《BROOKLYN BABY . . . Bucky Barnes》xii. coast of potomac


the plains of maryland looked bright, sun shining down, bursting from all the trees. the coast of the potomac in view, you took in a deep breath, indulging the new air you were breathing. as the air flowed past your frame, making the hairs on your body stick up.

you clutched onto the back of bucky, hugging onto his muscles. clutching to them with your life, you haven't been on a motorcycle, and it was scary than you thought. you can see how pro he was at this, knowing all the secret routes and fast passway. keeping y'all in isolated areas to appreciate the ride you guys were having.

bucky kept his eyes on the road, but he felt butterflies in his stomach. you were driving him insane ever since y'all me he had it in for you. he wanted to be spontaneous with you. he yearned to match your energy.

but he didn't know to express that to you. he felt like he's been bad at his emotions ever since evie died. but now he felt like he was regaining something that he missed oh so dearly.

and to you, well, you didn't know how you felt with bucky. but you knew the sparks that were present within, so hard to even imagine. he made your stomach churred in a virtuous way. you just wanted to spew everything out to him, your secrets, your past, your faults.

he was like a good cola on a summer's eve, snorting coke back to back, drowning yourself in pure ecstasy and innocent touch. a new beginning, an experience, just for you to pamper in. you didn't know how it was going to end, but you liked where it was going.

bucky swerved into a gas station right on the hill right off the coast of the potomac, sitting on the sands of gold and the blue sky infiltrating it. bucky parked himself, tapping your hand. you bit your lip, letting go of bucky waist, taking your helmet off. you placed it in his hands as he took his off.

you kept quiet, not knowing what to say. this was your first time actually conserving with bucky, without it involving sex or drugs. you went to the pockets of your blue jeans, feeling your baggies stored in the depths.

you knew it was risky, knowing the police could pull you two over, but you couldn't help. some things you can't live without and that white powder was one of those.


bucky watched you stare immensely into the blue skies, shaking the gas pump right into his harley. he never truly embellish on your similarities to evie. your free spirits, your open mind, you're desire to take on impulsive ventures. you both had the brightest smiles, the demeanor of an angel. you knew what you wanted and how to get it. you chose him over chase, and he knew he had to make that worth it.

you perked up, your mind springing an idea into action. you ran over to bucky, "buck! we have to take a picture! you don't know when we'll exit brooklyn again, and i'd like to cherish this moment."

bucky furrowed his eyebrows, "really, doll? you know, you're like those little kids i see pass by on their phones, always talking about selfies."

you lightly hit his chest, "boo, you old man, you're like in your early twenties, don't be such a grandpa."

"late twenties."

your eyes widened, stepping back. bucky face deceived you, you knew bucky was much more mature than you and was much more mature than people around here, and he made that very clear. in his presence, the way he talks, the way he pleasures, you thought just had more experience especially with a face like his. a face was craved by the angels, you thought of him to be younger, but you didn't mind. you two were both grown adults allowed to date whoever you want.

"well, i'd still want that picture, barnes."

bucky chuckled, shaking his head, "sure y/n, anything for you." you clapped, revealing a smirk plastered on your face, walking away to find a perfect place to capture the both of you. bucky shook his head again, jiggling that last of the black tar into his bike. he did his part cleaning up his station and paying the gas station for fueling his harley. he walked over to you, sitting on a couple of stone rocks, swinging your feet, your face looking somber than a couple minutes ago.

bucky rushed up to your side, "what's wrong, doll? are you okay? do you need anything? i can-"

"buck, i'm fine. i just forgot my stupid phone, back in my motel. which was stupid of me!" you quickly got up from the rocks, "my mind has been freezing lately, and i don't even know why. ugh! i'm sorry, barnes. i just wanted to take a picture of us on your first trip together as a pair."


bucky got up, shuffling his hands into his back pocket, pulling out a state of a phone. he smirked, tilting his head. you sucked in your teeth, pushing his chest, "asshole!"

"that's what i am," bucky placed the phone of the rock, letting in balanced all the bundle of bushed behind it. he set the timer to 10 seconds, "you ready, love?" he was looking over at you, brushing off the sand from your body, giving him a thumbs up. he pressed the bottom, running up to you. with 8 seconds left, you gave your biggest smile, throwing up a peace sign. you and bucky were squished together, while bucky tried to smile but ultimately failed at it.

you ran up to his phone, picking it up and looking at the recent photo. your smile pierced through bucky's eyes, walking over to you. the picture was you both side to side, you looking like the happiest person in the world, while bucky looked like he didn't want to be here.

but in reality, bucky loved that he was here, here with you.

"i tried to smile, but i'm not the best at, you know, expression."

you chuckled, "that's why i'm here, now let's get going we have three hours of driving ahead of us," you gave him his phone back, heading back to his bike, bucky looked at his home screen, seeing that you set it to the picture of the, he gave a small smile, putting t back in his pocket, "yup, we wouldn't want to be late, would we now?"

—— ❦ ——

the sun was lining into the noon, and it made you glad that you both decided to leave early in the morning. bucky and you were now in virginia, riding into the grasslands and plains. you look over yonder to your surrounding, the place was beautiful, you saw some small farms, with many animals roaming around the grass.

cows, horses, chickens, pigs, and many more. you even saw a farmers market, with apples, peaches, and fresh fruits galore.

your stomach lit up with glee, feeling like your dream that you thought wouldn't happen in years is actually happening.

and before you could even say anything, bucky pulled up to a gorgeous white house. your eyes widened, gasping, almost falling off from the bike. the place has a picket fence, a balcony with a swing, and acres of grasses so far from your eyes can see. your eyes watered a little, thinking this was too good to be true.

bucky slowed parked, stabilizing his harley. you took off his helmet, dropping it on the ground. tears were already flowing down your face, the hot clear sultry dripping down from your glands. you were becoming a mess. bucky's eyes widened, running right to you, "doll are you okay? this better not be about the camera again."

"no— i— no, it's just. this house. this place," you turned to face bucky, "i dreamed of this. getting out of brooklyn, and living at a place like this! and now."

you stayed silent, looking back at the house, "am i really worth all of that?"

bucky took in a deep breath. he grabbed you, holding with you with dear life, "you are, doll, you already mean so much to me. and i really want to know more about you. without the sex and stuff."

you chuckled, sniffing in your last cries, "god, bucky, you're so corny sometimes, you know that?"

"i mean, as you said, i'm a grandpa," he held your chin, wiping your tears. he pulled you into a kiss, a sweet kiss. filled with sparks and love. you felt it hit your heart, taking your breath away. you kissed him back, giving him the same feeling. you didn't know what bucky saw in you. maybe your personality, your body, you didn't know nor didn't care.

you both let go of each other and gave each other a smile. he clasped onto your hand, leading you into the white home. you kept your head down, your mind exploding in many things, good and bad. was this really true? were you actually in your dream? you felt like this was too good to be true, a pure coincidence to this actually happening.

you slowly put your hand inside your pocket, feeling the bags of cocaine.

you sighed. this was going to be a long week ahead of you.

first sorry for the slow updates, schools really kicking my ass same w my mental health but ill try to keep posting a chapter at least once (or twice if im in a good writing moof) a week

second if this seems "sloppy" its the cause of me rereading and editing this after i took an allergy medicine (for some reason it makes me drowsy)

and THANK YOU FOR 30K+ READS??? like y'all really give me to motivation to keep writing after this book got deleted.


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