
these are annoying but i wanted to get through this

ok ok i see a lot of people are

confused on the timeline of this (im confused too cause this is a very undeveloped book plot wise and i didn't have a lot of thought process, whichs mean after i finished i will be revamping and editing it up a lil)

let me clear the misconceptions up.

this is an au (aka an alternate universe)

where the marvel bunch arnt superheros. just common folk

bucky is not the winter solider. he was in the army and had a arm accident (which results him leaving the army, but he doesn't get a metal arm they just fix it)

i don't really wanna specify the time cause it really could be any time period (expect like the 50 and stuff)

i would say the time period is around the 90s and early 2000s

you are around 20-25 and bucky is around 25-27

its really just up to your imagination.

bucky went to the army when he was 19 and has been dating evie since he was 15. and he stayed in the army for 2-3.

you have been dating chase since you were 18 and moved to brooklyn when you were 20.

then the rest is really up to you.

i hope this makes it less confusing and when i do edit it ill make this more clearer

(new chapter coming this week, this chapter will be deleted when i update)

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