《My life as Harry Potter》Chapter 29
First task.
Today is the day of the first task. I have been preparing myself pretty well. I am going for showy but simple. Fudge hadn't budged on giving me the god damn order of Merlin and the people were started to get outraged. I mean imagine if a man cured HIV, a disease that doesn't affect many people but still is very bad, and the government refused to give him an award. The fact that the extremely controversial topics sold a lot of papers helped the situation escalate.
I had given fleur a heads up to the task as she may or may not know and I don't want her to get hurt. She had been way more sexually oriented and that rubbed off on the girls, so yeah... anyway the dragons were the same as the movies, common welsh, fire ball and Hungarian horn tail but there was no short snout That Cedric fought in canon.
Anyway I was going to pick out my dragon after fleur and before krum. Ludo Bagman was holding the bag with the miniature dragons, fleur got a common welsh, I got a Hungarian horn tail and the fireball went to krum. That was the same as canon huh what are the odds. 100% why? Cause I made it so I would get the horntail. The fact that those two got the same as canon was a complete coincidence.
Unlike canon though The order was changed with fleur first, me second and krum third. fleur went first and from the cheers I heard she must have done pretty well. Now it was my time to shine. I saw the fake eggs that had been placed and back to the dragon.
The arena was bigger and less rocky than the other one but that worked perfectly fine for me. As soon as I stepped in a certain radius, the dragon breathed? Brothe? Fire at me. Instead of moving out, I just walked through it unscathed. I snapped my fingers and all the fire went out. The massive dragon roared and then charged at me, the chains snapped after only a few seconds of holding out.
I narrowed my eyes and jumped straight over the dragon and got the egg. When the dragon saw the egg it's rage intensified. I threw the egg in the air and dodged it's claws, when it tried once again to burn me. I used this opportunity to move away and then used its own fire against it by changing the direction of the fire.
It was known that only Merlin and by proxy the strongest wizards can freely control elements. By showing my mastery of fire nobody will suspect my lightning affinity and it will give me more political clout and influence. Along with my multi core wand, I will be seen as the true next Merlin or something.
Kakaroff has begrudgingly given me a 10, he looked like he was in physical pain. Dumbeldore happily gave me a 10. Ms maxims gave me a begrudging 10 and ludo bagman looked happy that I showed off cause the fleur fight was anticlimactic 10. Full marks yay! Hermione would be proud, I mean she was fuming cause I was bunking classes but other than that she would have been proud. Ron was there, he had practically burst in anger.
He didn't see the hours I spent working my blood sweat and tears but when he sees my success and assumes that I haven't worked hard. This is why I never liked Ron. He was an complete jealous ass who didn't change. For the Ron fanboys saying he changed. Well he left the horcrux hunting in the last book. He was so jealous of them that just the residue of the horcrux was enough to make him leave.
Sigh at least hermione was extremely useful and resourceful throughout the years and she remained loyal to the group. The fact that she was the only one of the golden trio to finish her schooling says a lot. But she was pretty bossy in the first few years. I heard Ginny say that hermione was a friend of hers because she was a good friend.
Anyway, it turns out krum got his foot and thigh covered by 3rd degree burns and lost a few points. The amount of resistance kakaroff provided before succumbing to the vow was so ... awkward to watch. He got 4 from kakaroff, 5 from dumb as a door, 3 from Maxine and 5 from ludo.
I asked Neville for fleurs score it turns out she got 7 from kakaroff, 8 from fumbledoor, 7 from Maxine and 8 from ludo. Of course such good behavior had to be rewarded by a private night. Also apoline wasn't here for the first task due to political responsibilities from France but she would be there for the 2nd and 3rd tasks. Yay.
Gabrielle would also be coming with apoline. Max would be staying behind and managing the ministry, I still haven't punished apoline for trying to bewitch me with her allure, speaking of that Sirius has been very quite for the entire year. This is due to the fact that peter escaped. Fudge of course tried to cover it up but I decided to make that blow up in his face, and released the news to the daily prophet. Rita used her quill in the most vile manner to show the illegal suppression of news And complete corruption
Then the news of a toad trying and succeeding to eat a fudge made the news and the fact that he wasn't removed was more of a miracle then Harry beating voldyshorts. One thing is sure, he won't be the minister of magic in his next term. I will probably support Amelia or Rufus. I have known them for years and I know that it was Rufus who whipped the ministry back into shape with hermiones support.
Sirius got over the death of James and Sirius but to this day, he hasn't gotten over how pettigrew betrayed him and James. I knew that if I found pettigrew, I would probably torture him along with Sirius before throwing him into jail. The most likely possibility is that he is in that graveyard with the semi spirit 17 year old Tom and the 70 year old baby voldy. None of the death eaters have moved or even been alerted to his presence.
"You shouldn't show off so much mate, you saw Ron? He looked ready to burst" yeah that's Neville, he has grown up so well. No i didn't stop the bullies myself. I just taught Neville how to beat them. He has lost some weight and is more proficient in magic with his own magic. "Well, how else am I supposed to get full marks?"" Prat, anyway professor mcgonagall has called you to her office."
