《Unexpected Voyage》•CHAPTER 5•


“Let me inform you, I am doing this illogical, extravagant, and expensive waste of time things only for you” I told Kol closing my eyes but not before hearing a sarcastic honored as a reply.

After closing my eyes, I tried to feel any foreign energy or power which I can term as magic.

Nothing. No. Negative.

I shot him a deadly glare and through gritted teeth, I informed him “I.am.not.feeling.the.Magic.”

“Try harder. Just concentrate on my voice,” taking a deep breath, I silenced out everything except Kol’s voice “Your magic is dormant. Find it. Trigger it. Make it flow through your veins.”

After sometime, I felt an energy lying dormant. Maybe this is it. I started thinking how it will feel in my veins; circulating, pulsing with power. While I keep on imaging it, I felt a snap like a switch and I know I did it.

The dormant energy started flowing through my veins like I imagined. It feels like, I have found a missing puzzle of my soul which is really confusing since I am not Anastasia. Anyways let’s welcome the unasked new addition to my Vampire title.

Hi Magic.

“I found it” I told Kol opening my eyes who is now giving me a ‘proud mother’ grin while wiping fake tears causing me to roll my eyes at him. But I can’t control the chuckle that escaped my lips.

I don’t know whether to be happy that I got something more to protect myself in this supernatural world, or be confused at this unexpected turn of event. But one thing for sure, I am not sad for not being in my world. I don’t know whether it’s good or bad, but I like being here. It feels more like home to me after being orphan at the age of 11.

“Now my cool sister, make it like, a wind had blown up in the room with your magic” said Kol with a shit eating grin making me give him a stink eye for demanding more from a beginner but I can’t help the excitement which is bubbling inside me.


Okay, let’s get over with it…

Think of air, the mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and some other unimportant gases, how it is invisible, how…

Wait a minute, why the hell am I thinking about air chemistry? I should be thinking about air philosophy.

I am so stupid.

Okay, let’s start again…

Jas, think how you felt while running through the woods today.

Feeling the gentle touch of wind on my face

Hearing the howl from the wind

Moving my hair in all direction when the wind blows through my hair

The sense of freedom it brings

I felt tingling throughout my body, especially my hands which are now glowing white. I let the magic flow around me and the next thing I know the wind picked up, caressing my face and blowing my hair.

Besides all this, Klaus’s room was upside down; drawing papers were flying everywhere, things scattered on the floor. In the middle of all this, Kol was full-blown laughing and soon I joined him too.

It worked.

But before we could enjoy our victory, movements are heard outside the door. It seems hybrids are alerted and I am the only one who realized it seeing Kol is still laughing.

I grabbed his hand and moved to the other side of room where window is located and without giving any explanation to laughing maniac, I jumped out of the window taking him with me which stopped his laughing to realize the dangerous confrontation we were about to face if we were caught.

Not missing a second, we ran towards the wood with hybrids following us behind. After some time, we were able to lose them behind. Bursting through the trees, we found ourselves in an open glade panting.

Looking at each other we burst out laughing for the third time today while also trying to control our breathing and to make sure we are not loud.


“First his shampoo” Kol began in serious tone while trying his best not to laugh.

Joining in his fun, I replied “Then his room” imitating his tone, trying to keep my voice amusement free.

“He is going to be so pissed” me and Kol said at the same time before resuming our laughing.

After calming down, we went to the town square and found ourselves sitting on one of the benches talking about anything and everything completely unaware of the havoc which is going on in the Mikaelson mansion. After an hour of talking, we decided to call it a day and go home otherwise it would be obvious that we are the suspect.

Upon reaching home, we quietly sneaked into our room saying a quick bye not wanting to confront anyone especially an angry Klaus.

While getting ready for my bed, I remembered about the collected spell books which Kol mentioned.

Spell books!

But where would it be. If it in custody of Klaus who is the only brother I can think of since ‘I’ used to spend more time with him, then I can ask its location but if it is stored by ‘me’ then there is no hope. Again how do I find whether it is entrusted to Klaus or not?

Maybe tomorrow I can mention about my magic and while talking, I will bring up how I would need to practice spells and all. If he kept it, he will let me know its location. And if not… well I have to somehow figure it out.

What I didn’t realize is how easily I was planning for tomorrow.

When I laid down on my new bed, my mind drifted to today’s event. At the end of the day, I am still unable to answer the question of where I am. Again, who was this dream lady whom Kol mentioned? And, how did I get this sudden magic which even Anastasia didn’t have access to it till today?

Is that dream lady the reason of my existence here, in this unknown world?

Either it is an alternate dimension or some fanfiction. But whatever it is, one thing I am sure, it is not same as the TV show which I have watched in my world. Because one, there was no Anastasia Mikaelson and two, Mikaelson and Scooby Gang faceoff didn’t take place before Mikaelson ball.

I just hope it’s an alternate dimension not some ‘Anti-Mikaelson’ or ‘Villain-Mikaelson’ fanfiction. Otherwise, it will be difficult for my survival.

Besides, Mikaelson is my ‘fictional’ family now and they are the only close one I have in this unknown world. The love and care I received from them in this one day made me realized how much I crave for all those affections, how much I miss all those things after my parents death.

Without realizing, some tears slipped from my eyes thinking about all the happy moments I spent with my parents before the accident. Wiping my tears, I released a sigh and started diverting my mind like I always do when I start having sad moments.

My first thought goes to the prank which I and Kol setup for Nikky, my dear ‘fictional’ brother. Thinking about the reactions which Nikky, the green hair hybrid king, will receive, a Cheshire-cat grin forms on my face. Finally, I closed my eyes and embraced the darkness thinking I will reach to my cold-empty life and these all, was just a dream, a beautiful dream.

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