modern look.

“Oh, here comes the Mother Teresa’s evil version” I muttered under my breath which I am sure everyone, excluding the said person, heard giving to their supernatural hearing. And even if she heard, I don’t care.

And sadly, with the call of her, Klaus had to leave the room with her and for the next few minutes he would be listening to his mother’s wisdom and how she is so forgiving. Bullshit.

“Why do you hate her?” Rebekah asked me when she saw me still casting devil eyes towards the back of Original Witch.

I replied after I saw they left the room “I don’t trust her. I don’t trust her at all.” Because I know what she is going to do, and I have zero idea of how to counter-attack it.

Successfully diverting the topic, Elijah, the only one among Mikaelson siblings who was suspicious of their mother’s act in show, said “Well, leaving all that behind, your hair looks beautiful. It has been many years since I have seen your blonde locks.”

I finger combed my now blonde hair while flipping it off my shoulder and said sassily “Yah, Aren’t I looking beautiful?”

“It seems Kol has spread his disease of shamelessness” Rebekah joked for which she got a cushion thrown at her which, unfortunately for her, smacked right in her face.

Kol-1 Rebekah-0

“Nonsense, my little sis looks beautiful” Finn said before he whispered out ‘Like always’ to me in not so discrete manner.

“Seeing you I can say, you are going to look good in tux” I said looking at Finn. With his new and different haircut from the show, he is going to look more handsome. That’s for sure.

“Thank you, kind lady for your compliment” Finn said giving a formal bow with one hand behind his back and another on his chest. What a gentleman!

“You’re welcome, fine not so young man” I said giving a curtsy in return before bursting out laughing shortly followed by him.


Looking at Finn’s laughing face, it feels a great satisfaction. Hopefully, these moments will protect him and us from his supposed future suicidal plan.

My thoughts were cut short when Klaus entered the room and looked at me, “Come, we are going somewhere” before waltzing out of the room. Soon the sound of car engine came followed by ‘Hurry up’ by an impatient hybrid boy. What a bossy big brother I got!

“Bye my siblings. We shall meet again if I come back in one piece” I said giving a little wave as I walked towards the door to face my favorite brother.

“Kol,” I called out suddenly as I turned back from my way outside to look at the said Mikaelson, “You look handsome” I said adding a wink in the end with that I stepped out of the house but not before hearing ‘I love you Ana’ in return causing my lips to turn upward.


When I was a student of Class 1, the common phrase teacher used to say ‘Pin Drop Silence’ and I used to think it is same as the silence which I got when I dropped a glass of water. Well, if I forget the scolding of my mother after that. I don’t know how many pin I have dropped to experiment my ‘Pin Drop Silence’ and now it seems all those pins are attached to my seat causing me to fidget unconsciously every now and then.

“You’re ignoring me” Klaus stated in a deadpan voice shocking me. Instead of asking, he is stating.

Am I that obvious?

Before I could deny, he cut me off “Yes, you are. Yesterday, you left home with Finn, and then you left Grill with Kol. Hell, they even know more about you than I do”

“Seems like somebody is jealous!” I teased him trying to divert his mind from you-are-ignoring-me theory which unfortunately is true.

After coming to this world and knowing the close relationship between Anastasia and Klaus, I was wary of him. He is a very paranoid person. He can catch anyone’s lie easily and the consequence of it? Well, I don’t want to be in the receiving end to know it.

With rest of Mikaelson, I can behave myself as Jas because they don’t know real Anastasia that much since they were daggered for a long time. But not with Klaus. Not until I figure out who is Anastasia Mikaelson?

So far, I have behaved myself but I don’t know will it be enough to fool Klaus. There always a fear of being caught by him. And he is said ‘Anastasia’s favorite brother’. Well, this title can’t be given randomly that’s for sure.

“I am serious, Anastasia,” My diversion didn’t work. Worse, I am called ‘Anastasia’ instead of ‘Stellina’. Situation is getting out of my hand.

Before I could say anything, he continued “Usually I am used to be the one who knows what’s happening in your life at every single moment. You always made sure of that.”

He let out a laugh followed by a defeated sigh “But now, one day has almost passed and I didn’t hear any word from you mentioning about your unexpected magic discovery.”

Finn, you idiot.

Can’t you keep a secret?

I was snapped out of temporary death plan for Self-righteous Mikaelson hearing Niklaus Mikaelson unexpected stammering “Are you… are you angry with me? For daggering you?” in cue, now will come apology by great Hybrid King with many promises. Wow “If you are then let me tell you, I won’t apologize.”


Brother, don’t you think you aren’t following script?