"Aww man, I was gonna celebrate with the girls"" well celebrate later, mcgonagall is gonna blow up if you don't come with 10 minutes."" I'll be there." Sheesh man why you gotta suck all the joy out of school. Sigh I sent a message to the girls that I will be late due to mcgonagall. I could literally feel the waves of disappointment." Where?"" Her office"" thanks".
Is this for the ball? I mean she never called og Harry for the ball, maybe because I have 5(6 but she doesn't know that) girlfriends.? Well I gotta bite the bullet. Did I do anything else worthy of mcgonagall but not dumbeldore. I mean fudge would have jumped if he found any illegal dirt on me, so that's out. Is it about ravens nest? I mean we didn't do anything wrong. We just didn't invite the slytherins.
"Mr Potter"" professor mcgonagall, how may I be of some help?"" Mr Potter, I shall be direct, I have heard that you are discriminating against the slytherin students. I hadn't expec-"" if I may be so impolite, your source is lying. I could easily debunk any of these so called facts."" Sigh. The accusations are based on the fact that there are not any slytherin, except your girlfriends, students in your study group. The fact that you do not sit on the slytherin table when you rotate tables and the fact that you never speak to the slytherins on your own voilation."
"First not a single slytherin has ever asked me to include them. They simply saw my group and believed that I don't accept slytherins, also I do not tolerate any sort of discrimination based of gender, blood purity or house. Second, it was made abundantly clear that I am not welcome at the slytherin table during the first year itself. The third is that they do not have good topics to talk about. Any time I talk to them, they go on about politics and other boring stuff"
"Is that enough or do you have any other false accusations?" None. I shall report to the headmaster about this"" thank you professor, I shall take my leave, I have a private party to celebrate. See ya". The rest of the night was spent in the pleasures of carnal variety. After news got out, Theodore nott asked to be included, as long as he could keep his discriminatory views to himself he was ok"
Only a few of the non-discriminatory slytherins joined. I mean (Pansy)one blood purist was kicked out for calling terry a ' blood traitor' and finally finally
After nearly one year of struggle I am at the crystal stage!!!, yepsssssssssss! Finally! Voldemort here I come, wrecker of your shit. The girls weren't able to sleep for the entire night and were missing from all their classes for the next day, I gave rita a story on Ron's temper so she could have a field day. Moony who had been cured was given a car and Sirius received a way too remove his mother's paining. I had a party with the people I considered family
. Looking back at it I could have easily suppressed my emotions but what's the point of being the all mighty being if you can't be happy. I finally broke through after a year of training. The girls didn't even have time to process that before I celebrated with them. Anyway I realized that I had 1 ability and one side effect
The ability was extreme elemental manipulation. My magically enhanced fire had turned blue, and my lightning had turned black. Though I can easily change their color without affecting their temperature/amps. The elements also flew within my body easier. This made Godspeed almost lightning fast.
It was like before there was a blockade to prevent my own elements from flowing through my body. Imagine a cultivator losing all of his impurities. Yeah that much better, also my resistance to my affinities was significantly increased. Before my own elements didn't affect me too much, but now I am immune to my own fire or lightning, and any other fires or lightning rarely affect me. My magic also flows freely through my magic making it more effective. If before I could to 1 spell now I could do 2 for half the price.
I could now Phoenix flame my self anywhere I have been or know about. Phoenix are masters of the flame just as this abilities comes instinctively to them, it comes to me just the same. Anyone with enough power and technique could do it, it is just that phoenixs have it the easiest.
My body also became much much stronger as a result, it is like kaikokenX20. It feels so much better. I could practically fight a troll. I also realized that my theory was partially wrong. There are no stages in the crystal stage. There is only an unending ocean of power waiting to be gained.
The side effect of my magic flowing through my body so much is that my eyes shine whenever I use any magic. Like a certain twinkling eyed old man or a certain glowing red eyed maniac. So yeah, thank god I can suppress it but if I ever use magic then my eyes will immediately start shining a startling electric green.
My intimidation is also many a times stronger, cause I can make all my magic flow out in a few seconds and my eyes also light up and of course the drastic increase in the density of my magic.
Now time for a major dilemma. Who to take to the Yule ball? Daph and trace don't wanna come. Ginny is too 'young'. I mean all of us are practically 15-16 looking but I digress. Now hannah is too shy to come to the ball and Susan was called by her aunt for a celebration at home. Now I can't not go. I have to go. Now I will not be going as a bachelor. I know that the girls actually wanted to come but wanted me to take fleur to the dance.
The only option is too take fleur with me. I mean I can't go with anyone else and I have to take a date. So fleur it is. Now a romantic way to propose to her. What the girls also need romance they may be mature but she is only 16. Fleur is a pretty good girl and wants to make our relationship public but I stopped her. Yeah this will be a perfect time to ask her as romantically as I can.
