《Unexpected Voyage》•CHAPTER 3•


Wow. That the only word I could find to describe my new room.

After our reunion with our 'dearest' mother, Nikky took me to my new room. He said that it is made according to my taste. At first I was afraid. If Anastasia aka my taste is girl-ish then thinking of finding myself in pink-ish room sends shiver down my spine.

But ladies and gentleman, after opening my new room door, my all worries were washed away. This room is perfect. Actually it's flawless. It is mainly black with indigo and white accents throughout with floor to ceiling windows on the opposite side of bed which provide perfect view of garden and woods in our property. Above my headboard, there hangs a photo of me. In this photo, I have blonde hair just like I, Jasmine Hawthorne, used to have. That means, Anastasia has dyed her hair. On the left side of bed, there are several photos of me with my sibling hung on the wall. Each frame represents a memory, a happy memory. Even seeing those pictures brought a smile on my face with a warm feeling in my heart. The feelings which I haven't felt in a long time after losing my family.

"How's it? Do you like it?" asked Klaus.

"Like?" I paused dramatically. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Klaus's nervous expression. It's funny to see such expression in the face of the big bad wolf. Composing myself, I asked again with a straight face "Like?" gesturing to my room.

Seeing him opening and closing his mouth like a gaping fish, a giggle escaped my lips followed by a hearty laugh. Bopping his nose, I stated "I love it Nikky. It's more than perfect." I wrapped my arms around his waist and embraced him tightly burying my head in his chest catching him off-guard before whispering lowly in his chest "You are best Nikky. Thank you." I am sure he heard it because he embraced me back with equal force.

"You sneaky bunny, I really started feeling guilty for not making your room upto your expectations."

"It's far above my expectations." Before adding playfully "You made yourself useful Nikky. Who knew you have it in you?"

He smirked. Pulling me in a headlock and ruffling my already messed up hair he said "Anything for you love."

Oh my! It's gonna take ages to run a comb through it.

"Let go Santa Klaus." I chock out.

"Fine midget!" saying this he pushed me in the bed and ran away.

Midget? Bloody Midget? I am not that short. I am 5 foot 7 and he is near 6. Not that bloody short.


"Wait you awful Santa Klaus. This midget will catch you and teach you a good lesson" I huffed in annoyance and raced after him.

I head for the stairs seeing him already in the middle of it running in human speed when something or rather someone blocked my way and I stumbled into them. Seeing Elijah, I replied "I am on a mission" to his unasked question hurriedly and reached for the stairs and decided not to waste my energy and slide down the banister instead and catching him the instant he reached the last steps before he could rush upstairs.

"Thanks Santa Klausy for the beautiful stairs and its efficient banister" I said sarcastically.

"Santa Klausy?" asked Klaus with grimace marking his face.

"Santa Klausy, I know you love it. That's your new nickname. Nikky is too old."

He had a horrified expression while shaking his head no.

"No? But you gave me a nickname na? Like 2 minutes ago. How can I not return the favor Santa Klausyyyyy?"

"Sister, my dear sister, my stellina, forget that. For me you are stellina and for you I am Nikky. What midget? Santa Klausy? Those are so outdated." he said with a huge grin.

I raised my eyebrow giving him a 'really?' look.

But before I could give him a sarcastic reply, I got an idea. And with the implementation of this idea, I will be done teaching him a lesson which he will remember for years. Ah I am becoming mischievous. With that thought, I just waggle my eyebrows and gave him my trademark smirk causing him to visibly gulp. After that I just turned around and went upstairs humming a happy tune but for Klaus, it was a misery tune not before hearing Kol's remark "Oh Brother! You are gone case." Apparently our whole family was present in our bickering session. It seems it's not new thing.

Anastasia is rubbing on me.

Or should I say Jasmine is coming out of her shell.

Anyways I better get changed from my 'coffin' dress. After reaching my room, I opened 'my' walk-in-closet. Impressive. This girl has taste. Simple and beautiful. I decided to plug my phone in charger while I take my much needed shower.

After a relaxing shower, I picked some jeans along with a black T-shirt, tucking into my jeans. To complete my outlook, I chose a white blazer to go with my white heels leaving my hair on its own after combing it. As for accessories, I put a chain with a small pendent and watch. Done.