I mentally face-palm myself. Too many expectations are bad for health. Now I need to pacify the big bad Wolf plus Vampire.

Help me anyone up there.

“My dear brother, you don’t need to apologize,” because I know, you won’t “I am not angry at you,” Which idiot would dare to be? “Waittt, you called me midget. So yah I am angry at you. How dare you to call me that?”

‘Which idiot would dare to be?’ my conscience mocked me which I chose to ignore.

“And about magic, I was going to inform you,” Even I didn’t inform Elijah and Rebekah yet. Are you seeing them complaining? “After all you are my favorite brother” But I can’t compare him with them otherwise I would have to bear another tantrum.

“But I was going to inform about it to everyone discretely. It can work as our trump card against our enemy. Don’t you think?” which was true. I didn’t have any intention to hide it from anyone else.

“You are right. We can catch our enemy off guard” I let out a sigh of relief at being able to distract him from my abnormal behavior.

“And yah no need to inform Elijah. He knows” Of course he will know. It seems when I and Kol left the room, Finn let them know.


On a second thought, it seems the trio has spent their time together in morning in our running expense. I don’t know if it’s good or embarrassing.

Finally the car stopped in front of a beautiful mansion. It might have looked low-key if one didn’t look closely. Klaus turned to me with a cheek splitting grin “I am happy we are back together” his smile is so contagious, my lips can’t help but turn upward mirroring his smile.

It’s not bad to have this Hybrid boy as my brother

“Come, I have a surprise for you” with that he got out of the car.

“Are you gifting me this mansion?” I asked in a doubtful tone, following him.

“No, I brought you to meet someone. And if you want, I can get it for you” suggested Klaus for which I denied immediately. Who knows who will be compelled or killed for a mansion?

Seeing my panic stricken face “Don’t worry. I won’t compel or kill anyone for a mansion. Especially this mansion” after that he laughed out loud, tipped my head to the side and went inside the mansion.

‘Especially this mansion? What did he mean?’ By the time I came out of my thought, I was the only one left.

I hurried inside the mansion without wasting any moment. The interior of the mansion is impeccably pristine and fashioned in an old rich Victorian era way. Dark wood and floor to ceiling windows; both creates a perfect combination of light and darkness.


The only odd thing is the row of dresses at one corner. By the time, I finished looking around I found a lady in her early twenties walked up to Klaus, who has already made himself comfortable, with two box in her hand.

“Here you go” handling the boxes she sat down, taking a wine glass in her hand. Except it wasn’t wine but blood. Vampire.

She turned to me and gave a short nod as greeting before continuing her drinking. Klaus passed me one of the boxes “For you.”

I felt a warm feeling in my heart. It has been many years since I received any gift. Opening the box, I found a beautiful gown of pale olive and blue color. Taking it out of the box, I noticed it is off shoulder silk chiffon gown. I was blown away by the detailing such as the crystal embroidered straps, silk floral embellishments and lavender ribbon detail on the sleeves.

It’s good I changed my hair color today. Red won’t go with this dress at all.

“It’s beautiful. Every single detail is mind-blowing. Thank you, Nikky. Thank you so much” I was super-excited. Not only I got a gift but also a gown which is over-beautiful. I don't know if there is such word or not.

“You’re welcome. But all the designing is done by my friend,” for which he got a stink eye from the said friend which he chose to ignore “over there” pointing to the previous vampire slash designer lady.

“Thank you so much, Ms.” I said. This designer is good in her work that I would give her.

“Let’s go. We have to check whether there is any adjustment to be made” said the lady in no-nonsense tone before vamping out upstairs.

Without waiting any moment, I followed after her wanting to try out this beautiful gown soon and also taking Klaus with me, of course for giving me compliments.

Immediately I tried the dress on, and to say, it was not perfect would be a lie. Even the expressionless designer also showed a small smile. After coming out, I twirled in front of Klaus “What do you think?”

“You are looking like a beautiful little fairy, my stellina” Klaus said with a proud look causing me to smile brightly. I did a little more twirl feeling like a little girl resulting in Klaus and even designer lady to chuckle at my antics. Maybe due to me being a vampire, my emotions have heightened but it feels good.

I quickly went inside to change into my own clothes before I spoil my tonight’s dress in over-excitement. Finally we left the lady’s home giving her a lot of thank you from me and at the end of the day, I made her laugh twice which according to Nikky is a world record.

“Who’s the other one for?” indicating to the box in backseat “your date?” with that I opened the box and found a beautiful blue dress. It’s the same dress which Caroline wore.

“Yes. I mean, no” causing me to raise an eyebrow at his obvious lie. He let out a defeated sigh before confessing “Yes, it is. But I don’t know what to do with it.”