It can't be sexual cause she has had many a confessions that were sexually based. The easiest way to get her to agree would be extremely romantic. During her occulmency training she had a few romantic fantasies of me confessing to her on a bed of roses under the night sky. This can easily be created. But I am not very good at saying the cringy lines so I will just use occulmency to squash all thoughts considered cringy.
Imagine creating the most powerful way too remember and protect your mind, your masterpiece being used to suppress the cringe of a romantic confessing. But it can't be purely romantic as she is a nymphomaniac as well. Meh whatever. The ball hasn't even been announced.
Ah where was I? The second task and subsequent third task. The second task shall be a cakewalk I just need to help Gabrielle and kee-" master potter mrs bonesy and mr Siry be calling you To the manor "" thank you tinky, tell them I will be there in about, 15 minutes." I was currently in the ror so I wished for a window to open towards hogsmeade.
I simply turned into my animagus form and flew out at 120 km/h. It took no time to reach the wardline after which I apparated away. Ahh the potter manor, I remember finishing all the books here in my second year. It took me the last week of summer to finish the black library and it's intensive dark arts. I haven't read any of the 'lord' Books. Basically books only lords can read out of respect to Sirius. He had learned even more of the dark arts after peter escaped.
Anyway, I found Sirius and Amelia sitting in the living room with tea, they were practically eye fucking each other." Cough cough, I wanna be The Godfather of your child Sirius cough cough" they snapped towards me and blushed a bit. Well Amelia did Sirius was completely shameless.
"Anyway other than the naming of my godson! Why did you call me? Did the 3rd rate Rotten chocolate realize my importance and is giving me my award?"" Well no. But he is...-"" stop being dramatic Sirius, Harry he means that fudge is going to hold a huge party with all the influential families to talk trash about you. He basically asked the daily prophet to come to the ball and report it. He doesn't know we own it."
"Wait a sec, so he wants to embarrass me by talking trash about me and using the social limitations on people to make them agree superficially so that the reporters can blow it out of proportion and get rid of my public support? That is not a bad idea. It must be the toad right?" "Yeah the undersecretary is the major player here"
Hmm I could just hold my own ball but that's so boring and where's the fun in that." When is it?" "The day before the second task"" not bad not bad. But you my fudge are playing the game with the wrong person. No matter how much you try, the second you annoyed me, you were a dead man walking." Amelia and Sirius were completely used to my maniacal side so they remained unshaded
"Amelia, do you know when a person ends?"" When they die or have their souls sucked out?"" No. A person doesn't end when they die no they end when they lose faith. You know when people lose faith."" When?" When you feel desperately that you are right but fail nonetheless, and to see your own failures in front of you. Burdening you soul and destroying your spirit and killing the body."
I flamed away to the ror. My eyes glowing an electric green with the slightest bit of red in them. I never said I was the good guy, did I?
- In Serial136 Chapters
Silver Amelia
Amelia used to be a positive, brimming girl loved by those around her. Once tragedy had befallen, her view of the world has changed. Her sight was no longer filled with blooming flowers. Her eyes bore those of an actor. Her body knew what true pain was. Lastly, her heart was filled with the resolve to continue her Grandfather's legacy. The dream of a world that accepted diversity. However, in a series of events, Amelia was jolted with another realization. The ancestors of her family, Laurel's Royalty, descended from a being far from what humans could call a relative. Now, her ancestral blood forcefully awakened by a grand scheme, Amelia found herself unsure of her own identity and purpose. Would she live as a human and only lay the foundations for diversity? Would she accept her newfound identity and become immortal? Even so, no matter what option she chose, she needed to prepare on how to accommodate the Heroes summoned from another kingdom. _____________________________________ Author's Notes: This novel is a participant of WriTE This novel will be re-written after I finished it and gained more experience in writing. Anyway, feel free to join Amelia's journey. My first work. Light gore only. Added traumatizing content just in case. Comedy is less prioritized when the story moves. Tags will be added as the story goes. Feedbacks are appreciated. Release schedule: 1-3 chapters per week (Updates on Weekends) Unknown Chapters: Stalled (Read at your own risk, but the continuation will be posted at a later time) Feel free to join this discord: https://discord.gg/duFTzZr *Cover is mine.
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fic မဟုတ်ပါဘူးနော်..ကိုယ် ကိုတိုင်တိုင်ဖန်တီးထားတဲ့ကဗျာစာစုလေးတွေနဲ့တခြားသူတွေရဲ့ မြတ်နိုးမိတဲ့ကဗျာစာစုလေးတွေတင်သွားမှာပါ။(''#DAISY☘'' လို့ပဲပါရင်ကိုယ်ကိုတိုင်ဖန်တီးထားတာလေးတွေမို့ပါ တခြားသူတွေဟာဆိုရင်တော့ crd ပေးပါမယ်နော်။)
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*morsmordre* - [hermionexdraco]
- 𝗧𝘄𝗼 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀. 𝗩𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝘀. 𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗼 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗳𝗼𝘆, 𝗮𝘀 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗘𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗺𝘆, 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹, 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗺𝘆. -- 4 in dracoandhermione -- 78 in deathlyhallows - - 683 in dramione - - i don't own any of the characters -
8 97