《Unexpected Voyage》•CHAPTER 6•


"Ahhhhhhh" A high pitch screech woke me from my sleep. Rolling over in my bed, I peeked through an eye to see the indigo wall, filled with 'me' and 'my' sibling's photo.

"I am still here" with that I closed my eyes and try to fall asleep since I don't have any exam preparations to take.

But when my bedroom door barged open revealing Kol, all dressed up with the biggest smile on his face, I can see the shattered piece of my plan of sleeping flowing out of my window giving me a mocking good bye.

I grunted in my pillow and looked at my phone.

8:00 A.M.

Seriously? Why?

"For the love of double cheeseburger with peanut butter blast, let me sleep" I murmured sleepily.

"But I don't love double cheeseburger with whatever, whatever" Kol replied cheekily.

I resist the urge to smack him down for insulting my favourite burger. Gulping down my anger, I started calmly "Then for the love of blood, LET ME SLEEP" but at the end, I practically snarled at him in warning.

One should know, I am not a morning person. And seeing the unsurprised look in Kol's face, it seems Anastasia was, or should I say is, whatever, also not a morning person.

And it seems someone has got deaf in over-excitement because next moment I could feel myself being shaken awake. And if I say in a very frantically way, it would be an understatement.

"Sia, get up, get up. It's urgent. Life and Death situation. Life threatening situation, fatal situation, crucial ..."

"What happened?" I asked, cutting off his rambling which is full of life-threatening situation's synonym. It feels like, sitting on English class of schools, learning the synonyms and antonyms.

"Did you forget?" seeing my confused look, he let out an exasperated sigh and continued, this time whispering, "Klaus. Prank" and that's when it came to me, about the deed we have done yesterday making all the sleep vanished from my eyes.

"The screech?"

All I needed was a nod and I am off to where our masterpiece aka our 'green hair' brother is, with Kol following behind.

It lead us to his bathroom and seems like, we are late seeing all the siblings already standing outside of his bathroom, banging on the door, cursing him for the noise he is making, and asking him the reason behind his screech. We stood beside Finn, who was standing at the corner of room, giving him a smile which he returned with his own.

A few moments passed before Klaus, with a towel wrapped around his head, opened the door slightly and replied hurriedly "Oh, sorry for waking you up. Uh, saw cockroach. So, got little panicked. Everything is under control now. You guys can go"

"Cockroach? Are you kidding me?" Rebekah shouted not believing him 1%.

Yes yes Rebekah!!! Don't believe him.

"What happened Niklaus?" demanded Elijah knowing something is wrong with not only him but also his two other siblings behind him who are repeatedly whispering and snickering like they know something which he, even everyone, doesn't.


Before me and Kol can mock him, he closed the door right on our face. Rude

"Hey, how about you unlock the door magically?" Kol whispered. Seeing me giving him an evil eye, he added "Otherwise, we have to wait more. And, I don't have so much patience anymore. I have been waiting from 6. Besides, freshly baked cakes are tastier, don't you think?"

"It seems someone has taken a liking to prank" I teased him hearing how he woke up at 6 for seeing the result of our prank.

Truthfully speaking, even I don't have so much patience. But the question of the day is, should I do magic in front of Finn, who likely will tell to our mother.

I don't know what will be the consequence of it but I know one thing that if I want to save him, he has to know he is also a family to us. For that, he has to feel the love of siblings and to not be a puppet of their mother.

With that thought, I turned to Finn causing Kol to cast confuse glances towards me "Want to see some fun?"

Seeing my mischievous eyes, he replied warily "What are you going to do?"

Without replying to him, I focused on the lock of the door. I can't deny the fact that I am little bit scared. 'What if my magic was one time thing? What if yesterday was just an illusion or...' I was brought out of my pondering when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

Looking up I found its Kol and seeing his face I know he knows what I was thinking. He just squeezed my shoulder, and that's all I needed to get my confidence.

I focused on the lock one more time, but this time with confidence instead of uncertainty. I imagined it to be on the floor instead of being in the door. The previous white glow reappeared in my hand and with one clench of fist;

The lock fell on the floor.

Everybody was surprised of what just happened, of course except Kol, who was grinning ear to ear, and Finn, who was confused of how I did it.

But the more surprising view is not the lock on the floor but the person inside the bathroom who is holding a shampoo bottle confusedly and unfortunately, for him, is having green hair like leaves.

After a few moments, the green hair Hybrid King aka Klaus's overwhelming confusion soon turned into undeniable rage. His knuckles white from clenching his fist too hard around the shampoo bottle that it's a surprise it didn't snap yet.


Okay, maybe I said it too early.

Gritted teeth and red face with suppressed anger, Klaus asked "Who did this?"

I could feel Kol as he discretely moved to stand behind me, peeking over from behind my back, trying to act like an obvious person causing me to roll my eyes at his over-dramatics.