“What do you mean you don’t know what to do with it? Of course you have to give it to her and invite her as your date. Simple as that” I gave him a normal how-to-ask-someone-as-you-date advice but since it is Niklaus Mikaelson, this advice is inapplicable.

“You don’t understand” Klaus sighed AGAIN. With the amount of time he sighs, if he wasn’t a vampire, the weeds on his grave would have reached minimum ten foot approximately by now.

“Then make me understand” I said. And that’s how we spent the whole ride talking about Caroline Barbie Forbes which I already know about. Even I know more.

“Hmm, do you like her?” I asked not knowing how to feel about Caroline Forbes with my brother.

“I, I fancy her” “Say it with confidence. When she asks you why you invited her, are you going to stammer like this in front of her?” ”Definitely no. And it’s not like I am going to confess to her any time soon.”

‘Well, how wrong you will be proved tonight, my brother’ I thought.

“Then, then go for it. But, be careful. She is one of the members of that Scooby Gang. And your infatuation might act as a weapon in their hand” I said thinking of what will happen tomorrow, how Scooby Gang will use Caroline as a distraction to dagger Kol.

Seeing his depressed expression, I gave him the idea which he implemented in the show and finally the dress found its way at the doorstep of Forbes residence.


It’s evening by the time I was done with my shower and sat in front of the mirror, doing a glowy makeup look on myself with blush-bitten cheeks and a touch of metallic shadow at each eye’s inner corner.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw the dress and remembered how the dress has saved me today. Apparently, Rebekah has bought a dress, a hot pink dress for me.

For me, pink is the synonym of irritation.

I don’t like pink at all and same goes for Anastasia also which she knows but then also she bought that thing because once upon a time when I was a kid, I wore a pink frock and according to Rebekah and my brothers, I looked so cute that she always try to recreate it.

But she should at least consider my current age. ‘A thousand year old Vampire is wearing a pink dress trying to appear cute while sucking blood from someone’s vein’ what a fabulous headline for non-existing Vampire News.

Suddenly my door burst open startling me and there stood Rebekah Mikaelson, looking like devil, coming to take my soul. Her outer appearance might look stunning in that one shoulder green dress, pinning her straight hair at the side but all I can see right now is she is a torturer with all those torturous equipment in her hand.

“I won’t do my hair. I am just going to let it be. You go. Go. Your date is coming. Run along” I said in one-breath while running at the farthest end of the room, away from her.

I know, I am exaggerating but I don’t want to overdo anything. Whether it is my hair or makeup or anything.

“Come on my dear sister, allow me to do your hair otherwise I will make you wear your ‘favorite’ pink dress which I have bought with two ponytails. Imagine how cute you will look,” getting in my face, she continued “So decide, Wanna look ‘Cute’ or ‘Beautiful’?”

“Did anybody tell you that you’re scary?” I asked getting her more riled up.

“Cute or Beautiful?” she said through her gritted teeth.

“Beautiful” I replied in a small voice.

In less than fifteen minutes, I was done. All she did was pinning branches of pastel blooms at the back of my softly blown-out blonde hair.

“I saw your dress when you showed-off it at downstairs so I arranged this flowers for your hair doing. It went beautifully,” she said while still combing my hair, like momma “Don’t you think?” looking at me through mirror.

I stood up and pulled her in hug catching her off-guard “You’re the best sister in the world.”

“After all whose elder sister I am” Rebekah said cheekily while returning the hug.

“Don’t be so anxious to find love. Soon it will find you. Whoever will have you will be the luckiest man. You’re the treasure to behold. OK?” I asked.

This Mikaelson always tries to search love. Many might have taken it as her weakness but now thinking about it, I feel like she is the strongest. So many times her heart broke but then also she didn’t stop searching love which is a rare quality.

“Okay. Now wear the dress. I am going to send someone to escort you” Rebekah replied leaving the room not before giving an unexpected forehead kiss causing a smile to form in my face.

I miss you, momma.

After a few minutes, I had slipped into my dress and wore nude heels. Turning to look at her reflection in the mirror, I appreciate my look. I look beautiful. And with that I walked out of the room and found Kol who was about to knock on the door.

Upon seeing me, he let out a smile which soon turns into frown causing me to wonder “I need to guard you today. You are too beautiful to be let out.” I rolled my eyes at Kol's protective-brother mode.

“Well brother, you are not looking bad yourself. Now let’s go” with that I linked arms with him and started walking before he thinks to lock me in my room. It looks more like I am escorting him.

Well, here begins the much awaited plot. Not

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