Taking my phone, I switched it on. Lock screen has picture of me with my brother Nikky. Not surprised Sherlock. Both of us are having a carefree smile on our face which is so contagious that it brought a smile on my face. Now the surprise element is the date. 21st October, 2010. Not 2020. Strange fact. I was in dilemma of what to do when Finn yelled to come downstairs. Thinking about me to tata.


When I went downstairs, everybody is present except Elijah and Rebekah. And it seems everybody has changed out of their 'coffin' clothes. But the surprising sight is the fight between Kol and Klaus. Why are they fighting now?

So I looked at Finn, who called me, to ask why they are fighting. And in reply I get a shrug. Simply a shrug and that from Finn Mikaelson, the Suicidal Mikaelson. Everything is strange in this version of Vampire diaries.

"Then why did you call me?" I asked him confusedly.

"Simple. I don't want to enjoy this children fighting alone" said Finn ignoring the remarks coming from background for referring them as children. "And this enjoyment I want to share with my sister. After all, Sharing is Caring." Said Finn in 'duh' tone with an innocent smile which I am sure is not innocent.

I gave him 'seriously' look. In reply, he just ruffled my hair which I just swat away though unsuccessful to save my hair. What's with this brother and ruffling my hair? Huh.

Before I could ask 'the children' of what's happening, I am interrupted with a loud 'Enough' with none other than Elijah. "First day of together and you guys are fighting like children." Hearing them being compared to children again, me and Finn burst out of laughing. One shut up look from Elijah stops us from laughing out loud but we can't help but keep on snickering.

"After so many years, we are together. It's a Mikaelson moment, family moment. We can't waste it by fighting, throwing insults" Elijah continued. Damn! It's a serious moment.

"And you two" pointing at me and Finn "what are you both doing? One is eldest and another is youngest. Can't you both stop them instead of 'enjoying the moment'?"

"As if they will hear me, a 900 years coffin locked 'eldest' brother?" asked Finn sarcastically.

"I was about to ask them why they are fighting. I am sorry" I said looking down. I hate anybody feeling disappointment on me.

Before he could say anything, Finn said pulling me in a side protective hug "Elijah, I called her downstairs. It's not her fault. So leave her out of it. Bye we are leaving."

Before they could question us, we left. After some distance from home, I decided to have a talk with him after hearing his sarcastic comment to Elijah which was actually hurtful to him.

"Finn, I know you are sad. You might hide it but nobody can change the fact that, 900 years of your life, you were stuck in a stupid coffin. Nikky might have dagger you but no one of us had the guts to undagger you. So we are all guilty. But we are a family. Family always sticks together. Remember 'Always and Forever'."

"I am not there in this 'Always and Forever'. It's Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah's thing" said Finn bitterly but you can hear a sad undertone in it.

"But you guys are always there in my 'Always and Forever'. And I am sure if any of us is in danger, he/she will find all his siblings beside him/her. This is my trust on my family. And I know one day, you will realize that I was right. But I don't want you to fall in any danger to realize it." Remembering Finn's last death where all his siblings were beside him. I don't want him to find all of them on his death bed. I want him to feel the sibling love. In one sense, it seems like he is afraid to feel it. Maybe the trauma of Freya's leaving. After all he was the only one who remembers her.

Due to him meeting me after 900 years, I am able to talk freely to him after all who would remember a person's personality after such a long time. And if there is a problem, he will not think so much.

"Where are we going?" Finn asked changing the subject and I followed his lead. Don't want him to feel awkward on the first day of meeting.

"Don't know. But we can go to a place known as Mystic Grill or something. But I don't know the direction. Wait let me ask the passerby" I replied. Seeing him about to stop me, I added with a laugh "And don't worry. I won't use compulsion. It's not needed."

Getting the specified direction, we finally reached Mystic Grill after roaming here and there and having 'Finn and Ana' time which were filled with lot of selfies, Finn's hair cut thanks to the money in my wallet, teaching one, who was daggered in 1114, on how to use phone in 2010. Not a troubling job at all. But it was fun which I can't deny.

From the entrance of Mystic Grill, it is seen there are lots of people inside which is a bit strange at this hour. Maybe it's normal in this town after all supernatural is a normal occurrence here. After entering grill I realized why it seemed crowded from outside. Here I present The Mikaelson and the Scooby Gang. Oh joy.

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