"Who is youngest between you and me?" I asked him in a low voice making sure nobody hear me, except Kol and of course Finn. I guess Finn now knows what we did seeing how he bit the edge of a smile, a futile attempt to keep his grin at bay.


Instead of replying my question, he said "But you are the bravest."

"Coward" I muttered.

I focused my attention on Klaus.

Doesn't it look familiar? Red face, green hair! Where did I saw it?


"Red body"

"Green leaves" me, Finn and Kol said at the same time. I looked over at Kol and Finn before a chuckle escaped my lips followed by full-blown laughter which was soon joined by Finn and Kol.

"WHO.DID.THIS?" shouted Klaus finally putting full-stop in our laughter.

"Which one? Green hair or Broken lock" My idiot 'fictional' brother, Kol, asked from behind me, and I had to resist the urge to pull hair.

Of course his hair.

But I didn't have to do anything. One glare from Klaus was enough to shut him up.

After a long silence with no one replying to an angry looking green head Klaus, I decided to awake my inner Gryffindor and opened my mouth but all came out is "I am hungry."

With that I ran away but not before hearing 'me too' followed by Kol's footsteps.

After Anastasia and Kol went in search of food or more like ran away from the wrath of pranked Klaus, all the anger left his face as he lifted his eyebrows amused. Next thing everybody knows, he let out a chuckle followed by full-blown laughter which was soon joined by Finn and Elijah, leaving Rebekah all confused.

'Man' Rebekah huffed out, perplexed. With that she left the room shaking her head at the official laughing maniacs leaving three Mikaelson behind.

"How did you guys know?" asked the three brothers at the same time before laughing out once again.

Looking at each other, they can't help but feel the closeness as elder brothers they were supposed to have.

"I saw her trademark smirk when I called her midget. So I knew she would take her revenge."

"I saw her and Kol laughing and whispering to each other."

"I saw her doing magic to break the lock."

"Magic?" Klaus and Elijah questioned feeling incredulous.

"Yah, her hands start glowing white. It's beautiful" exclaimed Finn. It was funny to see Finn exclaiming like a child. That was the thought of the rest two residents of the room.

Klaus can't help but feel tad bit jealous. Usually his stellina used to roam around him. If anything new happens around him, he would have been the first one to know. But now she goes out with either Finn or Kol, give haircut to Finn, do prank with Kol; even he wasn't the first one to know about her usage of magic.

On the other hand, Elijah is feeling bad for berating her, taking out his frustration on her. It's not right. He knows she felt bad. He can see it in her eyes. Not only had she felt hurt but also Finn.

Thinking so, he turned to Finn, who was leaning against a wall with a smile on his face, "I am sorry," seeing his confused expression; Elijah explained "Yesterday I took out my frustration on you and Ana. I shouldn't have done that. So," offering a hand for handshake, he asked "Peace?"

Instead of shaking hand, Finn pulled him in hug which was reciprocated eagerly. Finn can hear his sister's wise words from yesterday.

"Family always sticks together"

"But you guys are always there in my 'Always and Forever'"

"And I am sure if any of us is in danger, he/she will find all his siblings beside him/her. This is my trust on my family"

"Can I join the hug?" asked Klaus who was feeling strange for asking something since he usually snatches it.

Chuckling at awkward Klaus, they opened their arms and that's all Klaus needed to join the hug. That's how a precious moment was shared between three elder Mikaelson brothers.

Ana's POV:

I quickly rushed to my safe haven aka my room without pause followed by Kol. Upon entering my room, I swiftly locked the door and turned to my crime partner before giving him a slap upside the head.

"What for?" Kol whined.

"For many things. Starting from waking up to asking stupid questions."

Tipping my head to the side good naturedly "But it was fun. Do you deny it?" I looked over at Kol and we kept eye contact for 0.01 second before we started laughing.

From outside we can hear Rebekah's muttering "They are also laughing! What the hell is happening in this house?"

With that we started another round laughing coming to realization that he already knew and remembering how we ran away.

Sometime later he left the room in the quest of food and I made my way to the bathroom. I combed through my mess of hair after cleaning up and put on some blue jeans with Ariel printed light violet color full sleeves t-shirt paired with boots.

After laying down on my bed and appearing and disappearing my magical white glow repeatedly, my mind was elsewhere. I was thinking of anything and everything with such a speed that I am not able to comprehend what I was thinking. That's when my eyes fell on the photo above my headboard. My photo.

In that photo, 'I' was having blonde hair like I used to have. Looking at the mirror, I watched my red hair; how it doesn't match with dad. I don't know how long I will be staying here but I can't lose myself in Anastasia Mikaelson façade and forget about real self.

Like I am following my own 'hidden' personality, I will keep my appearance like it used to be. With that decision, I took my wallet and phone and jumped out my window. Perks of being a vampire.


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